Global amphibian declines are largely driven by deadly disease outbreaks caused by the chytrid fungus, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). In the time since these disease outbreaks were first discovered, much has been learned about the roles of amphibian skin-produced antimicrobial components and skin microbiomes in controlling Bd. Yet almost nothing is known about the roles of skin-resident immune cells in anti-Bd defenses. Notably, mammalian mast cells reside within and serve as key immune sentinels in barrier tissues like the skin. Thus, they are critical to immune recognition of pathogens and to orchestrating the ensuing immune responses. Accordingly, we investigated the roles of Xenopus laevis frog mast cells during Bd infections. Our findings indicate that enrichment of X. laevis skin mast cells confers significant anti-Bd protection and ameliorates the inflammation-associated skin damage caused by Bd infection. Moreover, enriching X. laevis mast cells promotes greater mucin content within cutaneous mucus glands and protects frogs from Bd-mediated changes to their skin microbiomes. Together, this work underlines the importance of amphibian skin-resident immune cells in anti-Bd defenses and introduces a novel approach for investigating amphibian host-chytrid pathogen interactions.
This content will become publicly available on July 31, 2025
Global amphibian declines are compounded by deadly disease outbreaks caused by the chytrid fungus,
- Award ID(s):
- 2131061
- 10560983
- Publisher / Repository:
- eLife
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- eLife
- Volume:
- 12
- 2050-084X
- Subject(s) / Keyword(s):
- mast cells , Xenopus laevis, chytrid fungus
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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Abstract To combat the threat of emerging infectious diseases in wildlife, ecoimmunologists seek to understand the complex interactions among pathogens, their hosts, and their shared environments. The cutaneous fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), has led to the decline of innumerable amphibian species, including the Panamanian golden frog (Atelopus zeteki). Given that Bd can evade or dampen the acquired immune responses of some amphibians, nonspecific immune defenses are thought to be especially important for amphibian defenses against Bd. In particular, skin secretions constitute a vital component of amphibian innate immunity against skin infections, but their role in protecting A. zeteki from Bd is unknown. We investigated the importance of this innate immune component by reducing the skin secretions from A. zeteki and evaluating their effectiveness against Bd in vitro and in vivo. Following exposure to Bd in a controlled inoculation experiment, we compared key disease characteristics (e.g., changes in body condition, prevalence, pathogen loads, and survival) among groups of frogs that had their skin secretions reduced and control frogs that maintained their skin secretions. Surprisingly, we found that the skin secretions collected from A. zeteki increased Bd growth in vitro. This finding was further supported by infection and survival patterns in the in vivo experiment where frogs with reduced skin secretions tended to have lower pathogen loads and survive longer compared to frogs that maintained their secretions. These results suggest that the skin secretions of A. zeteki are not only ineffective at inhibiting Bd but may enhance Bd growth, possibly leading to greater severity of disease and higher mortality in this highly vulnerable species. These results differ from those of previous studies in other amphibian host species that suggest that skin secretions are a key defense in protecting amphibians from developing severe chytridiomycosis. Therefore, we suggest that the importance of immune components cannot be generalized across all amphibian species or over time. Moreover, the finding that skin secretions may be enhancing Bd growth emphasizes the importance of investigating these immune components in detail, especially for species that are a conservation priority.
Symbiotic relationships between animals and microbes are important for a range of functions, from digestion to protection from pathogens. However, the impact of temperature variation on these animal-microbe interactions remains poorly understood. Amphibians have experienced population declines and even extinctions on a global scale due to chytridiomycosis, a disease caused by chytrid fungi in the genus
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