Abstract We present a new elementary algorithm that takes $$ \textrm{time} \ \ O_\epsilon \left( x^{\frac{3}{5}} (\log x)^{\frac{8}{5}+\epsilon } \right) \ \ \textrm{and} \ \textrm{space} \ \ O\left( x^{\frac{3}{10}} (\log x)^{\frac{13}{10}} \right) $$ time O ϵ x 3 5 ( log x ) 8 5 + ϵ and space O x 3 10 ( log x ) 13 10 (measured bitwise) for computing $$M(x) = \sum _{n \le x} \mu (n),$$ M ( x ) = ∑ n ≤ x μ ( n ) , where $$\mu (n)$$ μ ( n ) is the Möbius function. This is the first improvement in the exponent of x for an elementary algorithm since 1985. We also show that it is possible to reduce space consumption to $$O(x^{1/5} (\log x)^{5/3})$$ O ( x 1 / 5 ( log x ) 5 / 3 ) by the use of (Helfgott in: Math Comput 89:333–350, 2020), at the cost of letting time rise to the order of $$x^{3/5} (\log x)^2 \log \log x$$ x 3 / 5 ( log x ) 2 log log x .
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This content will become publicly available on July 21, 2025
Multiplicative Weights Update, Area Convexity and Random Coordinate Descent for Densest Subgraph Problems
We study the densest subgraph problem and give algorithms via multiplicative weights update and area convexity that converge in $O\left(\frac{\log m}{\epsilon^{2}}\right)$ and $O\left(\frac{\log m}{\epsilon}\right)$ iterations, respectively, both with nearly-linear time per iteration. Compared with the work by Bahmani et al. (2014), our MWU algorithm uses a very different and much simpler procedure for recovering the dense subgraph from the fractional solution and does not employ a binary search. Compared with the work by Boob et al. (2019), our algorithm via area convexity improves the iteration complexity by a factor $\Delta$ — the maximum degree in the graph, and matches the fastest theoretical runtime currently known via flows (Chekuri et al., 2022) in total time. Next, we study the dense subgraph decomposition problem and give the first practical iterative algorithm with linear convergence rate $O\left(mn\log\frac{1}{\epsilon}\right)$ via accelerated random coordinate descent. This significantly improves over $O\left(\frac{m\sqrt{mn\Delta}}{\epsilon}\right)$ time of the FISTA-based algorithm by Harb et al. (2022). In the high precision regime $\epsilon\ll\frac{1}{n}$ where we can even recover the exact solution, our algorithm has a total runtime of $O\left(mn\log n\right)$, matching the state of the art exact algorithm via parametric flows (Gallo et al., 1989). Empirically, we show that this algorithm is very practical and scales to very large graphs, and its performance is competitive with widely used methods that have significantly weaker theoretical guarantees.
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- 10561879
- Publisher / Repository:
- International Conference on Machine Learning
- Date Published:
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
- National Science Foundation
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null (Ed.)We consider the classical Minimum Balanced Cut problem: given a graph $G$, compute a partition of its vertices into two subsets of roughly equal volume, while minimizing the number of edges connecting the subsets. We present the first {\em deterministic, almost-linear time} approximation algorithm for this problem. Specifically, our algorithm, given an $n$-vertex $m$-edge graph $G$ and any parameter $1\leq r\leq O(\log n)$, computes a $(\log m)^{r^2}$-approximation for Minimum Balanced Cut on $G$, in time $O\left ( m^{1+O(1/r)+o(1)}\cdot (\log m)^{O(r^2)}\right )$. In particular, we obtain a $(\log m)^{1/\epsilon}$-approximation in time $m^{1+O(1/\sqrt{\epsilon})}$ for any constant $\epsilon$, and a $(\log m)^{f(m)}$-approximation in time $m^{1+o(1)}$, for any slowly growing function $m$. We obtain deterministic algorithms with similar guarantees for the Sparsest Cut and the Lowest-Conductance Cut problems. Our algorithm for the Minimum Balanced Cut problem in fact provides a stronger guarantee: it either returns a balanced cut whose value is close to a given target value, or it certifies that such a cut does not exist by exhibiting a large subgraph of $G$ that has high conductance. We use this algorithm to obtain deterministic algorithms for dynamic connectivity and minimum spanning forest, whose worst-case update time on an $n$-vertex graph is $n^{o(1)}$, thus resolving a major open problem in the area of dynamic graph algorithms. Our work also implies deterministic algorithms for a host of additional problems, whose time complexities match, up to subpolynomial in $n$ factors, those of known randomized algorithms. The implications include almost-linear time deterministic algorithms for solving Laplacian systems and for approximating maximum flows in undirected graphs.more » « less
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We study local symmetry breaking problems in the Congest model, focusing on ruling set problems, which generalize the fundamental Maximal Independent Set (MIS) problem. The time (round) complexity of MIS (and ruling sets) have attracted much attention in the Local model. Indeed, recent results (Barenboim et al., FOCS 2012, Ghaffari SODA 2016) for the MIS problem have tried to break the long-standing O(log n)-round "barrier" achieved by Luby's algorithm, but these yield o(log n)-round complexity only when the maximum degree Delta is somewhat small relative to n. More importantly, these results apply only in the Local model. In fact, the best known time bound in the Congest model is still O(log n) (via Luby's algorithm) even for moderately small Delta (i.e., for Delta = Omega(log n) and Delta = o(n)). Furthermore, message complexity has been largely ignored in the context of local symmetry breaking. Luby's algorithm takes O(m) messages on m-edge graphs and this is the best known bound with respect to messages. Our work is motivated by the following central question: can we break the Theta(log n) time complexity barrier and the Theta(m) message complexity barrier in the Congest model for MIS or closely-related symmetry breaking problems? This paper presents progress towards this question for the distributed ruling set problem in the Congest model. A beta-ruling set is an independent set such that every node in the graph is at most beta hops from a node in the independent set. We present the following results: - Time Complexity: We show that we can break the O(log n) "barrier" for 2- and 3-ruling sets. We compute 3-ruling sets in O(log n/log log n) rounds with high probability (whp). More generally we show that 2-ruling sets can be computed in O(log Delta (log n)^(1/2 + epsilon) + log n/log log n) rounds for any epsilon > 0, which is o(log n) for a wide range of Delta values (e.g., Delta = 2^(log n)^(1/2-epsilon)). These are the first 2- and 3-ruling set algorithms to improve over the O(log n)-round complexity of Luby's algorithm in the Congest model. - Message Complexity: We show an Omega(n^2) lower bound on the message complexity of computing an MIS (i.e., 1-ruling set) which holds also for randomized algorithms and present a contrast to this by showing a randomized algorithm for 2-ruling sets that, whp, uses only O(n log^2 n) messages and runs in O(Delta log n) rounds. This is the first message-efficient algorithm known for ruling sets, which has message complexity nearly linear in n (which is optimal up to a polylogarithmic factor).more » « less