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Title: Metagenomics reveals spatial variation in cyanobacterial composition, function, and biosynthetic potential in the Winam Gulf, Lake Victoria, Kenya

The Winam Gulf in the Kenyan region of Lake Victoria experiences prolific, year-round cyanobacterial harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) which pose threats to human, livestock, and ecosystem health. To our knowledge, there is limited molecular research on the gulf’s cyanoHABs, and thus, the strategies employed for survival and proliferation by toxigenic cyanobacteria in this region remain largely unexplored. Here, we used metagenomics to analyze the Winam Gulf’s cyanobacterial composition, function, and biosynthetic potential.Dolichospermumwas the dominant bloom-forming cyanobacterium, co-occurring withMicrocystisat most sites.MicrocystisandPlanktothrixwere more abundant in shallow and turbid sites. Metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) ofDolichospermumharbored nitrogen fixation genes, suggesting diazotrophy as a potential mechanism supporting the proliferation ofDolichospermumin the nitrogen-limited gulf. Over 300 biosynthetic gene clusters (BGCs) putatively encoding the synthesis of toxins and other secondary metabolites were identified across the gulf, even at sites where there were no visible cyanoHAB events. Almost all BGCs identified had no known synthesis product, indicating a diverse and novel biosynthetic repertoire capable of synthesizing harmful or potentially therapeutic metabolites.MicrocystisMAGs containedmcygenes encoding the synthesis of hepatotoxic microcystins which are a concern for drinking water safety. These findings illustrate the spatial variation of bloom-forming cyanobacteria in the Winam Gulf and their available strategies to dominate different ecological niches. This study underscores the need for further use of genomic techniques to elucidate the dynamics and mitigate the potentially harmful effects of cyanoHABs and their associated toxins on human, environmental, and economic health.

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Corporate Creator(s):
Biddle, Jennifer F
Publisher / Repository:
American Society for Microbiology
Date Published:
Journal Name:
Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Medium: X
Sponsoring Org:
National Science Foundation
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  3. Abstract

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