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- Doping liquid argon with xenon in ProtoDUNE Single-Phase: effects on scintillation light
This content will become publicly available on August 5, 2025
Doping of liquid argon TPCs (LArTPCs) with a small concentration of xenon is a technique for light-shifting and facilitates the detection of the liquid argon scintillation light. In this paper, we present the results of the first doping test ever performed in a kiloton-scale LArTPC. From February to May 2020, we carried out this special run in the single-phase DUNE Far Detector prototype (ProtoDUNE-SP) at CERN, featuring 720 t of total liquid argon mass with 410 t of fiducial mass. A 5.4 ppm nitrogen contamination was present during the xenon doping campaign. The goal of the run was to measure the light and charge response of the detector to the addition of xenon, up to a concentration of 18.8 ppm. The main purpose was to test the possibility for reduction of non-uniformities in light collection, caused by deployment of photon detectors only within the anode planes. Light collection was analysed as a function of the xenon concentration, by using the pre-existing photon detection system (PDS) of ProtoDUNE-SP and an additional smaller set-up installed specifically for this run. In this paper we first summarize our current understanding of the argon-xenon energy transfer process and the impact of the presence of nitrogen in argon with and without xenon dopant. We then describe the key elements of ProtoDUNE-SP and the injection method deployed. Two dedicated photon detectors were able to collect the light produced by xenon and the total light. The ratio of these components was measured to be about 0.65 as 18.8 ppm of xenon were injected. We performed studies of the collection efficiency as a function of the distance between tracks and light detectors, demonstrating enhanced uniformity of response for the anode-mounted PDS. We also show that xenon doping can substantially recover light losses due to contamination of the liquid argon by nitrogen.
more » « less- Award ID(s):
- 1945050
- 10566831
- Author(s) / Creator(s):
- Abed_Abud, A; Abi, B; Acciarri, R; Acero, MA; Adames, MR; Adamov, G; Adamowski, M; Adams, D; Adinolfi, M; Adriano, C; Aduszkiewicz, A; Aguilar, J; Aimard, B; Akbar, F; Allison, K; Alonso_Monsalve, S; Alrashed, M; Alton, A; Alvarez, R; Amar_Es-sghir, Hmore » ; Amedo, P; Anderson, J; Andrade, DA; Andreopoulos, C; Andreotti, M; Andrews, MP; Andrianala, F; Andringa, S; Anfimov, N; Ankowski, A; Antoniassi, M; Antonova, M; Antoshkin, A; Aranda-Fernandez, A; Arellano, L; Arrieta_Diaz, E; Arroyave, MA; Asaadi, J; Ashkenazi, A; Asquith, L; Atkin, E; Auguste, D; Aurisano, A; Aushev, V; Autiero, D; Azfar, F; Back, A; Back, H; Back, JJ; Bagaturia, I; Bagby, L; Balashov, N; Balasubramanian, S; Baldi, P; Baldini, W; Baller, B; Bambah, B; Banerjee, R; Barao, F; Barenboim, G; Barham_Alzás, P; Barker, GJ; Barkhouse, W; Barr, G; Barranco_Monarca, J; Barros, A; Barros, N; Barrow, D; Barrow, JL; Basharina-Freshville, A; Bashyal, A; Basque, V; Batchelor, C; Bathe-Peters, L; Battat, JBR; Battisti, F; Bay, F; Bazetto, MCQ; Bazo_Alba, JLL; Beacom, JF; Bechetoille, E; Behera, B; Belchior, E; Bell, G; Bellantoni, L; Bellettini, G; Bellini, V; Beltramello, O; Benekos, N; Benitez_Montiel, C; Benjamin, D; Bento_Neves, F; Berger, J; Berkman, S; Bernardini, P; Bersani, A; Bertolucci, S; Betancourt, M; Betancur_Rodríguez, A; Bevan, A; Bezawada, Y; Bezerra, AT; Bezerra, TJ; Bhat, A; Bhatnagar, V; Bhatt, J; Bhattacharjee, M; Bhattacharya, M; Bhuller, S; Bhuyan, B; Biagi, S; Bian, J; Biery, K; Bilki, B; Bishai, M; Bitadze, A; Blake, A; Blaszczyk, FD; Blazey, GC; Blucher, E; Boissevain, J; Bolognesi, S; Bolton, T; Bomben, L; Bonesini, M; Bonilla-Diaz, C; Bonini, F; Booth, A; Boran, F; Bordoni, S; Borges_Merlo, R; Borkum, A; Bostan, N; Bracinik, J; Braga, D; Brahma, B; Brailsford, D; Bramati, F; Branca, A; Brandt, A; Bremer, J; Brew, C; Brice, SJ; Brio, V; Brizzolari, C; Bromberg, C; Brooke, J; Bross, A; Brunetti, G; Brunetti, M; Buchanan, N; Budd, H; Buergi, J; Burgardt, D; Butchart, S; Caceres_Vera, G; 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Shin, S; Shivakoti, S; Shoemaker, I; Shooltz, D; Shrock, R; Siddi, B; Silber, J; Simard, L; Sinclair, J; Sinev, G; Singh, Jaydip; Singh, J; Singh, L; Singh, P; Singh, V; Singh_Chauhan, S; Sipos, R; Sironneau, C; Sirri, G; Siyeon, K; Skarpaas, K; Smedley, J; Smith, E; Smith, J; Smith, P; Smolik, J; Smy, M; Snape, M; Snider, EL; Snopok, P; Snowden-Ifft, D; Soares_Nunes, M; Sobel, H; Soderberg, M; Sokolov, S; Solano_Salinas, CJ; Söldner-Rembold, S; Soleti, SR; Solomey, N; Solovov, V; Sondheim, WE; Sorel, M; Sotnikov, A; Soto-Oton, J; Sousa, A; Soustruznik, K; Spinella, F; Spitz, J; Spooner, NJC; Spurgeon, K; Stalder, D; Stancari, M; Stanco, L; Steenis, J; Stein, R; Steiner, HM; Steklain_Lisbôa, AF; Stepanova, A; Stewart, J; Stillwell, B; Stock, J; Stocker, F; Stokes, T; Strait, M; Strauss, T; Strigari, L; Stuart, A; Suarez, JG; Subash, J; Surdo, A; Suter, L; Sutera, CM; Sutton, K; Suvorov, Y; Svoboda, R; Swain, SK; Szczerbinska, B; Szelc, AM; Sztuc, A; Taffara, A; Talukdar, N; Tamara, J; Tanaka, HA; Tang, S; Taniuchi, N; Tapia_Casanova, AM; Tapia_Oregui, B; Tapper, A; Tariq, S; Tarpara, E; Tatar, E; Tayloe, R; Tedeschi, D; Teklu, AM; Tena_Vidal, J; Tennessen, P; Tenti, M; Terao, K; Terranova, F; Testera, G; Thakore, T; Thea, A; Thiebault, A; Thompson, A; Thorn, C; Timm, SC; Tiras, E; Tishchenko, V; Todorović, N; Tomassetti, L; Tonazzo, A; Torbunov, D; Torti, M; Tortola, M; Tortorici, F; Tosi, N; Totani, D; Toups, M; Touramanis, C; Tran, D; Travaglini, R; Trevor, J; Triller, E; Trilov, S; Truncali, D; Trzaska, WH; Tsai, Y; Tsai, Y-T; Tsamalaidze, Z; Tsang, KV; Tsverava, N; Tu, SZ; Tufanli, S; Turner, J; Tuzi, M; Tyler, J; Tyley, E; Tzanov, M; Uchida, MA; Ureña_González, J; Urheim, J; Usher, T; Utaegbulam, H; Uzunyan, S; Vagins, MR; Vahle, P; Valder, S; Valdiviesso, GA; Valencia, E; Valentim, R; Vallari, Z; Vallazza, E; Valle, JWF; Van_Berg, R; Van_de_Water, RG; Forero, DV; Van_Nuland-Troost, M; Varanini, F; Vargas_Oliva, D; Varner, G; Vasina, S; Vaughan, N; Vaziri, K; Vega, J; Ventura, S; Verdugo, A; Vergani, S; Verzocchi, M; Vetter, K; Vicenzi, M; Vieira_de_Souza, H; Vignoli, C; Villa, E; Viren, B; Vizcaya-Hernandez, A; Vrba, T; Vuong, Q; Waldron, AV; Wallbank, M; Walsh, J; Walton, T; Wang, H; Wang, J; Wang, L; Wang, MHLS; Wang, X; Wang, Y; Warburton, K; Warner, D; Warsame, L; Wascko, MO; Waters, D; Watson, A; Wawrowska, K; Weber, A; Weber, M; Wei, H; Weinstein, A; Wenzel, H; Westerdale, S; Wetstein, M; Whalen, K; Whilhelmi, J; White, A; White, A; Whitehead, LH; Whittington, D; Wilking, MJ; Wilkinson, A; Wilkinson, C; Wilson, F; Wilson, RJ; Winter, P; Wisniewski, W; Wolcott, J; Wolfs, J; Wongjirad, T; Wood, A; Wood, K; Worcester, E; Worcester, M; Wospakrik, M; Wresilo, K; Wret, C; Wu, S; Wu, W; Wu, W; Wurm, M; Wyenberg, J; Xiao, Y; Xiotidis, I; Yaeggy, B; Yahlali, N; Yandel, E; Yang, K; Yang, T; Yankelevich, A; Yershov, N; Yonehara, K; Young, T; Yu, B; Yu, H; Yu, J; Yu, Y; Yuan, W; Zaki, R; Zalesak, J; Zambelli, L; Zamorano, B; Zani, A; Zapata, O; Zazueta, L; Zeller, GP; Zennamo, J; Zeug, K; Zhang, C; Zhang, S; Zhao, M; Zhivun, E; Zimmerman, ED; Zucchelli, S; Zuklin, J; Zutshi, V; Zwaska, R « less
- Corporate Creator(s):
- The_DUNE_collaboration
- Publisher / Repository:
- IOP Science
- Date Published:
- Journal Name:
- Journal of Instrumentation
- Volume:
- 19
- Issue:
- 08
- 1748-0221
- Page Range / eLocation ID:
- P08005
- Format(s):
- Medium: X
- Sponsoring Org:
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Abstract Liquid argon (LAr) is a common choice as detection medium in particle physics and rare-event searches. Challenges of LAr scintillation light detection include its short emission wavelength, long scintillation time and short attenuation length. The addition of small amounts of xenon to LAr is known to improve the scintillation and optical properties. We present a characterization campaign on xenon-doped liquid argon (XeDLAr) with target xenon concentrations ranging from 0 to 300 ppm by mass encompassing the measurement of the photoelectron yield Y , effective triplet lifetime τ 3 and effective attenuation length λ att . The measurements were conducted in the Subterranean Cryogenic ARgon Facility, Scarf , a 1 t (XeD)LAr test stand in the shallow underground laboratory (UGL) of TU-Munich. These three scintillation and optical parameters were observed simultaneously with a single setup, the Legend Liquid Argon Monitoring Apparatus, Llama . The actual xenon concentrations in the liquid and gaseous phases were determined with the Impurity DEtector For Investigation of Xenon, Idefix , a mass spectrometer setup, and successful doping was confirmed. At the highest dopant concentration we find a doubling of Y , a tenfold reduction of τ 3 to ∼90 ns and a tenfold increase of λ att to over 6 m.more » « less
Abud, A. Abed ; Abi, B. ; Acciarri, R. ; Acero, M. A. ; Adames, M. R. ; Adamov, G. ; Adamowski, M. ; Adams, D. ; Adinolfi, M. ; Aduszkiewicz, A. ; et al ( , The European Physical Journal C)Abstract DUNE is a dual-site experiment for long-baseline neutrino oscillation studies, neutrino astrophysics and nucleon decay searches. ProtoDUNE Dual Phase (DP) is a 6 $$\times $$ × 6 $$\times $$ × 6 m $$^3$$ 3 liquid argon time-projection-chamber (LArTPC) that recorded cosmic-muon data at the CERN Neutrino Platform in 2019–2020 as a prototype of the DUNE Far Detector. Charged particles propagating through the LArTPC produce ionization and scintillation light. The scintillation light signal in these detectors can provide the trigger for non-beam events. In addition, it adds precise timing capabilities and improves the calorimetry measurements. In ProtoDUNE-DP, scintillation and electroluminescence light produced by cosmic muons in the LArTPC is collected by photomultiplier tubes placed up to 7 m away from the ionizing track. In this paper, the ProtoDUNE-DP photon detection system performance is evaluated with a particular focus on the different wavelength shifters, such as PEN and TPB, and the use of Xe-doped LAr, considering its future use in giant LArTPCs. The scintillation light production and propagation processes are analyzed and a comparison of simulation to data is performed, improving understanding of the liquid argon properties.more » « less
Abed Abud, A. ; Abi, B. ; Acciarri, R. ; Acero, M.A. ; Adames, M.R. ; Adamov, G. ; Adams, D. ; Adinolfi, M. ; Aduszkiewicz, A. ; Aguilar, J. ; et al ( , Journal of Instrumentation)Abstract The ProtoDUNE-SP detector is a single-phase liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) that was constructed and operated in the CERN North Area at the end of the H4 beamline. This detector is a prototype for the first far detector module of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), which will be constructed at the Sandford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota, U.S.A. The ProtoDUNE-SP detector incorporates full-size components as designed for DUNE and has an active volume of 7 × 6 × 7.2 m 3 . The H4 beam delivers incident particles with well-measured momenta and high-purity particle identification. ProtoDUNE-SP's successful operation between 2018 and 2020 demonstrates the effectiveness of the single-phase far detector design. This paper describes the design, construction, assembly and operation of the detector components.more » « less
Althueser, L. ; Antunović, B. ; Aprile, E. ; Bajpai, D. ; Baudis, L. ; Baur, D. ; Baxter, A.L. ; Bellagamba, L. ; Biondi, R. ; Biondi, Y. ; et al ( , Journal of Instrumentation)Abstract Understanding propagation of scintillation light is critical for maximizing the discovery potential of next-generation liquid xenon detectors that use dual-phase time projection chamber technology. This work describes a detailed optical simulation of the DARWIN detector implemented using Chroma, a GPU-based photon tracking framework. To evaluate the framework and to explore ways of maximizing efficiency and minimizing the time of light collection, we simulate several variations of the conventional detector design. Results of these selected studies are presented. More generally, we conclude that the approach used in this work allows one to investigate alternative designs faster and in more detail than using conventional Geant4 optical simulations, making it an attractive tool to guide the development of the ultimate liquid xenon observatory.more » « less
Abud, A. Abed ; Abi, B. ; Acciarri, R. ; Acero, M. A. ; Adames, M. R. ; Adamov, G. ; Adamowski, M. ; Adams, D. ; Adinolfi, M. ; Adriano, C. ; et al ( , The European Physical Journal C)Abstract The Pandora Software Development Kit and algorithm libraries provide pattern-recognition logic essential to the reconstruction of particle interactions in liquid argon time projection chamber detectors. Pandora is the primary event reconstruction software used at ProtoDUNE-SP, a prototype for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment far detector. ProtoDUNE-SP, located at CERN, is exposed to a charged-particle test beam. This paper gives an overview of the Pandora reconstruction algorithms and how they have been tailored for use at ProtoDUNE-SP. In complex events with numerous cosmic-ray and beam background particles, the simulated reconstruction and identification efficiency for triggered test-beam particles is above 80% for the majority of particle type and beam momentum combinations. Specifically, simulated 1 GeV/ c charged pions and protons are correctly reconstructed and identified with efficiencies of 86.1 $$\pm 0.6$$ ± 0.6 % and 84.1 $$\pm 0.6$$ ± 0.6 %, respectively. The efficiencies measured for test-beam data are shown to be within 5% of those predicted by the simulation.more » « less
- Journal Article:
- https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/19/08/P08005
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Cite: MLA FormatAbed_Abud, A, Abi, B, Acciarri, R, Acero, MA, Adames, MR, Adamov, G, Adamowski, M, Adams, D, Adinolfi, M, Adriano, C, Aduszkiewicz, A, Aguilar, J, Aimard, B, Akbar, F, Allison, K, Alonso_Monsalve, S, Alrashed, M, Alton, A, Alvarez, R, Amar_Es-sghir, H, Amedo, P, Anderson, J, Andrade, DA, Andreopoulos, C, Andreotti, M, Andrews, MP, Andrianala, F, Andringa, S, Anfimov, N, Ankowski, A, Antoniassi, M, Antonova, M, Antoshkin, A, Aranda-Fernandez, A, Arellano, L, Arrieta_Diaz, E, Arroyave, MA, Asaadi, J, Ashkenazi, A, Asquith, L, Atkin, E, Auguste, D, Aurisano, A, Aushev, V, Autiero, D, Azfar, F, Back, A, Back, H, Back, JJ, Bagaturia, I, Bagby, L, Balashov, N, Balasubramanian, S, Baldi, P, Baldini, W, Baller, B, Bambah, B, Banerjee, R, Barao, F, Barenboim, G, Barham_Alzás, P, Barker, GJ, Barkhouse, W, Barr, G, Barranco_Monarca, J, Barros, A, Barros, N, Barrow, D, Barrow, JL, Basharina-Freshville, A, Bashyal, A, Basque, V, Batchelor, C, Bathe-Peters, L, Battat, JBR, Battisti, 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M, Muheim, F, Muir, A, Mulhearn, M, Munford, D, Munteanu, LJ, Muramatsu, H, Muraz, J, Murphy, M, Murphy, T, Muse, J, Mytilinaki, A, Nachtman, J, Nagai, Y, Nagu, S, Nalbandyan, M, Nandakumar, R, Naples, D, Narita, S, Nath, A, Navrer-Agasson, A, Nayak, N, Nebot-Guinot, M, Nehm, A, Nelson, JK, Neogi, O, Nesbit, J, Nessi, M, Newbold, D, Newcomer, M, Nichol, R, Nicolas-Arnaldos, F, Nikolica, A, Nikolov, J, Niner, E, Nishimura, K, Norman, A, Norrick, A, Novella, P, Nowak, JA, Oberling, M, Ochoa-Ricoux, JP, Oh, S, Oh, SB, Olivier, A, Olshevskiy, A, Olson, T, Onel, Y, Onishchuk, Y, Oranday, A, Osbiston, M, Osorio_Vélez, JA, Otiniano_Ormachea, L, Ott, J, Pagani, L, Palacio, G, Palamara, O, Palestini, S, Paley, JM, Pallavicini, M, Palomares, C, Pan, S, Panda, P, Panduro_Vazquez, W, Pantic, E, Paolone, V, Papadimitriou, V, Papaleo, R, Papanestis, A, Papoulias, D, Paramesvaran, S, Paris, A, Parke, S, Parozzi, E, Parsa, S, Parsa, Z, Parveen, S, Parvu, M, Pasciuto, D, Pascoli, S, Pasqualini, L, Pasternak, J, Patrick, C, Patrizii, L, Patterson, RB, Patzak, T, Paudel, A, Paulucci, L, Pavlovic, Z, Pawloski, G, Payne, D, Pec, V, Pedreschi, E, Peeters, SJM, Pena_Perez, A, Pennacchio, E, Penzo, A, Peres, OLG, Perez_Gonzalez, YF, Pérez-Molina, L, Pernas, C, Perry, J, Pershey, D, Pessina, G, Petrillo, G, Petta, C, Petti, R, Pia, V, Pickering, L, Pietropaolo, F, Pimentel, VL, Pinaroli, G, Pinchault, J, Plows, K, Plunkett, R, Pollack, C, Pollman, T, Pompa, F, Pons, X, Poonthottathil, N, Poppi, F, Pordes, S, Porter, J, Potekhin, M, Potenza, R, Pozimski, J, Pozzato, M, Prakash, S, Prakash, T, Pratt, C, Prest, M, Psihas, F, Pugnere, D, Qian, X, Raaf, JL, Radeka, V, Rademacker, J, Radics, B, Rafique, A, Raguzin, E, Rai, M, Rajaoalisoa, M, Rakhno, I, Rakotondravohitra, L, Ralte, L, Ramirez_Delgado, MA, Ramson, B, Rappoldi, A, Raselli, G, Ratoff, P, Ray, R, Razafinime, H, Rea, EM, Real, JS, Rebel, B, Rechenmacher, R, Reggiani-Guzzo, M, Reichenbacher, J, Reitzner, SD, Rejeb_Sfar, H, Renner, E, Renshaw, A, Rescia, S, Resnati, F, Restrepo, D, Reynolds, C, Ribas, M, Riboldi, S, Riccio, C, Riccobene, G, Ricol, JS, Rigan, M, Rincón, EV, Ritchie-Yates, A, Ritter, S, Rivera, D, Rivera, R, Robert, A, Rocabado_Rocha, JL, Rochester, L, Roda, M, Rodrigues, P, Rodriguez_Alonso, MJ, Rodriguez_Rondon, J, Rosauro-Alcaraz, S, Rosier, P, Ross, D, Rossella, M, Rossi, M, Ross-Lonergan, M, Roy, N, Roy, P, Rubbia, C, Ruggeri, A, Ruiz_Ferreira, G, Russell, B, Ruterbories, D, Rybnikov, A, Saa-Hernandez, A, Saakyan, R, Sacerdoti, S, Sahoo, SK, Sahu, N, Sala, P, Samios, N, Samoylov, O, Sanchez, MC, Sánchez_Bravo, A, Sanchez-Lucas, P, Sandberg, V, Sanders, DA, Sankey, D, Santoro, D, Saoulidou, N, Sapienza, P, Sarasty, C, Sarcevic, I, Sarra, I, Savage, G, Savinov, V, Scanavini, G, Scaramelli, A, Scarff, A, Schefke, T, Schellman, H, Schifano, S, Schlabach, P, Schmitz, D, Schneider, AW, Scholberg, K, Schukraft, A, Schuld, B, Segreto, E, Selyunin, A, Senise, CR, Sensenig, J, Shaevitz, MH, Shanahan, P, Sharma, P, Kumar, R, Shaw, K, Shaw, T, Shchablo, K, Shepherd-Themistocleous, C, Sheshukov, A, Shi, W, Shin, S, Shivakoti, S, Shoemaker, I, Shooltz, D, Shrock, R, Siddi, B, Silber, J, Simard, L, Sinclair, J, Sinev, G, Singh, Jaydip, Singh, J, Singh, L, Singh, P, Singh, V, Singh_Chauhan, S, Sipos, R, Sironneau, C, Sirri, G, Siyeon, K, Skarpaas, K, Smedley, J, Smith, E, Smith, J, Smith, P, Smolik, J, Smy, M, Snape, M, Snider, EL, Snopok, P, Snowden-Ifft, D, Soares_Nunes, M, Sobel, H, Soderberg, M, Sokolov, S, Solano_Salinas, CJ, Söldner-Rembold, S, Soleti, SR, Solomey, N, Solovov, V, Sondheim, WE, Sorel, M, Sotnikov, A, Soto-Oton, J, Sousa, A, Soustruznik, K, Spinella, F, Spitz, J, Spooner, NJC, Spurgeon, K, Stalder, D, Stancari, M, Stanco, L, Steenis, J, Stein, R, Steiner, HM, Steklain_Lisbôa, AF, Stepanova, A, Stewart, J, Stillwell, B, Stock, J, Stocker, F, Stokes, T, Strait, M, Strauss, T, Strigari, L, Stuart, A, Suarez, JG, Subash, J, Surdo, A, Suter, L, Sutera, CM, Sutton, K, Suvorov, Y, Svoboda, R, Swain, SK, Szczerbinska, B, Szelc, AM, Sztuc, A, Taffara, A, Talukdar, N, Tamara, J, Tanaka, HA, Tang, S, Taniuchi, N, Tapia_Casanova, AM, Tapia_Oregui, B, Tapper, A, Tariq, S, Tarpara, E, Tatar, E, Tayloe, R, Tedeschi, D, Teklu, AM, Tena_Vidal, J, Tennessen, P, Tenti, M, Terao, K, Terranova, F, Testera, G, Thakore, T, Thea, A, Thiebault, A, Thompson, A, Thorn, C, Timm, SC, Tiras, E, Tishchenko, V, Todorović, N, Tomassetti, L, Tonazzo, A, Torbunov, D, Torti, M, Tortola, M, Tortorici, F, Tosi, N, Totani, D, Toups, M, Touramanis, C, Tran, D, Travaglini, R, Trevor, J, Triller, E, Trilov, S, Truncali, D, Trzaska, WH, Tsai, Y, Tsai, Y-T, Tsamalaidze, Z, Tsang, KV, Tsverava, N, Tu, SZ, Tufanli, S, Turner, J, Tuzi, M, Tyler, J, Tyley, E, Tzanov, M, Uchida, MA, Ureña_González, J, Urheim, J, Usher, T, Utaegbulam, H, Uzunyan, S, Vagins, MR, Vahle, P, Valder, S, Valdiviesso, GA, Valencia, E, Valentim, R, Vallari, Z, Vallazza, E, Valle, JWF, Van_Berg, R, Van_de_Water, RG, Forero, DV, Van_Nuland-Troost, M, Varanini, F, Vargas_Oliva, D, Varner, G, Vasina, S, Vaughan, N, Vaziri, K, Vega, J, Ventura, S, Verdugo, A, Vergani, S, Verzocchi, M, Vetter, K, Vicenzi, M, Vieira_de_Souza, H, Vignoli, C, Villa, E, Viren, B, Vizcaya-Hernandez, A, Vrba, T, Vuong, Q, Waldron, AV, Wallbank, M, Walsh, J, Walton, T, Wang, H, Wang, J, Wang, L, Wang, MHLS, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Warburton, K, Warner, D, Warsame, L, Wascko, MO, Waters, D, Watson, A, Wawrowska, K, Weber, A, Weber, M, Wei, H, Weinstein, A, Wenzel, H, Westerdale, S, Wetstein, M, Whalen, K, Whilhelmi, J, White, A, White, A, Whitehead, LH, Whittington, D, Wilking, MJ, Wilkinson, A, Wilkinson, C, Wilson, F, Wilson, RJ, Winter, P, Wisniewski, W, Wolcott, J, Wolfs, J, Wongjirad, T, Wood, A, Wood, K, Worcester, E, Worcester, M, Wospakrik, M, Wresilo, K, Wret, C, Wu, S, Wu, W, Wu, W, Wurm, M, Wyenberg, J, Xiao, Y, Xiotidis, I, Yaeggy, B, Yahlali, N, Yandel, E, Yang, K, Yang, T, Yankelevich, A, Yershov, N, Yonehara, K, Young, T, Yu, B, Yu, H, Yu, J, Yu, Y, Yuan, W, Zaki, R, Zalesak, J, Zambelli, L, Zamorano, B, Zani, A, Zapata, O, Zazueta, L, Zeller, GP, Zennamo, J, Zeug, K, Zhang, C, Zhang, S, Zhao, M, Zhivun, E, Zimmerman, ED, Zucchelli, S, Zuklin, J, Zutshi, V, and Zwaska, R. Doping liquid argon with xenon in ProtoDUNE Single-Phase: effects on scintillation light. Journal of Instrumentation 19.08 Web. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/19/08/P08005.
Cite: APA FormatAbed_Abud, A, Abi, B, Acciarri, R, Acero, MA, Adames, MR, Adamov, G, Adamowski, M, Adams, D, Adinolfi, M, Adriano, C, Aduszkiewicz, A, Aguilar, J, Aimard, B, Akbar, F, Allison, K, Alonso_Monsalve, S, Alrashed, M, Alton, A, Alvarez, R, Amar_Es-sghir, H, Amedo, P, Anderson, J, Andrade, DA, Andreopoulos, C, Andreotti, M, Andrews, MP, Andrianala, F, Andringa, S, Anfimov, N, Ankowski, A, Antoniassi, M, Antonova, M, Antoshkin, A, Aranda-Fernandez, A, Arellano, L, Arrieta_Diaz, E, Arroyave, MA, Asaadi, J, Ashkenazi, A, Asquith, L, Atkin, E, Auguste, D, Aurisano, A, Aushev, V, Autiero, D, Azfar, F, Back, A, Back, H, Back, JJ, Bagaturia, I, Bagby, L, Balashov, N, Balasubramanian, S, Baldi, P, Baldini, W, Baller, B, Bambah, B, Banerjee, R, Barao, F, Barenboim, G, Barham_Alzás, P, Barker, GJ, Barkhouse, W, Barr, G, Barranco_Monarca, J, Barros, A, Barros, N, Barrow, D, Barrow, JL, Basharina-Freshville, A, Bashyal, A, Basque, V, Batchelor, C, Bathe-Peters, L, Battat, JBR, Battisti, F, Bay, F, Bazetto, MCQ, Bazo_Alba, JLL, Beacom, JF, Bechetoille, E, Behera, B, Belchior, E, Bell, G, Bellantoni, L, Bellettini, G, Bellini, V, Beltramello, O, Benekos, N, Benitez_Montiel, C, Benjamin, D, Bento_Neves, F, Berger, J, Berkman, S, Bernardini, P, Bersani, A, Bertolucci, S, Betancourt, M, Betancur_Rodríguez, A, Bevan, A, Bezawada, Y, Bezerra, AT, Bezerra, TJ, Bhat, A, Bhatnagar, V, Bhatt, J, Bhattacharjee, M, Bhattacharya, M, Bhuller, S, Bhuyan, B, Biagi, S, Bian, J, Biery, K, Bilki, B, Bishai, M, Bitadze, A, Blake, A, Blaszczyk, FD, Blazey, GC, Blucher, E, Boissevain, J, Bolognesi, S, Bolton, T, Bomben, L, Bonesini, M, Bonilla-Diaz, C, Bonini, F, Booth, A, Boran, F, Bordoni, S, Borges_Merlo, R, Borkum, A, Bostan, N, Bracinik, J, Braga, D, Brahma, B, Brailsford, D, Bramati, F, Branca, A, Brandt, A, Bremer, J, Brew, C, Brice, SJ, Brio, V, Brizzolari, C, Bromberg, C, Brooke, J, Bross, A, Brunetti, G, Brunetti, M, Buchanan, N, Budd, H, Buergi, J, Burgardt, D, Butchart, S, Caceres_Vera, G, Cagnoli, I, Cai, T, Calabrese, R, Calcutt, J, Calin, M, Calivers, L, Calvo, E, Caminata, A, Campanelli, W, Campos_Benitez, A, Canci, N, Capó, J, Caracas, I, Caratelli, D, Carber, D, Carceller, JM, Carini, G, Carlus, B, Carneiro, MF, Carniti, P, Caro_Terrazas, I, Carranza, H, Carrara, N, Carroll, L, Carroll, T, Carter, A, Casazza, D, Castaño_Forero, JF, Castaño, FA, Castillo, A, Castromonte, C, Catano-Mur, E, Cattadori, C, Cavalier, F, Cavanna, F, Centro, S, Cerati, G, Cervelli, A, Cervera_Villanueva, A, Chakraborty, K, Chalifour, M, Chappell, A, Charitonidis, N, Chatterjee, A, Chen, H, Chen, M, Chen, WC, Chen, Y, Chen-Wishart, Z, Cherdack, D, Chi, C, Chirco, R, Chitirasreemadam, N, Cho, K, Choate, S, Chokheli, D, Chong, PS, Chowdhury, B, Christian, D, Chukanov, A, Chung, M, Church, E, Cicala, MF, Cicerchia, M, Cicero, V, Ciolini, R, Clair, J, Clarke, P, Cline, G, Coan, TE, Cocco, AG, Coelho, JAB, Cohen, A, Collot, J, Conley, E, Conrad, JM, Convery, M, Cooke, P, Copello, S, Cova, P, Cox, C, Cremaldi, L, Cremonesi, L, Crespo-Anadón, JI, Crisler, M, Cristaldo, E, Crnkovic, J, Crone, G, Cross, R, Cudd, A, Cuesta, C, Cui, Y, Cussans, D, Dai, J, Dalager, O, Dallavalle, R, da_Motta, H, Dar, ZA, Darby, R, Da_Silva_Peres, L, David, Q, Davies, GS, Davini, S, Dawson, J, De_Aguiar, R, De_Almeida, P, Debbins, P, De_Bonis, I, Decowski, MP, de_Gouvêa, A, De_Holanda, PC, De_Icaza_Astiz, IL, De_Jong, P, De_la_Torre, A, Delbart, A, Delepine, D, Delgado, M, Dell'Acqua, A, Delle_Monache, G, Delmonte, N, De_Lurgio, P, Demario, R, de_Mello_Neto, JRT, DeMuth, DM, Dennis, S, Densham, C, Denton, P, Deptuch, GW, De_Roeck, A, De_Romeri, V, Detje, JP, Devine, J, Dharmapalan, R, Dias, M, Díaz, JS, Díaz, F, Di_Capua, F, Di_Domenico, A, Di_Domizio, S, Di_Falco, S, Di_Giulio, L, Ding, P, Di_Noto, L, Diociaiuti, E, Distefano, C, Diurba, R, Diwan, M, Djurcic, Z, Doering, D, Dolan, S, Dolek, F, Dolinski, MJ, Domenici, D, Domine, L, Donati, S, Donon, Y, Doran, S, Douglas, D, Doyle, TA, Dragone, A, Drielsma, F, Duarte, L, Duchesneau, D, Duffy, K, Dugas, K, Dunne, P, Dutta, B, Duyang, H, Dvornikov, O, Dwyer, DA, Dyshkant, AS, Dytman, S, Eads, M, Earle, A, Edayath, S, Edmunds, D, Eisch, J, Englezos, P, Ereditato, A, Erjavec, T, Escobar, CO, Evans, JJ, Ewart, E, Ezeribe, AC, Fahey, K, Fajt, L, Falcone, A, Fani', M, Farnese, C, Farzan, Y, Fedoseev, D, Felix, J, Feng, Y, Fernandez-Martinez, E, Ferraro, F, Ferry, G, Fields, L, Filip, P, Filkins, A, Filthaut, F, Fine, R, Fiorillo, G, Fiorini, M, Fogarty, S, Foreman, W, Fowler, J, Franc, J, Francis, K, Franco, D, Franklin, J, Freeman, J, Fried, J, Friedland, A, Fuess, S, Furic, IK, Furman, K, Furmanski, AP, Gaba, R, Gabrielli, A, Gago, AM, Galizzi, F, Gallagher, H, Gallas, A, Gallice, N, Galymov, V, Gamberini, E, Gamble, T, Ganacim, F, Gandhi, R, Ganguly, S, Gao, F, Gao, S, Garcia-Gamez, D, García-Peris, MÁ, Gardiner, S, Gastler, D, Gauch, A, Gauvreau, J, Gauzzi, P, Ge, G, Geffroy, N, Gelli, B, Gent, S, Gerlach, L, Ghorbani-Moghaddam, Z, Giammaria, P, Giammaria, T, Gibin, D, Gil-Botella, I, Gilligan, S, Gioiosa, A, Giovannella, S, Girerd, C, Giri, AK, Giugliano, C, Giusti, V, Gnani, D, Gogota, O, Gollapinni, S, Gollwitzer, K, Gomes, RA, Gomez_Bermeo, LV, Gomez_Fajardo, LS, Gonnella, F, Gonzalez-Diaz, D, Gonzalez-Lopez, M, Goodman, MC, Goswami, S, Gotti, C, Goudeau, J, Goudzovski, E, Grace, C, Gramellini, E, Gran, R, Granados, E, Granger, P, Grant, C, Gratieri, DR, Grauso, G, Green, P, Greenberg, S, Greer, J, Griffith, WC, Groetschla, FT, Grzelak, K, Gu, W, Guarino, V, Guarise, M, Guenette, R, Guerard, E, Guerzoni, M, Guffanti, D, Guglielmi, A, Guo, B, Guo, Y, Gupta, A, Gupta, V, Gurung, G, Gutierrez, D, Guzowski, P, Guzzo, MM, Gwon, S, Haaf, K, Habig, A, Hadavand, H, Haenni, R, Hagaman, L, Hahn, A, Haiston, J, Hakenmueller, J, Hamernik, T, Hamilton, P, Hancock, J, Happacher, F, Harris, DA, Hartnell, J, Hartnett, T, Harton, J, Hasegawa, T, Hasnip, C, Hatcher, R, Hayrapetyan, K, Hays, J, Hazen, E, He, M, Heavey, A, Heeger, KM, Heise, J, Henry, S, Hernandez_Morquecho, MA, Herner, K, Hewes, V, Higuera, A, Hilgenberg, C, Hillier, SJ, Himmel, A, Hinkle, E, Hirsch, LR, Ho, J, Hoff, J, Holin, A, Holvey, T, Hoppe, E, Horton-Smith, GA, Hostert, M, Houdy, T, Howard, B, Howell, R, Hristova, I, Hronek, MS, Huang, J, Huang, RG, Hulcher, Z, Ibrahim, M, Iles, G, Ilic, N, Iliescu, AM, Illingworth, R, Ingratta, G, Ioannisian, A, Irwin, B, Isenhower, L, Ismerio_Oliveira, M, Itay, R, Jackson, CM, Jain, V, James, E, Jang, W, Jargowsky, B, Jena, D, Ji, X, Jiang, C, Jiang, J, Jiang, L, Jipa, A, Joaquim, FR, Johnson, W, Jones, B, Jones, R, José_Fernández, D, Jovancevic, N, Judah, M, Jung, CK, Junk, T, Jwa, Y, Kabirnezhad, M, Kaboth, AC, Kadenko, I, Kakorin, I, Kalitkina, A, Kalra, D, Kamiya, F, Kandemir, M, Kaplan, DM, Karagiorgi, G, Karaman, G, Karcher, A, Karyotakis, Y, Kasai, S, Kasetti, SP, Kashur, L, Katsioulas, I, Kauther, A, Kazaryan, N, Ke, L, Kearns, E, Keener, PT, Kelly, KJ, Kemp, E, Kemularia, O, Kermaidic, Y, Ketchum, W, Kettell, SH, Khabibullin, M, Khan, N, Khvedelidze, A, Kim, D, Kim, J, King, B, Kirby, B, Kirby, M, Klein, J, Kleykamp, J, Klustova, A, Kobilarcik, T, Koch, L, Koehler, K, Koerner, LW, Koh, DH, Kolupaeva, L, Korablev, D, Kordosky, M, Kosc, T, Kose, U, Kostelecký, VA, Kothekar, K, Kotler, I, Kovalcuk, M, Kozhukalov, V, Krah, W, Kralik, R, Kramer, M, Kreczko, L, Krennrich, F, Kreslo, I, Kroupova, T, Kubota, S, Kubu, M, Kudenko, Y, Kudryavtsev, VA, Kuhlmann, S, Kumar, J, Kumar, P, Kumaran, S, Kunze, P, Kunzmann, J, Kuravi, R, Kurita, N, Kuruppu, C, Kus, V, Kutter, T, Kvasnicka, J, Labree, T, Lackey, T, Lambert, A, Land, BJ, Lane, CE, Lane, N, Lang, K, Langford, T, Langstaff, M, Lanni, F, Lantwin, O, Larkin, J, Lasorak, P, Last, D, Laudrain, A, Laundrie, A, Laurenti, G, Lavaut, E, Lawrence, A, Laycock, P, Lazanu, I, Lazzaroni, M, Le, T, Leardini, S, Learned, J, LeCompte, T, Lee, C, Legin, V, Lehmann_Miotto, G, Lehnert, R, Leigui_de_Oliveira, MA, Leitner, M, Leon_Silverio, D, Lepin, LM, Li, J-Y, Li, SW, Li, Y, Liao, H, Lin, CS, Lindebaum, D, Lineros, RA, Ling, J, Lister, A, Littlejohn, BR, Liu, H, Liu, J, Liu, Y, Lockwitz, S, Lokajicek, M, Lomidze, I, Long, K, Lopes, TV, Lopez, J, López_de_Rego, I, López_March, N, Lord, T, LoSecco, JM, Louis, WC, Lozano_Sanchez, A, Lu, X-G, Luk, KB, Lunday, B, Luo, X, Luppi, E, Maalmi, J, MacFarlane, D, Machado, AA, Machado, P, Macias, CT, Macier, JR, MacMahon, M, Maddalena, A, Madera, A, Madigan, P, Magill, S, Magueur, C, Mahn, K, Maio, A, Major, A, Majumdar, K, Man, M, Mandujano, RC, Maneira, J, Manly, S, Mann, A, Manolopoulos, K, Manrique_Plata, M, Manthey_Corchado, S, Manyam, VN, Marchan, M, Marchionni, A, Marciano, W, Marfatia, D, Mariani, C, Maricic, J, Marinho, F, Marino, AD, Markiewicz, T, Das_Chagas_Marques, F, Marsden, D, Marshak, M, Marshall, CM, Marshall, J, Martín-Albo, J, Martinez, N, Martinez_Caicedo, DA, Martínez_López, F, Martínez_Miravé, P, Martynenko, S, Mascagna, V, Massari, C, Mastbaum, A, Matichard, F, Matsuno, S, Matteucci, G, Matthews, J, Mauger, C, Mauri, N, Mavrokoridis, K, Mawby, I, Mazza, R, Mazzacane, A, McAskill, T, McConkey, N, McFarland, KS, McGrew, C, McNab, A, Meazza, L, Meddage, VCN, Mehta, B, Mehta, P, Melas, P, Mena, O, Mendez, H, Mendez, P, Méndez, DP, Menegolli, A, Meng, G, Messier, MD, Metallo, S, Metcalf, J, Metcalf, W, Mewes, M, Meyer, H, Miao, T, Miccoli, A, Michna, G, Mikola, V, Milincic, R, Miller, G, Miller, W, Mineev, O, Minotti, A, Miralles, L, Miranda, OG, Mironov, C, Miryala, S, Miscetti, S, Mishra, CS, Mishra, SR, Mislivec, A, Mitchell, M, Mladenov, D, Mocioiu, I, Mogan, A, Moggi, N, Mohanta, R, Mohayai, TA, Mokhov, N, Molina, J, Molina_Bueno, L, Montagna, E, Montanari, A, Montanari, C, Montanari, D, Montanino, D, Montaño_Zetina, LM, Mooney, M, Moor, AF, Moore, Z, Moreno, D, Moreno-Palacios, O, Morescalchi, L, Moretti, D, Moretti, R, Morris, C, Mossey, C, Mote, M, Moura, CA, Mouster, G, Mu, W, Mualem, L, Mueller, J, Muether, M, Muheim, F, Muir, A, Mulhearn, M, Munford, D, Munteanu, LJ, Muramatsu, H, Muraz, J, Murphy, M, Murphy, T, Muse, J, Mytilinaki, A, Nachtman, J, Nagai, Y, Nagu, S, Nalbandyan, M, Nandakumar, R, Naples, D, Narita, S, Nath, A, Navrer-Agasson, A, Nayak, N, Nebot-Guinot, M, Nehm, A, Nelson, JK, Neogi, O, Nesbit, J, Nessi, M, Newbold, D, Newcomer, M, Nichol, R, Nicolas-Arnaldos, F, Nikolica, A, Nikolov, J, Niner, E, Nishimura, K, Norman, A, Norrick, A, Novella, P, Nowak, JA, Oberling, M, Ochoa-Ricoux, JP, Oh, S, Oh, SB, Olivier, A, Olshevskiy, A, Olson, T, Onel, Y, Onishchuk, Y, Oranday, A, Osbiston, M, Osorio_Vélez, JA, Otiniano_Ormachea, L, Ott, J, Pagani, L, Palacio, G, Palamara, O, Palestini, S, Paley, JM, Pallavicini, M, Palomares, C, Pan, S, Panda, P, Panduro_Vazquez, W, Pantic, E, Paolone, V, Papadimitriou, V, Papaleo, R, Papanestis, A, Papoulias, D, Paramesvaran, S, Paris, A, Parke, S, Parozzi, E, Parsa, S, Parsa, Z, Parveen, S, Parvu, M, Pasciuto, D, Pascoli, S, Pasqualini, L, Pasternak, J, Patrick, C, Patrizii, L, Patterson, RB, Patzak, T, Paudel, A, Paulucci, L, Pavlovic, Z, Pawloski, G, Payne, D, Pec, V, Pedreschi, E, Peeters, SJM, Pena_Perez, A, Pennacchio, E, Penzo, A, Peres, OLG, Perez_Gonzalez, YF, Pérez-Molina, L, Pernas, C, Perry, J, Pershey, D, Pessina, G, Petrillo, G, Petta, C, Petti, R, Pia, V, Pickering, L, Pietropaolo, F, Pimentel, VL, Pinaroli, G, Pinchault, J, Plows, K, Plunkett, R, Pollack, C, Pollman, T, Pompa, F, Pons, X, Poonthottathil, N, Poppi, F, Pordes, S, Porter, J, Potekhin, M, Potenza, R, Pozimski, J, Pozzato, M, Prakash, S, Prakash, T, Pratt, C, Prest, M, Psihas, F, Pugnere, D, Qian, X, Raaf, JL, Radeka, V, Rademacker, J, Radics, B, Rafique, A, Raguzin, E, Rai, M, Rajaoalisoa, M, Rakhno, I, Rakotondravohitra, L, Ralte, L, Ramirez_Delgado, MA, Ramson, B, Rappoldi, A, Raselli, G, Ratoff, P, Ray, R, Razafinime, H, Rea, EM, Real, JS, Rebel, B, Rechenmacher, R, Reggiani-Guzzo, M, Reichenbacher, J, Reitzner, SD, Rejeb_Sfar, H, Renner, E, Renshaw, A, Rescia, S, Resnati, F, Restrepo, D, Reynolds, C, Ribas, M, Riboldi, S, Riccio, C, Riccobene, G, Ricol, JS, Rigan, M, Rincón, EV, Ritchie-Yates, A, Ritter, S, Rivera, D, Rivera, R, Robert, A, Rocabado_Rocha, JL, Rochester, L, Roda, M, Rodrigues, P, Rodriguez_Alonso, MJ, Rodriguez_Rondon, J, Rosauro-Alcaraz, S, Rosier, P, Ross, D, Rossella, M, Rossi, M, Ross-Lonergan, M, Roy, N, Roy, P, Rubbia, C, Ruggeri, A, Ruiz_Ferreira, G, Russell, B, Ruterbories, D, Rybnikov, A, Saa-Hernandez, A, Saakyan, R, Sacerdoti, S, Sahoo, SK, Sahu, N, Sala, P, Samios, N, Samoylov, O, Sanchez, MC, Sánchez_Bravo, A, Sanchez-Lucas, P, Sandberg, V, Sanders, DA, Sankey, D, Santoro, D, Saoulidou, N, Sapienza, P, Sarasty, C, Sarcevic, I, Sarra, I, Savage, G, Savinov, V, Scanavini, G, Scaramelli, A, Scarff, A, Schefke, T, Schellman, H, Schifano, S, Schlabach, P, Schmitz, D, Schneider, AW, Scholberg, K, Schukraft, A, Schuld, B, Segreto, E, Selyunin, A, Senise, CR, Sensenig, J, Shaevitz, MH, Shanahan, P, Sharma, P, Kumar, R, Shaw, K, Shaw, T, Shchablo, K, Shepherd-Themistocleous, C, Sheshukov, A, Shi, W, Shin, S, Shivakoti, S, Shoemaker, I, Shooltz, D, Shrock, R, Siddi, B, Silber, J, Simard, L, Sinclair, J, Sinev, G, Singh, Jaydip, Singh, J, Singh, L, Singh, P, Singh, V, Singh_Chauhan, S, Sipos, R, Sironneau, C, Sirri, G, Siyeon, K, Skarpaas, K, Smedley, J, Smith, E, Smith, J, Smith, P, Smolik, J, Smy, M, Snape, M, Snider, EL, Snopok, P, Snowden-Ifft, D, Soares_Nunes, M, Sobel, H, Soderberg, M, Sokolov, S, Solano_Salinas, CJ, Söldner-Rembold, S, Soleti, SR, Solomey, N, Solovov, V, Sondheim, WE, Sorel, M, Sotnikov, A, Soto-Oton, J, Sousa, A, Soustruznik, K, Spinella, F, Spitz, J, Spooner, NJC, Spurgeon, K, Stalder, D, Stancari, M, Stanco, L, Steenis, J, Stein, R, Steiner, HM, Steklain_Lisbôa, AF, Stepanova, A, Stewart, J, Stillwell, B, Stock, J, Stocker, F, Stokes, T, Strait, M, Strauss, T, Strigari, L, Stuart, A, Suarez, JG, Subash, J, Surdo, A, Suter, L, Sutera, CM, Sutton, K, Suvorov, Y, Svoboda, R, Swain, SK, Szczerbinska, B, Szelc, AM, Sztuc, A, Taffara, A, Talukdar, N, Tamara, J, Tanaka, HA, Tang, S, Taniuchi, N, Tapia_Casanova, AM, Tapia_Oregui, B, Tapper, A, Tariq, S, Tarpara, E, Tatar, E, Tayloe, R, Tedeschi, D, Teklu, AM, Tena_Vidal, J, Tennessen, P, Tenti, M, Terao, K, Terranova, F, Testera, G, Thakore, T, Thea, A, Thiebault, A, Thompson, A, Thorn, C, Timm, SC, Tiras, E, Tishchenko, V, Todorović, N, Tomassetti, L, Tonazzo, A, Torbunov, D, Torti, M, Tortola, M, Tortorici, F, Tosi, N, Totani, D, Toups, M, Touramanis, C, Tran, D, Travaglini, R, Trevor, J, Triller, E, Trilov, S, Truncali, D, Trzaska, WH, Tsai, Y, Tsai, Y-T, Tsamalaidze, Z, Tsang, KV, Tsverava, N, Tu, SZ, Tufanli, S, Turner, J, Tuzi, M, Tyler, J, Tyley, E, Tzanov, M, Uchida, MA, Ureña_González, J, Urheim, J, Usher, T, Utaegbulam, H, Uzunyan, S, Vagins, MR, Vahle, P, Valder, S, Valdiviesso, GA, Valencia, E, Valentim, R, Vallari, Z, Vallazza, E, Valle, JWF, Van_Berg, R, Van_de_Water, RG, Forero, DV, Van_Nuland-Troost, M, Varanini, F, Vargas_Oliva, D, Varner, G, Vasina, S, Vaughan, N, Vaziri, K, Vega, J, Ventura, S, Verdugo, A, Vergani, S, Verzocchi, M, Vetter, K, Vicenzi, M, Vieira_de_Souza, H, Vignoli, C, Villa, E, Viren, B, Vizcaya-Hernandez, A, Vrba, T, Vuong, Q, Waldron, AV, Wallbank, M, Walsh, J, Walton, T, Wang, H, Wang, J, Wang, L, Wang, MHLS, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Warburton, K, Warner, D, Warsame, L, Wascko, MO, Waters, D, Watson, A, Wawrowska, K, Weber, A, Weber, M, Wei, H, Weinstein, A, Wenzel, H, Westerdale, S, Wetstein, M, Whalen, K, Whilhelmi, J, White, A, White, A, Whitehead, LH, Whittington, D, Wilking, MJ, Wilkinson, A, Wilkinson, C, Wilson, F, Wilson, RJ, Winter, P, Wisniewski, W, Wolcott, J, Wolfs, J, Wongjirad, T, Wood, A, Wood, K, Worcester, E, Worcester, M, Wospakrik, M, Wresilo, K, Wret, C, Wu, S, Wu, W, Wu, W, Wurm, M, Wyenberg, J, Xiao, Y, Xiotidis, I, Yaeggy, B, Yahlali, N, Yandel, E, Yang, K, Yang, T, Yankelevich, A, Yershov, N, Yonehara, K, 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Doping liquid argon with xenon in ProtoDUNE Single-Phase: effects on scintillation light. Journal of Instrumentation, 19 (08). https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/19/08/P08005
- Chicago
Cite: Chicago FormatAbed_Abud, A, Abi, B, Acciarri, R, Acero, MA, Adames, MR, Adamov, G, Adamowski, M, Adams, D, Adinolfi, M, Adriano, C, Aduszkiewicz, A, Aguilar, J, Aimard, B, Akbar, F, Allison, K, Alonso_Monsalve, S, Alrashed, M, Alton, A, Alvarez, R, Amar_Es-sghir, H, Amedo, P, Anderson, J, Andrade, DA, Andreopoulos, C, Andreotti, M, Andrews, MP, Andrianala, F, Andringa, S, Anfimov, N, Ankowski, A, Antoniassi, M, Antonova, M, Antoshkin, A, Aranda-Fernandez, A, Arellano, L, Arrieta_Diaz, E, Arroyave, MA, Asaadi, J, Ashkenazi, A, Asquith, L, Atkin, E, Auguste, D, Aurisano, A, Aushev, V, Autiero, D, Azfar, F, Back, A, Back, H, Back, JJ, Bagaturia, I, Bagby, L, Balashov, N, Balasubramanian, S, Baldi, P, Baldini, W, Baller, B, Bambah, B, Banerjee, R, Barao, F, Barenboim, G, Barham_Alzás, P, Barker, GJ, Barkhouse, W, Barr, G, Barranco_Monarca, J, Barros, A, Barros, N, Barrow, D, Barrow, JL, Basharina-Freshville, A, Bashyal, A, Basque, V, Batchelor, C, Bathe-Peters, L, Battat, JBR, Battisti, F, Bay, F, Bazetto, MCQ, Bazo_Alba, JLL, Beacom, JF, Bechetoille, E, Behera, B, Belchior, E, Bell, G, Bellantoni, L, Bellettini, G, Bellini, V, Beltramello, O, Benekos, N, Benitez_Montiel, C, Benjamin, D, Bento_Neves, F, Berger, J, Berkman, S, Bernardini, P, Bersani, A, Bertolucci, S, Betancourt, M, Betancur_Rodríguez, A, Bevan, A, Bezawada, Y, Bezerra, AT, Bezerra, TJ, Bhat, A, Bhatnagar, V, Bhatt, J, Bhattacharjee, M, Bhattacharya, M, Bhuller, S, Bhuyan, B, Biagi, S, Bian, J, Biery, K, Bilki, B, Bishai, M, Bitadze, A, Blake, A, Blaszczyk, FD, Blazey, GC, Blucher, E, Boissevain, J, Bolognesi, S, Bolton, T, Bomben, L, Bonesini, M, Bonilla-Diaz, C, Bonini, F, Booth, A, Boran, F, Bordoni, S, Borges_Merlo, R, Borkum, A, Bostan, N, Bracinik, J, Braga, D, Brahma, B, Brailsford, D, Bramati, F, Branca, A, Brandt, A, Bremer, J, Brew, C, Brice, SJ, Brio, V, Brizzolari, C, Bromberg, C, Brooke, J, Bross, A, Brunetti, G, Brunetti, M, Buchanan, N, Budd, H, Buergi, J, Burgardt, D, Butchart, S, Caceres_Vera, G, Cagnoli, I, Cai, T, Calabrese, R, Calcutt, J, Calin, M, Calivers, L, Calvo, E, Caminata, A, Campanelli, W, Campos_Benitez, A, Canci, N, Capó, J, Caracas, I, Caratelli, D, Carber, D, Carceller, JM, Carini, G, Carlus, B, Carneiro, MF, Carniti, P, Caro_Terrazas, I, Carranza, H, Carrara, N, Carroll, L, Carroll, T, Carter, A, Casazza, D, Castaño_Forero, JF, Castaño, FA, Castillo, A, Castromonte, C, Catano-Mur, E, Cattadori, C, Cavalier, F, Cavanna, F, Centro, S, Cerati, G, Cervelli, A, Cervera_Villanueva, A, Chakraborty, K, Chalifour, M, Chappell, A, Charitonidis, N, Chatterjee, A, Chen, H, Chen, M, Chen, WC, Chen, Y, Chen-Wishart, Z, Cherdack, D, Chi, C, Chirco, R, Chitirasreemadam, N, Cho, K, Choate, S, Chokheli, D, Chong, PS, Chowdhury, B, Christian, D, Chukanov, A, Chung, M, Church, E, Cicala, MF, Cicerchia, M, Cicero, V, Ciolini, R, Clair, J, Clarke, P, Cline, G, Coan, TE, Cocco, AG, Coelho, JAB, Cohen, A, Collot, J, Conley, E, Conrad, JM, Convery, M, Cooke, P, Copello, S, Cova, P, Cox, C, Cremaldi, L, Cremonesi, L, Crespo-Anadón, JI, Crisler, M, Cristaldo, E, Crnkovic, J, Crone, G, Cross, R, Cudd, A, Cuesta, C, Cui, Y, Cussans, D, Dai, J, Dalager, O, Dallavalle, R, da_Motta, H, Dar, ZA, Darby, R, Da_Silva_Peres, L, David, Q, Davies, GS, Davini, S, Dawson, J, De_Aguiar, R, De_Almeida, P, Debbins, P, De_Bonis, I, Decowski, MP, de_Gouvêa, A, De_Holanda, PC, De_Icaza_Astiz, IL, De_Jong, P, De_la_Torre, A, Delbart, A, Delepine, D, Delgado, M, Dell'Acqua, A, Delle_Monache, G, Delmonte, N, De_Lurgio, P, Demario, R, de_Mello_Neto, JRT, DeMuth, DM, Dennis, S, Densham, C, Denton, P, Deptuch, GW, De_Roeck, A, De_Romeri, V, Detje, JP, Devine, J, Dharmapalan, R, Dias, M, Díaz, JS, Díaz, F, Di_Capua, F, Di_Domenico, A, Di_Domizio, S, Di_Falco, S, Di_Giulio, L, Ding, P, Di_Noto, L, Diociaiuti, E, Distefano, C, Diurba, R, Diwan, M, Djurcic, Z, Doering, D, Dolan, S, Dolek, F, Dolinski, MJ, Domenici, D, Domine, L, Donati, S, Donon, Y, Doran, S, Douglas, D, Doyle, TA, Dragone, A, Drielsma, F, Duarte, L, Duchesneau, D, Duffy, K, Dugas, K, Dunne, P, Dutta, B, Duyang, H, Dvornikov, O, Dwyer, DA, Dyshkant, AS, Dytman, S, Eads, M, Earle, A, Edayath, S, Edmunds, D, Eisch, J, Englezos, P, Ereditato, A, Erjavec, T, Escobar, CO, Evans, JJ, Ewart, E, Ezeribe, AC, Fahey, K, Fajt, L, Falcone, A, Fani', M, Farnese, C, Farzan, Y, Fedoseev, D, Felix, J, Feng, Y, Fernandez-Martinez, E, Ferraro, F, Ferry, G, Fields, L, Filip, P, Filkins, A, Filthaut, F, Fine, R, Fiorillo, G, Fiorini, M, Fogarty, S, Foreman, W, Fowler, J, Franc, J, Francis, K, Franco, D, Franklin, J, Freeman, J, Fried, J, Friedland, A, Fuess, S, Furic, IK, Furman, K, Furmanski, AP, Gaba, R, Gabrielli, A, Gago, AM, Galizzi, F, Gallagher, H, Gallas, A, Gallice, N, Galymov, V, Gamberini, E, Gamble, T, Ganacim, F, Gandhi, R, Ganguly, S, Gao, F, Gao, S, Garcia-Gamez, D, García-Peris, MÁ, Gardiner, S, Gastler, D, Gauch, A, Gauvreau, J, Gauzzi, P, Ge, G, Geffroy, N, Gelli, B, Gent, S, Gerlach, L, Ghorbani-Moghaddam, Z, Giammaria, P, Giammaria, T, Gibin, D, Gil-Botella, I, Gilligan, S, Gioiosa, A, Giovannella, S, Girerd, C, Giri, AK, Giugliano, C, Giusti, V, Gnani, D, Gogota, O, Gollapinni, S, Gollwitzer, K, Gomes, RA, Gomez_Bermeo, LV, Gomez_Fajardo, LS, Gonnella, F, Gonzalez-Diaz, D, Gonzalez-Lopez, M, Goodman, MC, Goswami, S, Gotti, C, Goudeau, J, Goudzovski, E, Grace, C, Gramellini, E, Gran, R, Granados, E, Granger, P, Grant, C, Gratieri, DR, Grauso, G, Green, P, Greenberg, S, Greer, J, Griffith, WC, Groetschla, FT, Grzelak, K, Gu, W, Guarino, V, Guarise, M, Guenette, R, Guerard, E, Guerzoni, M, Guffanti, D, Guglielmi, A, Guo, B, Guo, Y, Gupta, A, Gupta, V, Gurung, G, Gutierrez, D, Guzowski, P, Guzzo, MM, Gwon, S, Haaf, K, Habig, A, Hadavand, H, Haenni, R, Hagaman, L, Hahn, A, Haiston, J, Hakenmueller, J, Hamernik, T, Hamilton, P, Hancock, J, Happacher, F, Harris, DA, Hartnell, J, Hartnett, T, Harton, J, Hasegawa, T, Hasnip, C, Hatcher, R, Hayrapetyan, K, Hays, J, Hazen, E, He, M, Heavey, A, Heeger, KM, Heise, J, Henry, S, Hernandez_Morquecho, MA, Herner, K, Hewes, V, Higuera, A, Hilgenberg, C, Hillier, SJ, Himmel, A, Hinkle, E, Hirsch, LR, Ho, J, Hoff, J, Holin, A, Holvey, T, Hoppe, E, Horton-Smith, GA, Hostert, M, Houdy, T, Howard, B, Howell, R, Hristova, I, Hronek, MS, Huang, J, Huang, RG, Hulcher, Z, Ibrahim, M, Iles, G, Ilic, N, Iliescu, AM, Illingworth, R, Ingratta, G, Ioannisian, A, Irwin, B, Isenhower, L, Ismerio_Oliveira, M, Itay, R, Jackson, CM, Jain, V, James, E, Jang, W, Jargowsky, B, Jena, D, Ji, X, Jiang, C, Jiang, J, Jiang, L, Jipa, A, Joaquim, FR, Johnson, W, Jones, B, Jones, R, José_Fernández, D, Jovancevic, N, Judah, M, Jung, CK, Junk, T, Jwa, Y, Kabirnezhad, M, Kaboth, AC, Kadenko, I, Kakorin, I, Kalitkina, A, Kalra, D, Kamiya, F, Kandemir, M, Kaplan, DM, Karagiorgi, G, Karaman, G, Karcher, A, Karyotakis, Y, Kasai, S, Kasetti, SP, Kashur, L, Katsioulas, I, Kauther, A, Kazaryan, N, Ke, L, Kearns, E, Keener, PT, Kelly, KJ, Kemp, E, Kemularia, O, Kermaidic, Y, Ketchum, W, Kettell, SH, Khabibullin, M, Khan, N, Khvedelidze, A, Kim, D, Kim, J, King, B, Kirby, B, Kirby, M, Klein, J, Kleykamp, J, Klustova, A, Kobilarcik, T, Koch, L, Koehler, K, Koerner, LW, Koh, DH, Kolupaeva, L, Korablev, D, Kordosky, M, Kosc, T, Kose, U, Kostelecký, VA, Kothekar, K, Kotler, I, Kovalcuk, M, Kozhukalov, V, Krah, W, Kralik, R, Kramer, M, Kreczko, L, Krennrich, F, Kreslo, I, Kroupova, T, Kubota, S, Kubu, M, Kudenko, Y, Kudryavtsev, VA, Kuhlmann, S, Kumar, J, Kumar, P, Kumaran, S, Kunze, P, Kunzmann, J, Kuravi, R, Kurita, N, Kuruppu, C, Kus, V, Kutter, T, Kvasnicka, J, Labree, T, Lackey, T, Lambert, A, Land, BJ, Lane, CE, Lane, N, Lang, K, Langford, T, Langstaff, M, Lanni, F, Lantwin, O, Larkin, J, Lasorak, P, Last, D, Laudrain, A, Laundrie, A, Laurenti, G, Lavaut, E, Lawrence, A, Laycock, P, Lazanu, I, Lazzaroni, M, Le, T, Leardini, S, Learned, J, LeCompte, T, Lee, C, Legin, V, Lehmann_Miotto, G, Lehnert, R, Leigui_de_Oliveira, MA, Leitner, M, Leon_Silverio, D, Lepin, LM, Li, J-Y, Li, SW, Li, Y, Liao, H, Lin, CS, Lindebaum, D, Lineros, RA, Ling, J, Lister, A, Littlejohn, BR, Liu, H, Liu, J, Liu, Y, Lockwitz, S, Lokajicek, M, Lomidze, I, Long, K, Lopes, TV, Lopez, J, López_de_Rego, I, López_March, N, Lord, T, LoSecco, JM, Louis, WC, Lozano_Sanchez, A, Lu, X-G, Luk, KB, Lunday, B, Luo, X, Luppi, E, Maalmi, J, MacFarlane, D, Machado, AA, Machado, P, Macias, CT, Macier, JR, MacMahon, M, Maddalena, A, Madera, A, Madigan, P, Magill, S, Magueur, C, Mahn, K, Maio, A, Major, A, Majumdar, K, Man, M, Mandujano, RC, Maneira, J, Manly, S, Mann, A, Manolopoulos, K, Manrique_Plata, M, Manthey_Corchado, S, Manyam, VN, Marchan, M, Marchionni, A, Marciano, W, Marfatia, D, Mariani, C, Maricic, J, Marinho, F, Marino, AD, Markiewicz, T, Das_Chagas_Marques, F, Marsden, D, Marshak, M, Marshall, CM, Marshall, J, Martín-Albo, J, Martinez, N, Martinez_Caicedo, DA, Martínez_López, F, Martínez_Miravé, P, Martynenko, S, Mascagna, V, Massari, C, Mastbaum, A, Matichard, F, Matsuno, S, Matteucci, G, Matthews, J, Mauger, C, Mauri, N, Mavrokoridis, K, Mawby, I, Mazza, R, Mazzacane, A, McAskill, T, McConkey, N, McFarland, KS, McGrew, C, McNab, A, Meazza, L, Meddage, VCN, Mehta, B, Mehta, P, Melas, P, Mena, O, Mendez, H, Mendez, P, Méndez, DP, Menegolli, A, Meng, G, Messier, MD, Metallo, S, Metcalf, J, Metcalf, W, Mewes, M, Meyer, H, Miao, T, Miccoli, A, Michna, G, Mikola, V, Milincic, R, Miller, G, Miller, W, Mineev, O, Minotti, A, Miralles, L, Miranda, OG, Mironov, C, Miryala, S, Miscetti, S, Mishra, CS, Mishra, SR, Mislivec, A, Mitchell, M, Mladenov, D, Mocioiu, I, Mogan, A, Moggi, N, Mohanta, R, Mohayai, TA, Mokhov, N, Molina, J, Molina_Bueno, L, Montagna, E, Montanari, A, Montanari, C, Montanari, D, Montanino, D, Montaño_Zetina, LM, Mooney, M, Moor, AF, Moore, Z, Moreno, D, Moreno-Palacios, O, Morescalchi, L, Moretti, D, Moretti, R, Morris, C, Mossey, C, Mote, M, Moura, CA, Mouster, G, Mu, W, Mualem, L, Mueller, J, Muether, M, Muheim, F, Muir, A, Mulhearn, M, Munford, D, Munteanu, LJ, Muramatsu, H, Muraz, J, Murphy, M, Murphy, T, Muse, J, Mytilinaki, A, Nachtman, J, Nagai, Y, Nagu, S, Nalbandyan, M, Nandakumar, R, Naples, D, Narita, S, Nath, A, Navrer-Agasson, A, Nayak, N, Nebot-Guinot, M, Nehm, A, Nelson, JK, Neogi, O, Nesbit, J, Nessi, M, Newbold, D, Newcomer, M, Nichol, R, Nicolas-Arnaldos, F, Nikolica, A, Nikolov, J, Niner, E, Nishimura, K, Norman, A, Norrick, A, Novella, P, Nowak, JA, Oberling, M, Ochoa-Ricoux, JP, Oh, S, Oh, SB, Olivier, A, Olshevskiy, A, Olson, T, Onel, Y, Onishchuk, Y, Oranday, A, Osbiston, M, Osorio_Vélez, JA, Otiniano_Ormachea, L, Ott, J, Pagani, L, Palacio, G, Palamara, O, Palestini, S, Paley, JM, Pallavicini, M, Palomares, C, Pan, S, Panda, P, Panduro_Vazquez, W, Pantic, E, Paolone, V, Papadimitriou, V, Papaleo, R, Papanestis, A, Papoulias, D, Paramesvaran, S, Paris, A, Parke, S, Parozzi, E, Parsa, S, Parsa, Z, Parveen, S, Parvu, M, Pasciuto, D, Pascoli, S, Pasqualini, L, Pasternak, J, Patrick, C, Patrizii, L, Patterson, RB, Patzak, T, Paudel, A, Paulucci, L, Pavlovic, Z, Pawloski, G, Payne, D, Pec, V, Pedreschi, E, Peeters, SJM, Pena_Perez, A, Pennacchio, E, Penzo, A, Peres, OLG, Perez_Gonzalez, YF, Pérez-Molina, L, Pernas, C, Perry, J, Pershey, D, Pessina, G, Petrillo, G, Petta, C, Petti, R, Pia, V, Pickering, L, Pietropaolo, F, Pimentel, VL, Pinaroli, G, Pinchault, J, Plows, K, Plunkett, R, Pollack, C, Pollman, T, Pompa, F, Pons, X, Poonthottathil, N, Poppi, F, Pordes, S, Porter, J, Potekhin, M, Potenza, R, Pozimski, J, Pozzato, M, Prakash, S, Prakash, T, Pratt, C, Prest, M, Psihas, F, Pugnere, D, Qian, X, Raaf, JL, Radeka, V, Rademacker, J, Radics, B, Rafique, A, Raguzin, E, Rai, M, Rajaoalisoa, M, Rakhno, I, Rakotondravohitra, L, Ralte, L, Ramirez_Delgado, MA, Ramson, B, Rappoldi, A, Raselli, G, Ratoff, P, Ray, R, Razafinime, H, Rea, EM, Real, JS, Rebel, B, Rechenmacher, R, Reggiani-Guzzo, M, Reichenbacher, J, Reitzner, SD, Rejeb_Sfar, H, Renner, E, Renshaw, A, Rescia, S, Resnati, F, Restrepo, D, Reynolds, C, Ribas, M, Riboldi, S, Riccio, C, Riccobene, G, Ricol, JS, Rigan, M, Rincón, EV, Ritchie-Yates, A, Ritter, S, Rivera, D, Rivera, R, Robert, A, Rocabado_Rocha, JL, Rochester, L, Roda, M, Rodrigues, P, Rodriguez_Alonso, MJ, Rodriguez_Rondon, J, Rosauro-Alcaraz, S, Rosier, P, Ross, D, Rossella, M, Rossi, M, Ross-Lonergan, M, Roy, N, Roy, P, Rubbia, C, Ruggeri, A, Ruiz_Ferreira, G, Russell, B, Ruterbories, D, Rybnikov, A, Saa-Hernandez, A, Saakyan, R, Sacerdoti, S, Sahoo, SK, Sahu, N, Sala, P, Samios, N, Samoylov, O, Sanchez, MC, Sánchez_Bravo, A, Sanchez-Lucas, P, Sandberg, V, Sanders, DA, Sankey, D, Santoro, D, Saoulidou, N, Sapienza, P, Sarasty, C, Sarcevic, I, Sarra, I, Savage, G, Savinov, V, Scanavini, G, Scaramelli, A, Scarff, A, Schefke, T, Schellman, H, Schifano, S, Schlabach, P, Schmitz, D, Schneider, AW, Scholberg, K, Schukraft, A, Schuld, B, Segreto, E, Selyunin, A, Senise, CR, Sensenig, J, Shaevitz, MH, Shanahan, P, Sharma, P, Kumar, R, Shaw, K, Shaw, T, Shchablo, K, Shepherd-Themistocleous, C, Sheshukov, A, Shi, W, Shin, S, Shivakoti, S, Shoemaker, I, Shooltz, D, Shrock, R, Siddi, B, Silber, J, Simard, L, Sinclair, J, Sinev, G, Singh, Jaydip, Singh, J, Singh, L, Singh, P, Singh, V, Singh_Chauhan, S, Sipos, R, Sironneau, C, Sirri, G, Siyeon, K, Skarpaas, K, Smedley, J, Smith, E, Smith, J, Smith, P, Smolik, J, Smy, M, Snape, M, Snider, EL, Snopok, P, Snowden-Ifft, D, Soares_Nunes, M, Sobel, H, Soderberg, M, Sokolov, S, Solano_Salinas, CJ, Söldner-Rembold, S, Soleti, SR, Solomey, N, Solovov, V, Sondheim, WE, Sorel, M, Sotnikov, A, Soto-Oton, J, Sousa, A, Soustruznik, K, Spinella, F, Spitz, J, Spooner, NJC, Spurgeon, K, Stalder, D, Stancari, M, Stanco, L, Steenis, J, Stein, R, Steiner, HM, Steklain_Lisbôa, AF, Stepanova, A, Stewart, J, Stillwell, B, Stock, J, Stocker, F, Stokes, T, Strait, M, Strauss, T, Strigari, L, Stuart, A, Suarez, JG, Subash, J, Surdo, A, Suter, L, Sutera, CM, Sutton, K, Suvorov, Y, Svoboda, R, Swain, SK, Szczerbinska, B, Szelc, AM, Sztuc, A, Taffara, A, Talukdar, N, Tamara, J, Tanaka, HA, Tang, S, Taniuchi, N, Tapia_Casanova, AM, Tapia_Oregui, B, Tapper, A, Tariq, S, Tarpara, E, Tatar, E, Tayloe, R, Tedeschi, D, Teklu, AM, Tena_Vidal, J, Tennessen, P, Tenti, M, Terao, K, Terranova, F, Testera, G, Thakore, T, Thea, A, Thiebault, A, Thompson, A, Thorn, C, Timm, SC, Tiras, E, Tishchenko, V, Todorović, N, Tomassetti, L, Tonazzo, A, Torbunov, D, Torti, M, Tortola, M, Tortorici, F, Tosi, N, Totani, D, Toups, M, Touramanis, C, Tran, D, Travaglini, R, Trevor, J, Triller, E, Trilov, S, Truncali, D, Trzaska, WH, Tsai, Y, Tsai, Y-T, Tsamalaidze, Z, Tsang, KV, Tsverava, N, Tu, SZ, Tufanli, S, Turner, J, Tuzi, M, Tyler, J, Tyley, E, Tzanov, M, Uchida, MA, Ureña_González, J, Urheim, J, Usher, T, Utaegbulam, H, Uzunyan, S, Vagins, MR, Vahle, P, Valder, S, Valdiviesso, GA, Valencia, E, Valentim, R, Vallari, Z, Vallazza, E, Valle, JWF, Van_Berg, R, Van_de_Water, RG, Forero, DV, Van_Nuland-Troost, M, Varanini, F, Vargas_Oliva, D, Varner, G, Vasina, S, Vaughan, N, Vaziri, K, Vega, J, Ventura, S, Verdugo, A, Vergani, S, Verzocchi, M, Vetter, K, Vicenzi, M, Vieira_de_Souza, H, Vignoli, C, Villa, E, Viren, B, Vizcaya-Hernandez, A, Vrba, T, Vuong, Q, Waldron, AV, Wallbank, M, Walsh, J, Walton, T, Wang, H, Wang, J, Wang, L, Wang, MHLS, Wang, X, Wang, Y, Warburton, K, Warner, D, Warsame, L, Wascko, MO, Waters, D, Watson, A, Wawrowska, K, Weber, A, Weber, M, Wei, H, Weinstein, A, Wenzel, H, Westerdale, S, Wetstein, M, Whalen, K, Whilhelmi, J, White, A, White, A, Whitehead, LH, Whittington, D, Wilking, MJ, Wilkinson, A, Wilkinson, C, Wilson, F, Wilson, RJ, Winter, P, Wisniewski, W, Wolcott, J, Wolfs, J, Wongjirad, T, Wood, A, Wood, K, Worcester, E, Worcester, M, Wospakrik, M, Wresilo, K, Wret, C, Wu, S, Wu, W, Wu, W, Wurm, M, Wyenberg, J, Xiao, Y, Xiotidis, I, Yaeggy, B, Yahlali, N, Yandel, E, Yang, K, Yang, T, Yankelevich, A, Yershov, N, Yonehara, K, Young, T, Yu, B, Yu, H, Yu, J, Yu, Y, Yuan, W, Zaki, R, Zalesak, J, Zambelli, L, Zamorano, B, Zani, A, Zapata, O, Zazueta, L, Zeller, GP, Zennamo, J, Zeug, K, Zhang, C, Zhang, S, Zhao, M, Zhivun, E, Zimmerman, ED, Zucchelli, S, Zuklin, J, Zutshi, V, and Zwaska, R. "Doping liquid argon with xenon in ProtoDUNE Single-Phase: effects on scintillation light". Journal of Instrumentation 19 (08). Country unknown/Code not available: IOP Science. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/19/08/P08005. https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10566831.
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Cite: BibTeX Format@article{osti_10566831,
place = {Country unknown/Code not available}, title = {Doping liquid argon with xenon in ProtoDUNE Single-Phase: effects on scintillation light}, url = {https://par.nsf.gov/biblio/10566831}, DOI = {10.1088/1748-0221/19/08/P08005}, abstractNote = {Abstract Doping of liquid argon TPCs (LArTPCs) with a small concentration of xenon is a technique for light-shifting and facilitates the detection of the liquid argon scintillation light. In this paper, we present the results of the first doping test ever performed in a kiloton-scale LArTPC. From February to May 2020, we carried out this special run in the single-phase DUNE Far Detector prototype (ProtoDUNE-SP) at CERN, featuring 720 t of total liquid argon mass with 410 t of fiducial mass. A 5.4 ppm nitrogen contamination was present during the xenon doping campaign. The goal of the run was to measure the light and charge response of the detector to the addition of xenon, up to a concentration of 18.8 ppm. The main purpose was to test the possibility for reduction of non-uniformities in light collection, caused by deployment of photon detectors only within the anode planes. Light collection was analysed as a function of the xenon concentration, by using the pre-existing photon detection system (PDS) of ProtoDUNE-SP and an additional smaller set-up installed specifically for this run. In this paper we first summarize our current understanding of the argon-xenon energy transfer process and the impact of the presence of nitrogen in argon with and without xenon dopant. We then describe the key elements of ProtoDUNE-SP and the injection method deployed. Two dedicated photon detectors were able to collect the light produced by xenon and the total light. The ratio of these components was measured to be about 0.65 as 18.8 ppm of xenon were injected. We performed studies of the collection efficiency as a function of the distance between tracks and light detectors, demonstrating enhanced uniformity of response for the anode-mounted PDS. We also show that xenon doping can substantially recover light losses due to contamination of the liquid argon by nitrogen.}, journal = {Journal of Instrumentation}, volume = {19}, number = {08}, publisher = {IOP Science}, author = {Abed_Abud, A and Abi, B and Acciarri, R and Acero, MA and Adames, MR and Adamov, G and Adamowski, M and Adams, D and Adinolfi, M and Adriano, C and Aduszkiewicz, A and Aguilar, J and Aimard, B and Akbar, F and Allison, K and Alonso_Monsalve, S and Alrashed, M and Alton, A and Alvarez, R and Amar_Es-sghir, H and Amedo, P and Anderson, J and Andrade, DA and Andreopoulos, C and Andreotti, M and Andrews, MP and Andrianala, F and Andringa, S and Anfimov, N and Ankowski, A and Antoniassi, M and Antonova, M and Antoshkin, A and Aranda-Fernandez, A and Arellano, L and Arrieta_Diaz, E and Arroyave, MA and Asaadi, J and Ashkenazi, A and Asquith, L and Atkin, E and Auguste, D and Aurisano, A and Aushev, V and Autiero, D and Azfar, F and Back, A and Back, H and Back, JJ and Bagaturia, I and Bagby, L and Balashov, N and Balasubramanian, S and Baldi, P and Baldini, W and Baller, B and Bambah, B and Banerjee, R and Barao, F and Barenboim, G and Barham_Alzás, P and Barker, GJ and Barkhouse, W and Barr, G and Barranco_Monarca, J and Barros, A and Barros, N and Barrow, D and Barrow, JL and Basharina-Freshville, A and Bashyal, A and Basque, V and Batchelor, C and Bathe-Peters, L and Battat, JBR and Battisti, F and Bay, F and Bazetto, MCQ and Bazo_Alba, JLL and Beacom, JF and Bechetoille, E and Behera, B and Belchior, E and Bell, G and Bellantoni, L and Bellettini, G and Bellini, V and Beltramello, O and Benekos, N and Benitez_Montiel, C and Benjamin, D and Bento_Neves, F and Berger, J and Berkman, S and Bernardini, P and Bersani, A and Bertolucci, S and Betancourt, M and Betancur_Rodríguez, A and Bevan, A and Bezawada, Y and Bezerra, AT and Bezerra, TJ and Bhat, A and Bhatnagar, V and Bhatt, J and Bhattacharjee, M and Bhattacharya, M and Bhuller, S and Bhuyan, B and Biagi, S and Bian, J and Biery, K and Bilki, B and Bishai, M and Bitadze, A and Blake, A and Blaszczyk, FD and Blazey, GC and Blucher, E and Boissevain, J and Bolognesi, S and Bolton, T and Bomben, L and Bonesini, M and Bonilla-Diaz, C and Bonini, F and Booth, A and Boran, F and Bordoni, S and Borges_Merlo, R and Borkum, A and Bostan, N and Bracinik, J and Braga, D and Brahma, B and Brailsford, D and Bramati, F and Branca, A and Brandt, A and Bremer, J and Brew, C and Brice, SJ and Brio, V and Brizzolari, C and Bromberg, C and Brooke, J and Bross, A and Brunetti, G and Brunetti, M and Buchanan, N and Budd, H and Buergi, J and Burgardt, D and Butchart, S and Caceres_Vera, G and Cagnoli, I and Cai, T and Calabrese, R and Calcutt, J and Calin, M and Calivers, L and Calvo, E and Caminata, A and Campanelli, W and Campos_Benitez, A and Canci, N and Capó, J and Caracas, I and Caratelli, D and Carber, D and Carceller, JM and Carini, G and Carlus, B and Carneiro, MF and Carniti, P and Caro_Terrazas, I and Carranza, H and Carrara, N and Carroll, L and Carroll, T and Carter, A and Casazza, D and Castaño_Forero, JF and Castaño, FA and Castillo, A and Castromonte, C and Catano-Mur, E and Cattadori, C and Cavalier, F and Cavanna, F and Centro, S and Cerati, G and Cervelli, A and Cervera_Villanueva, A and Chakraborty, K and Chalifour, M and Chappell, A and Charitonidis, N and Chatterjee, A and Chen, H and Chen, M and Chen, WC and Chen, Y and Chen-Wishart, Z and Cherdack, D and Chi, C and Chirco, R and Chitirasreemadam, N and Cho, K and Choate, S and Chokheli, D and Chong, PS and Chowdhury, B and Christian, D and Chukanov, A and Chung, M and Church, E and Cicala, MF and Cicerchia, M and Cicero, V and Ciolini, R and Clair, J and Clarke, P and Cline, G and Coan, TE and Cocco, AG and Coelho, JAB and Cohen, A and Collot, J and Conley, E and Conrad, JM and Convery, M and Cooke, P and Copello, S and Cova, P and Cox, C and Cremaldi, L and Cremonesi, L and Crespo-Anadón, JI and Crisler, M and Cristaldo, E and Crnkovic, J and Crone, G and Cross, R and Cudd, A and Cuesta, C and Cui, Y and Cussans, D and Dai, J and Dalager, O and Dallavalle, R and da_Motta, H and Dar, ZA and Darby, R and Da_Silva_Peres, L and David, Q and Davies, GS and Davini, S and Dawson, J and De_Aguiar, R and De_Almeida, P and Debbins, P and De_Bonis, I and Decowski, MP and de_Gouvêa, A and De_Holanda, PC and De_Icaza_Astiz, IL and De_Jong, P and De_la_Torre, A and Delbart, A and Delepine, D and Delgado, M and Dell'Acqua, A and Delle_Monache, G and Delmonte, N and De_Lurgio, P and Demario, R and de_Mello_Neto, JRT and DeMuth, DM and Dennis, S and Densham, C and Denton, P and Deptuch, GW and De_Roeck, A and De_Romeri, V and Detje, JP and Devine, J and Dharmapalan, R and Dias, M and Díaz, JS and Díaz, F and Di_Capua, F and Di_Domenico, A and Di_Domizio, S and Di_Falco, S and Di_Giulio, L and Ding, P and Di_Noto, L and Diociaiuti, E and Distefano, C and Diurba, R and Diwan, M and Djurcic, Z and Doering, D and Dolan, S and Dolek, F and Dolinski, MJ and Domenici, D and Domine, L and Donati, S and Donon, Y and Doran, S and Douglas, D and Doyle, TA and Dragone, A and Drielsma, F and Duarte, L and Duchesneau, D and Duffy, K and Dugas, K and Dunne, P and Dutta, B and Duyang, H and Dvornikov, O and Dwyer, DA and Dyshkant, AS and Dytman, S and Eads, M and Earle, A and Edayath, S and Edmunds, D and Eisch, J and Englezos, P and Ereditato, A and Erjavec, T and Escobar, CO and Evans, JJ and Ewart, E and Ezeribe, AC and Fahey, K and Fajt, L and Falcone, A and Fani', M and Farnese, C and Farzan, Y and Fedoseev, D and Felix, J and Feng, Y and Fernandez-Martinez, E and Ferraro, F and Ferry, G and Fields, L and Filip, P and Filkins, A and Filthaut, F and Fine, R and Fiorillo, G and Fiorini, M and Fogarty, S and Foreman, W and Fowler, J and Franc, J and Francis, K and Franco, D and Franklin, J and Freeman, J and Fried, J and Friedland, A and Fuess, S and Furic, IK and Furman, K and Furmanski, AP and Gaba, R and Gabrielli, A and Gago, AM and Galizzi, F and Gallagher, H and Gallas, A and Gallice, N and Galymov, V and Gamberini, E and Gamble, T and Ganacim, F and Gandhi, R and Ganguly, S and Gao, F and Gao, S and Garcia-Gamez, D and García-Peris, MÁ and Gardiner, S and Gastler, D and Gauch, A and Gauvreau, J and Gauzzi, P and Ge, G and Geffroy, N and Gelli, B and Gent, S and Gerlach, L and Ghorbani-Moghaddam, Z and Giammaria, P and Giammaria, T and Gibin, D and Gil-Botella, I and Gilligan, S and Gioiosa, A and Giovannella, S and Girerd, C and Giri, AK and Giugliano, C and Giusti, V and Gnani, D and Gogota, O and Gollapinni, S and Gollwitzer, K and Gomes, RA and Gomez_Bermeo, LV and Gomez_Fajardo, LS and Gonnella, F and Gonzalez-Diaz, D and Gonzalez-Lopez, M and Goodman, MC and Goswami, S and Gotti, C and Goudeau, J and Goudzovski, E and Grace, C and Gramellini, E and Gran, R and Granados, E and Granger, P and Grant, C and Gratieri, DR and Grauso, G and Green, P and Greenberg, S and Greer, J and Griffith, WC and Groetschla, FT and Grzelak, K and Gu, W and Guarino, V and Guarise, M and Guenette, R and Guerard, E and Guerzoni, M and Guffanti, D and Guglielmi, A and Guo, B and Guo, Y and Gupta, A and Gupta, V and Gurung, G and Gutierrez, D and Guzowski, P and Guzzo, MM and Gwon, S and Haaf, K and Habig, A and Hadavand, H and Haenni, R and Hagaman, L and Hahn, A and Haiston, J and Hakenmueller, J and Hamernik, T and Hamilton, P and Hancock, J and Happacher, F and Harris, DA and Hartnell, J and Hartnett, T and Harton, J and Hasegawa, T and Hasnip, C and Hatcher, R and Hayrapetyan, K and Hays, J and Hazen, E and He, M and Heavey, A and Heeger, KM and Heise, J and Henry, S and Hernandez_Morquecho, MA and Herner, K and Hewes, V and Higuera, A and Hilgenberg, C and Hillier, SJ and Himmel, A and Hinkle, E and Hirsch, LR and Ho, J and Hoff, J and Holin, A and Holvey, T and Hoppe, E and Horton-Smith, GA and Hostert, M and Houdy, T and Howard, B and Howell, R and Hristova, I and Hronek, MS and Huang, J and Huang, RG and Hulcher, Z and Ibrahim, M and Iles, G and Ilic, N and Iliescu, AM and Illingworth, R and Ingratta, G and Ioannisian, A and Irwin, B and Isenhower, L and Ismerio_Oliveira, M and Itay, R and Jackson, CM and Jain, V and James, E and Jang, W and Jargowsky, B and Jena, D and Ji, X and Jiang, C and Jiang, J and Jiang, L and Jipa, A and Joaquim, FR and Johnson, W and Jones, B and Jones, R and José_Fernández, D and Jovancevic, N and Judah, M and Jung, CK and Junk, T and Jwa, Y and Kabirnezhad, M and Kaboth, AC and Kadenko, I and Kakorin, I and Kalitkina, A and Kalra, D and Kamiya, F and Kandemir, M and Kaplan, DM and Karagiorgi, G and Karaman, G and Karcher, A and Karyotakis, Y and Kasai, S and Kasetti, SP and Kashur, L and Katsioulas, I and Kauther, A and Kazaryan, N and Ke, L and Kearns, E and Keener, PT and Kelly, KJ and Kemp, E and Kemularia, O and Kermaidic, Y and Ketchum, W and Kettell, SH and Khabibullin, M and Khan, N and Khvedelidze, A and Kim, D and Kim, J and King, B and Kirby, B and Kirby, M and Klein, J and Kleykamp, J and Klustova, A and Kobilarcik, T and Koch, L and Koehler, K and Koerner, LW and Koh, DH and Kolupaeva, L and Korablev, D and Kordosky, M and Kosc, T and Kose, U and Kostelecký, VA and Kothekar, K and Kotler, I and Kovalcuk, M and Kozhukalov, V and Krah, W and Kralik, R and Kramer, M and Kreczko, L and Krennrich, F and Kreslo, I and Kroupova, T and Kubota, S and Kubu, M and Kudenko, Y and Kudryavtsev, VA and Kuhlmann, S and Kumar, J and Kumar, P and Kumaran, S and Kunze, P and Kunzmann, J and Kuravi, R and Kurita, N and Kuruppu, C and Kus, V and Kutter, T and Kvasnicka, J and Labree, T and Lackey, T and Lambert, A and Land, BJ and Lane, CE and Lane, N and Lang, K and Langford, T and Langstaff, M and Lanni, F and Lantwin, O and Larkin, J and Lasorak, P and Last, D and Laudrain, A and Laundrie, A and Laurenti, G and Lavaut, E and Lawrence, A and Laycock, P and Lazanu, I and Lazzaroni, M and Le, T and Leardini, S and Learned, J and LeCompte, T and Lee, C and Legin, V and Lehmann_Miotto, G and Lehnert, R and Leigui_de_Oliveira, MA and Leitner, M and Leon_Silverio, D and Lepin, LM and Li, J-Y and Li, SW and Li, Y and Liao, H and Lin, CS and Lindebaum, D and Lineros, RA and Ling, J and Lister, A and Littlejohn, BR and Liu, H and Liu, J and Liu, Y and Lockwitz, S and Lokajicek, M and Lomidze, I and Long, K and Lopes, TV and Lopez, J and López_de_Rego, I and López_March, N and Lord, T and LoSecco, JM and Louis, WC and Lozano_Sanchez, A and Lu, X-G and Luk, KB and Lunday, B and Luo, X and Luppi, E and Maalmi, J and MacFarlane, D and Machado, AA and Machado, P and Macias, CT and Macier, JR and MacMahon, M and Maddalena, A and Madera, A and Madigan, P and Magill, S and Magueur, C and Mahn, K and Maio, A and Major, A and Majumdar, K and Man, M and Mandujano, RC and Maneira, J and Manly, S and Mann, A and Manolopoulos, K and Manrique_Plata, M and Manthey_Corchado, S and Manyam, VN and Marchan, M and Marchionni, A and Marciano, W and Marfatia, D and Mariani, C and Maricic, J and Marinho, F and Marino, AD and Markiewicz, T and Das_Chagas_Marques, F and Marsden, D and Marshak, M and Marshall, CM and Marshall, J and Martín-Albo, J and Martinez, N and Martinez_Caicedo, DA and Martínez_López, F and Martínez_Miravé, P and Martynenko, S and Mascagna, V and Massari, C and Mastbaum, A and Matichard, F and Matsuno, S and Matteucci, G and Matthews, J and Mauger, C and Mauri, N and Mavrokoridis, K and Mawby, I and Mazza, R and Mazzacane, A and McAskill, T and McConkey, N and McFarland, KS and McGrew, C and McNab, A and Meazza, L and Meddage, VCN and Mehta, B and Mehta, P and Melas, P and Mena, O and Mendez, H and Mendez, P and Méndez, DP and Menegolli, A and Meng, G and Messier, MD and Metallo, S and Metcalf, J and Metcalf, W and Mewes, M and Meyer, H and Miao, T and Miccoli, A and Michna, G and Mikola, V and Milincic, R and Miller, G and Miller, W and Mineev, O and Minotti, A and Miralles, L and Miranda, OG and Mironov, C and Miryala, S and Miscetti, S and Mishra, CS and Mishra, SR and Mislivec, A and Mitchell, M and Mladenov, D and Mocioiu, I and Mogan, A and Moggi, N and Mohanta, R and Mohayai, TA and Mokhov, N and Molina, J and Molina_Bueno, L and Montagna, E and Montanari, A and Montanari, C and Montanari, D and Montanino, D and Montaño_Zetina, LM and Mooney, M and Moor, AF and Moore, Z and Moreno, D and Moreno-Palacios, O and Morescalchi, L and Moretti, D and Moretti, R and Morris, C and Mossey, C and Mote, M and Moura, CA and Mouster, G and Mu, W and Mualem, L and Mueller, J and Muether, M and Muheim, F and Muir, A and Mulhearn, M and Munford, D and Munteanu, LJ and Muramatsu, H and Muraz, J and Murphy, M and Murphy, T and Muse, J and Mytilinaki, A and Nachtman, J and Nagai, Y and Nagu, S and Nalbandyan, M and Nandakumar, R and Naples, D and Narita, S and Nath, A and Navrer-Agasson, A and Nayak, N and Nebot-Guinot, M and Nehm, A and Nelson, JK and Neogi, O and Nesbit, J and Nessi, M and Newbold, D and Newcomer, M and Nichol, R and Nicolas-Arnaldos, F and Nikolica, A and Nikolov, J and Niner, E and Nishimura, K and Norman, A and Norrick, A and Novella, P and Nowak, JA and Oberling, M and Ochoa-Ricoux, JP and Oh, S and Oh, SB and Olivier, A and Olshevskiy, A and Olson, T and Onel, Y and Onishchuk, Y and Oranday, A and Osbiston, M and Osorio_Vélez, JA and Otiniano_Ormachea, L and Ott, J and Pagani, L and Palacio, G and Palamara, O and Palestini, S and Paley, JM and Pallavicini, M and Palomares, C and Pan, S and Panda, P and Panduro_Vazquez, W and Pantic, E and Paolone, V and Papadimitriou, V and Papaleo, R and Papanestis, A and Papoulias, D and Paramesvaran, S and Paris, A and Parke, S and Parozzi, E and Parsa, S and Parsa, Z and Parveen, S and Parvu, M and Pasciuto, D and Pascoli, S and Pasqualini, L and Pasternak, J and Patrick, C and Patrizii, L and Patterson, RB and Patzak, T and Paudel, A and Paulucci, L and Pavlovic, Z and Pawloski, G and Payne, D and Pec, V and Pedreschi, E and Peeters, SJM and Pena_Perez, A and Pennacchio, E and Penzo, A and Peres, OLG and Perez_Gonzalez, YF and Pérez-Molina, L and Pernas, C and Perry, J and Pershey, D and Pessina, G and Petrillo, G and Petta, C and Petti, R and Pia, V and Pickering, L and Pietropaolo, F and Pimentel, VL and Pinaroli, G and Pinchault, J and Plows, K and Plunkett, R and Pollack, C and Pollman, T and Pompa, F and Pons, X and Poonthottathil, N and Poppi, F and Pordes, S and Porter, J and Potekhin, M and Potenza, R and Pozimski, J and Pozzato, M and Prakash, S and Prakash, T and Pratt, C and Prest, M and Psihas, F and Pugnere, D and Qian, X and Raaf, JL and Radeka, V and Rademacker, J and Radics, B and Rafique, A and Raguzin, E and Rai, M and Rajaoalisoa, M and Rakhno, I and Rakotondravohitra, L and Ralte, L and Ramirez_Delgado, MA and Ramson, B and Rappoldi, A and Raselli, G and Ratoff, P and Ray, R and Razafinime, H and Rea, EM and Real, JS and Rebel, B and Rechenmacher, R and Reggiani-Guzzo, M and Reichenbacher, J and Reitzner, SD and Rejeb_Sfar, H and Renner, E and Renshaw, A and Rescia, S and Resnati, F and Restrepo, D and Reynolds, C and Ribas, M and Riboldi, S and Riccio, C and Riccobene, G and Ricol, JS and Rigan, M and Rincón, EV and Ritchie-Yates, A and Ritter, S and Rivera, D and Rivera, R and Robert, A and Rocabado_Rocha, JL and Rochester, L and Roda, M and Rodrigues, P and Rodriguez_Alonso, MJ and Rodriguez_Rondon, J and Rosauro-Alcaraz, S and Rosier, P and Ross, D and Rossella, M and Rossi, M and Ross-Lonergan, M and Roy, N and Roy, P and Rubbia, C and Ruggeri, A and Ruiz_Ferreira, G and Russell, B and Ruterbories, D and Rybnikov, A and Saa-Hernandez, A and Saakyan, R and Sacerdoti, S and Sahoo, SK and Sahu, N and Sala, P and Samios, N and Samoylov, O and Sanchez, MC and Sánchez_Bravo, A and Sanchez-Lucas, P and Sandberg, V and Sanders, DA and Sankey, D and Santoro, D and Saoulidou, N and Sapienza, P and Sarasty, C and Sarcevic, I and Sarra, I and Savage, G and Savinov, V and Scanavini, G and Scaramelli, A and Scarff, A and Schefke, T and Schellman, H and Schifano, S and Schlabach, P and Schmitz, D and Schneider, AW and Scholberg, K and Schukraft, A and Schuld, B and Segreto, E and Selyunin, A and Senise, CR and Sensenig, J and Shaevitz, MH and Shanahan, P and Sharma, P and Kumar, R and Shaw, K and Shaw, T and Shchablo, K and Shepherd-Themistocleous, C and Sheshukov, A and Shi, W and Shin, S and Shivakoti, S and Shoemaker, I and Shooltz, D and Shrock, R and Siddi, B and Silber, J and Simard, L and Sinclair, J and Sinev, G and Singh, Jaydip and Singh, J and Singh, L and Singh, P and Singh, V and Singh_Chauhan, S and Sipos, R and Sironneau, C and Sirri, G and Siyeon, K and Skarpaas, K and Smedley, J and Smith, E and Smith, J and Smith, P and Smolik, J and Smy, M and Snape, M and Snider, EL and Snopok, P and Snowden-Ifft, D and Soares_Nunes, M and Sobel, H and Soderberg, M and Sokolov, S and Solano_Salinas, CJ and Söldner-Rembold, S and Soleti, SR and Solomey, N and Solovov, V and Sondheim, WE and Sorel, M and Sotnikov, A and Soto-Oton, J and Sousa, A and Soustruznik, K and Spinella, F and Spitz, J and Spooner, NJC and Spurgeon, K and Stalder, D and Stancari, M and Stanco, L and Steenis, J and Stein, R and Steiner, HM and Steklain_Lisbôa, AF and Stepanova, A and Stewart, J and Stillwell, B and Stock, J and Stocker, F and Stokes, T and Strait, M and Strauss, T and Strigari, L and Stuart, A and Suarez, JG and Subash, J and Surdo, A and Suter, L and Sutera, CM and Sutton, K and Suvorov, Y and Svoboda, R and Swain, SK and Szczerbinska, B and Szelc, AM and Sztuc, A and Taffara, A and Talukdar, N and Tamara, J and Tanaka, HA and Tang, S and Taniuchi, N and Tapia_Casanova, AM and Tapia_Oregui, B and Tapper, A and Tariq, S and Tarpara, E and Tatar, E and Tayloe, R and Tedeschi, D and Teklu, AM and Tena_Vidal, J and Tennessen, P and Tenti, M and Terao, K and Terranova, F and Testera, G and Thakore, T and Thea, A and Thiebault, A and Thompson, A and Thorn, C and Timm, SC and Tiras, E and Tishchenko, V and Todorović, N and Tomassetti, L and Tonazzo, A and Torbunov, D and Torti, M and Tortola, M and Tortorici, F and Tosi, N and Totani, D and Toups, M and Touramanis, C and Tran, D and Travaglini, R and Trevor, J and Triller, E and Trilov, S and Truncali, D and Trzaska, WH and Tsai, Y and Tsai, Y-T and Tsamalaidze, Z and Tsang, KV and Tsverava, N and Tu, SZ and Tufanli, S and Turner, J and Tuzi, M and Tyler, J and Tyley, E and Tzanov, M and Uchida, MA and Ureña_González, J and Urheim, J and Usher, T and Utaegbulam, H and Uzunyan, S and Vagins, MR and Vahle, P and Valder, S and Valdiviesso, GA and Valencia, E and Valentim, R and Vallari, Z and Vallazza, E and Valle, JWF and Van_Berg, R and Van_de_Water, RG and Forero, DV and Van_Nuland-Troost, M and Varanini, F and Vargas_Oliva, D and Varner, G and Vasina, S and Vaughan, N and Vaziri, K and Vega, J and Ventura, S and Verdugo, A and Vergani, S and Verzocchi, M and Vetter, K and Vicenzi, M and Vieira_de_Souza, H and Vignoli, C and Villa, E and Viren, B and Vizcaya-Hernandez, A and Vrba, T and Vuong, Q and Waldron, AV and Wallbank, M and Walsh, J and Walton, T and Wang, H and Wang, J and Wang, L and Wang, MHLS and Wang, X and Wang, Y and Warburton, K and Warner, D and Warsame, L and Wascko, MO and Waters, D and Watson, A and Wawrowska, K and Weber, A and Weber, M and Wei, H and Weinstein, A and Wenzel, H and Westerdale, S and Wetstein, M and Whalen, K and Whilhelmi, J and White, A and White, A and Whitehead, LH and Whittington, D and Wilking, MJ and Wilkinson, A and Wilkinson, C and Wilson, F and Wilson, RJ and Winter, P and Wisniewski, W and Wolcott, J and Wolfs, J and Wongjirad, T and Wood, A and Wood, K and Worcester, E and Worcester, M and Wospakrik, M and Wresilo, K and Wret, C and Wu, S and Wu, W and Wu, W and Wurm, M and Wyenberg, J and Xiao, Y and Xiotidis, I and Yaeggy, B and Yahlali, N and Yandel, E and Yang, K and Yang, T and Yankelevich, A and Yershov, N and Yonehara, K and Young, T and Yu, B and Yu, H and Yu, J and Yu, Y and Yuan, W and Zaki, R and Zalesak, J and Zambelli, L and Zamorano, B and Zani, A and Zapata, O and Zazueta, L and Zeller, GP and Zennamo, J and Zeug, K and Zhang, C and Zhang, S and Zhao, M and Zhivun, E and Zimmerman, ED and Zucchelli, S and Zuklin, J and Zutshi, V and Zwaska, R}, }
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