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Creators/Authors contains: "Ando, Nozomi"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Hemoproteins have recently emerged as promising biocatalysts for new-to-nature carbene transfer reactions. However, mechanistic understanding of the interplay between productive and unproductive pathways in these processes is limited. Using spectroscopic, structural, and computational methods, we investigate the mechanism of a myoglobin-catalyzed cyclopropanation reaction with diazoketones. These studies shed light on the nature and kinetics of key catalytic steps in this reaction, including the formation of an early heme-bound diazo complex intermediate, the rate-determining nature of carbene formation, and the cyclopropanation mechanism. Our analyses further reveal the existence of a complex mechanistic manifold for this reaction that includes a competing pathway resulting in the formation of an N-bound carbene adduct of the heme cofactor, which was isolated and characterized by X-ray crystallography, UV-Vis, and Mössbauer spectroscopy. This species can regenerate the active biocatalyst, constituting a non-productive, yet non-destructive detour from the main catalytic cycle. These findings offer a valuable framework for both mechanistic analysis and design of hemoprotein-catalyzed carbene transfer reactions.

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  3. Abstract

    The breathing motions of proteins are thought to play a critical role in function. However, current techniques to study key collective motions are limited to spectroscopy and computation. We present a high-resolution experimental approach based on the total scattering from protein crystals at room temperature (TS/RT-MX) that captures both structure and collective motions. To reveal the scattering signal from protein motions, we present a general workflow that enables robust subtraction of lattice disorder. The workflow introduces two methods: GOODVIBES, a detailed and refinable lattice disorder model based on the rigid-body vibrations of a crystalline elastic network; and DISCOBALL, an independent method of validation that estimates the displacement covariance between proteins in the lattice in real space. Here, we demonstrate the robustness of this workflow and further demonstrate how it can be interfaced with MD simulations towards obtaining high-resolution insight into functionally important protein motions.

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  4. Billions of years ago, the Earth’s atmosphere had very little oxygen. It was only after some bacteria and early plants evolved to harness energy from sunlight that oxygen began to fill the Earth’s environment. Oxygen is highly reactive and can interfere with enzymes and other molecules that are essential to life. Organisms living at this point in history therefore had to adapt to survive in this new oxygen-rich world. An ancient family of enzymes known as ribonucleotide reductases are used by all free-living organisms and many viruses to repair and replicate their DNA. Because of their essential role in managing DNA, these enzymes have been around on Earth for billions of years. Understanding how they evolved could therefore shed light on how nature adapted to increasing oxygen levels and other environmental changes at the molecular level. One approach to study how proteins evolved is to use computational analysis to construct a phylogenetic tree. This reveals how existing members of a family are related to one another based on the chain of molecules (known as amino acids) that make up each protein. Despite having similar structures and all having the same function, ribonucleotide reductases have remarkably diverse sequences of amino acids. This makes it computationally very demanding to build a phylogenetic tree. To overcome this, Burnim, Spence, Xu et al. created a phylogenetic tree using structural information from a part of the enzyme that is relatively similar in many modern-day ribonucleotide reductases. The final result took seven continuous months on a supercomputer to generate, and includes over 6,000 members of the enzyme family. The phylogenetic tree revealed a new distinct group of ribonucleotide reductases that may explain how one adaptation to increasing levels of oxygen emerged in some family members, while another adaptation emerged in others. The approach used in this work also opens up a new way to study how other highly diverse enzymes and other protein families evolved, potentially revealing new insights about our planet’s past. 
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  5. Mixtures of biological macromolecules are inherently difficult to study using structural methods, as increasing complexity presents new challenges for data analysis. Recently, there has been growing interest in studying evolving mixtures using small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) in conjunction with time-resolved, high-throughput or chromatography-coupled setups. Deconvolution and interpretation of the resulting datasets, however, are nontrivial when neither the scattering components nor the way in which they evolve are known a priori . To address this issue, the REGALS method (regularized alternating least squares) is introduced, which incorporates simple expectations about the data as prior knowledge, and utilizes parameterization and regularization to provide robust deconvolution solutions. The restraints used by REGALS are general properties such as smoothness of profiles and maximum dimensions of species, making it well suited for exploring datasets with unknown species. Here, REGALS is applied to the analysis of experimental data from four types of SAXS experiment: anion-exchange (AEX) coupled SAXS, ligand titration, time-resolved mixing and time-resolved temperature jump. Based on its performance with these challenging datasets, it is anticipated that REGALS will be a valuable addition to the SAXS analysis toolkit and enable new experiments. The software is implemented in both MATLAB and Python and is available freely as an open-source software package. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
    Sampling and genomic efforts over the past decade have revealed an enormous quantity and diversity of life in Earth's extreme environments. This new knowledge of life on Earth poses the challenge of understandingits molecular basis in such inhospitable conditions, given that such conditions lead to loss of structure and of function in biomolecules from mesophiles. In this review, we discuss the physicochemical properties of extreme environments. We present the state of recent progress in extreme environmental genomics. We then present an overview of our current understanding of the biomolecular adaptation to extreme conditions. As our current and future understanding of biomolecular structure–function relationships in extremophiles requires methodologies adapted to extremes of pressure, temperature, and chemical composition, advances in instrumentation for probing biophysical properties under extreme conditions are presented. Finally, we briefly discuss possible future directions in extreme biophysics. 
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  7. Abstract

    Ribonucleotide reductases (RNRs) use a conserved radical-based mechanism to catalyze the conversion of ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides. Within the RNR family, class Ib RNRs are notable for being largely restricted to bacteria, including many pathogens, and for lacking an evolutionarily mobile ATP-cone domain that allosterically controls overall activity. In this study, we report the emergence of a distinct and unexpected mechanism of activity regulation in the sole RNR of the model organismBacillus subtilis. Using a hypothesis-driven structural approach that combines the strengths of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), crystallography, and cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM), we describe the reversible interconversion of six unique structures, including a flexible active tetramer and two inhibited helical filaments. These structures reveal the conformational gymnastics necessary for RNR activity and the molecular basis for its control via an evolutionarily convergent form of allostery.

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