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  1. Abstract

    Magnonicsis a research field that has gained an increasing interest in both the fundamental and applied sciences in recent years. This field aims to explore and functionalize collective spin excitations in magnetically ordered materials for modern information technologies, sensing applications and advanced computational schemes. Spin waves, also known as magnons, carry spin angular momenta that allow for the transmission, storage and processing of information without moving charges. In integrated circuits, magnons enable on-chip data processing at ultrahigh frequencies without the Joule heating, which currently limits clock frequencies in conventional data processors to a few GHz. Recent developments in the field indicate that functional magnonic building blocks for in-memory computation, neural networks and Ising machines are within reach. At the same time, the miniaturization of magnonic circuits advances continuously as the synergy of materials science, electrical engineering and nanotechnology allows for novel on-chip excitation and detection schemes. Such circuits can already enable magnon wavelengths of 50 nm at microwave frequencies in a 5G frequency band. Research into non-charge-based technologies is urgently needed in view of the rapid growth of machine learning and artificial intelligence applications, which consume substantial energy when implemented on conventional data processing units. In its first part, the 2024 Magnonics Roadmap provides an update on the recent developments and achievements in the field of nano-magnonics while defining its future avenues and challenges. In its second part, the Roadmap addresses the rapidly growing research endeavors on hybrid structures and magnonics-enabled quantum engineering. We anticipate that these directions will continue to attract researchers to the field and, in addition to showcasing intriguing science, will enable unprecedented functionalities that enhance the efficiency of alternative information technologies and computational schemes.

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  2. null (Ed.)
  3. Abstract

    Hybrid light–matter coupled states, or polaritons, in magnetic materials have attracted significant attention due to their potential for enabling novel applications in spintronics and quantum information processing. However, most magnon‐polariton studies in the strong coupling regime to date have been carried out for ferromagnetic materials with magnon excitations at gigahertz frequencies. Here, strong resonant photon–magnon coupling at frequencies above 1 terahertz is investigated for the first time in a prototypical room‐temperature antiferromagnetic insulator, NiO,  inside a Fabry–Pérot cavity. The cavity is formed by the crystal itself with a thickness adjusted to an optimal value. Terahertz time‐domain spectroscopy measurements in magnetic fields up to 25 T reveal the evolution of the magnon frequency through Fabry–Pérot cavity modes with photon–magnon anticrossing behavior, demonstrating clear vacuum Rabi splittings exceeding the polariton linewidths. These results show that NiO is a promising platform for exploring antiferromagnetic spintronics and cavity magnonics in the terahertz frequency range.

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  4. null (Ed.)