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  1. Seafloor geodesy reveals rapid up-dip afterslip following the M w 8.2 Chignik subduction zone earthquake. 
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  2. We describe a methodology for making counterfactual predictions in settings where the information held by strategic agents and the distribution of payoff-relevant states of the world are unknown. The analyst observes behavior assumed to be rationalized by a Bayesian model, in which agents maximize expected utility, given partial and differential information about the state. A counterfactual prediction is desired about behavior in another strategic setting, under the hypothesis that the distribution of the state and agents’ information about the state are held fixed. When the data and the desired counterfactual prediction pertain to environments with finitely many states, players, and actions, the counterfactual prediction is described by finitely many linear inequalities, even though the latent parameter, the information structure, is infinite dimensional. (JEL D44, D82, D83) 
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  3. Abstract Quantifying off-fault deformation in the near field remains a challenge for earthquake monitoring using geodetic observations. We propose an automated change detection strategy using geometric primitives generated using a deep neural network, random sample consensus and least squares adjustment. Using mobile laser scanning point clouds of vineyards acquired after the magnitude 6.0 2014 South Napa earthquake, our results reveal centimeter-level horizontal ground deformation over three kilometers along a segment of the West Napa Fault. A fault trace is detected from rows of vineyards modeled as planar primitives from the accumulated coseismic response, and the postseismic surface displacement field is revealed by tracking displacements of vineyard posts modeled as cylindrical primitives. Interpreted from the detected changes, we summarized distributions of deformation versus off-fault distances and found evidence of off-fault deformation. The proposed framework using geometric primitives is shown to be accurate and practical for detection of near-field off-fault deformation. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    A profit‐maximizing seller has a single unit of a good to sell. The bidders have a pure common value that is drawn from a distribution that is commonly known. The seller does not know the bidders' beliefs about the value and thinks that beliefs are designed adversarially by Nature to minimize profit. We construct a strong maxmin solution to this joint mechanism design and information design problem, consisting of a mechanism, an information structure, and an equilibrium, such that neither the seller nor Nature can move profit in their respective preferred directions, even if the deviator can select the new equilibrium. The mechanism and information structure solve a family of maxmin mechanism design and minmax information design problems, regardless of how an equilibrium is selected. The maxmin mechanism takes the form of a proportional auction : each bidder submits a one‐dimensional bid, the aggregate allocation and aggregate payment depend on the aggregate bid, and individual allocations and payments are proportional to bids. We report a number of additional properties of the maxmin mechanisms, including what happens as the number of bidders grows large and robustness with respect to the prior over the value. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
    We characterize revenue maximizing mechanisms in a common value environment where the value of the object is equal to the highest of the bidders' independent signals. If the revenue maximizing solution is to sell the object with probability 1, then an optimal mechanism is simply a posted price, namely, the highest price such that every type of every bidder is willing to buy the object. If the object is optimally sold with probability less than 1, then optimal mechanisms skew the allocation toward bidders with lower signals. The resulting allocation induces a “winner's blessing,” whereby the expected value conditional on winning is higher than the unconditional expectation. By contrast, standard auctions that allocate to the bidder with the highest signal (e.g., the first‐price, second‐price, or English auctions) deliver lower revenue because of the winner's curse generated by the allocation. Our qualitative results extend to more general common value environments with a strong winner's curse. 
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