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Creators/Authors contains: "Cai, Guorui"

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  1. All-climate temperature operation capability and increased energy density have been recognized as two crucial targets, but they are rarely achieved together in rechargeable lithium (Li) batteries. Herein, we demonstrate an electrolyte system by using monodentate dibutyl ether with both low melting and high boiling points as the sole solvent. Its weak solvation endows an aggregate solvation structure and low solubility toward polysulfide species in a relatively low electrolyte concentration (2 mol L −1 ). These features were found to be vital in avoiding dendrite growth and enabling Li metal Coulombic efficiencies of 99.0%, 98.2%, and 98.7% at 23 °C, −40 °C, and 50 °C, respectively. Pouch cells employing thin Li metal (50 μm) and high-loading sulfurized polyacrylonitrile (3.3 mAh cm −2 ) cathodes (negative-to-positive capacity ratio = 2) output 87.5% and 115.9% of their room temperature capacity at −40 °C and 50 °C, respectively. This work provides solvent-based design criteria for a wide temperature range Li-sulfur pouch cells. 
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  2. Abstract

    Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) have played a crucial role in recent advancements in developing lithium‐based battery electrolytes, electrodes, and separators. Although many MOF‐based battery components rely on their well‐defined porosity and controllable functionality, they also boast a myriad of other significant properties relevant to battery applications. In this mini‐review, the distinct advantages of MOFs in battery applications are discussed, including using MOFs to 1) scavenge impurities to increase cycling stability, 2) widen the operation temperature range of conventional electrolytes, 3) widen the operation voltage range of common electrolytes, and 4) employ as artificial solid‐electrolyte interphases to prevent lithium dendrite growth. Furthermore, subsisting challenges of developing these emerging MOF‐based battery technologies are discussed and guidance for shaping the future of this field is given.

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  3. Lithium metal batteries are capable of pushing cell energy densities beyond what is currently achievable with commercial Li-ion cells and are the ideal technology for supplying power to electronic devices at low temperatures (≤−20 °C). To minimize the thermal management requirements of these devices, batteries capable of both charging and discharging at these temperatures are highly desirable. Here, we report >4 V Li metal full cell batteries (N/P = 2) capable of hundreds of stable cycles down to −40 °C, unambiguously enabled by the introduction of cation/anion pairs in the electrolyte. Via controlled experimental and computational investigations in electrolytes employing 1,2-dimethoxyethane as the solvating solvent, we observed distinct performance transitions in low temperature electrochemical performance, coincident with a shift in the Li + binding environment. The performance advantages of heavily ion-paired electrolytes were found to apply to both the cathode and anode, providing Li metal Coulombic efficiencies of 98.9, 98.5, and 96.9% at −20, −40, and −60 °C, respectively, while improving the oxidative stability in support of >4 V cathodes. This work reveals a strong correlation between ion-pairing and low-temperature performance while providing a viable route to Li metal full batteries cycling under extreme conditions. 
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  4. Abstract

    Confining molecules in the nanoscale environment can lead to dramatic changes of their physical and chemical properties, which opens possibilities for new applications. There is a growing interest in liquefied gas electrolytes for electrochemical devices operating at low temperatures due to their low melting point. However, their high vapor pressure still poses potential safety concerns for practical usages. Herein, we report facile capillary condensation of gas electrolyte by strong confinement in sub-nanometer pores of metal-organic framework (MOF). By designing MOF-polymer membranes (MPMs) that present dense and continuous micropore (~0.8 nm) networks, we show significant uptake of hydrofluorocarbon molecules in MOF pores at pressure lower than the bulk counterpart. This unique property enables lithium/fluorinated graphite batteries with MPM-based electrolytes to deliver a significantly higher capacity than those with commercial separator membranes (~500 mAh g−1vs. <0.03 mAh g−1) at −40 °C under reduced pressure of the electrolyte.

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  5. Abstract

    Achieving increased energy density under extreme operating conditions remains a major challenge in rechargeable batteries. Herein, we demonstrate an all‐fluorinated ester‐based electrolyte comprising partially fluorinated carboxylate and carbonate esters. This electrolyte exhibits temperature‐resilient physicochemical properties and moderate ion‐paired solvation, leading to a half solvent‐separated and half contact‐ion pair in a sole electrolyte. As a result, facile desolvation and preferential reduction of anions/fluorinated co‐solvents for LiF‐dominated interphases are achieved without compromising ionic conductivity (>1 mS cm−1even at −40 °C). These advantageous features were found to apply to both lithium metal and sulfur‐based electrodes even under extreme operating conditions, allowing stable cycling of Li || sulfurized polyacrylonitrile (SPAN) full cells with high SPAN loading (>3.5 mAh cm−2) and thin Li anode (50 μm) at −40, 23 and 50 °C. This work offers a promising path for designing temperature‐resilient electrolytes to support high energy density Li metal batteries operating in extreme conditions.

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  6. Abstract

    Achieving increased energy density under extreme operating conditions remains a major challenge in rechargeable batteries. Herein, we demonstrate an all‐fluorinated ester‐based electrolyte comprising partially fluorinated carboxylate and carbonate esters. This electrolyte exhibits temperature‐resilient physicochemical properties and moderate ion‐paired solvation, leading to a half solvent‐separated and half contact‐ion pair in a sole electrolyte. As a result, facile desolvation and preferential reduction of anions/fluorinated co‐solvents for LiF‐dominated interphases are achieved without compromising ionic conductivity (>1 mS cm−1even at −40 °C). These advantageous features were found to apply to both lithium metal and sulfur‐based electrodes even under extreme operating conditions, allowing stable cycling of Li || sulfurized polyacrylonitrile (SPAN) full cells with high SPAN loading (>3.5 mAh cm−2) and thin Li anode (50 μm) at −40, 23 and 50 °C. This work offers a promising path for designing temperature‐resilient electrolytes to support high energy density Li metal batteries operating in extreme conditions.

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  7. Abstract

    Despite significant progress in energy retention, lithium‐ion batteries (LIBs) face untenable reductions in cycle life under extreme fast‐charging (XFC) conditions, which primarily originate from a variety of kinetic limitations between the graphite anode and the electrolyte. Through quantitative Li+loss accounting and comprehensive materials analyses, it is directly observed that the operation of LIB pouch cells at 4 C||C/3 (charging||discharging) results in Li plating, disadvantageous solid‐electrolyte‐interphase formation, and solvent co‐intercalation leading to interstitial decomposition within graphite layers. It is found that these failure modes originate from the insufficient properties of conventional electrolytes, where employing a designed ester‐based electrolyte improved the capacity retention of these cells from 55.9% to 88.2% after 500 cycles when operated at the aforementioned conditions. These metrics are the result of effective mitigation of the aforementioned failure modes due to superior Li+transport and desolvation characteristics demonstrated through both experimental and computational characterization. This work reveals the vital nature of electrolyte design to XFC performance.

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