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Synthesis of homoleptic zirconium and hafnium dithiocarbamate via carbon disulfide insertion into zirconium and hafnium amides were investigated for their utility as soluble molecular precursors for chalcogenide perovskites and binary metal sulfides. Treating M(NEtR)4 (M= Zr, Hf and R= Me, Et) with CS2 resulted in quantitative yields of homoleptic Group IV dithiocarbamates. Zr(2-S2CNMeEt) (1), Zr(2-S2CNEt2)4 (2), and Hf(2-S2CNEt2)4 (4), a rare example of a crystal of a homoleptic hafnium CS2 inserted amide species, were characterized. A computational analysis confirmed assignments for IR spectroscopy. To exemplify the utility of the Group IV dithiocarbamates, a solution-phase nanoparticle synthesis was performed to obtain ZrS3 via the thermal decomposition of Zr(S2CNMeEt)4.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available June 19, 2025
A reaction mechanism for plasma electrolysis of AgNO 3 forming silver nanoclusters and nanoparticlesIn plasma-driven solution electrolysis (PDSE), gas-phase plasma-produced species interact with an electrolytic solution to produce, for example, nanoparticles. An atmospheric pressure plasma jet (APPJ) directed onto a liquid solution containing a metallic salt will promote reduction of metallic ions in solution, generating metallic clusters that nucleate to form nanoparticles. In this article, results from a computational investigation are discussed of a PDSE process in which a radio-frequency APPJ sustained in helium impinges on a silver nitrate solution, resulting in growth of silver nanoparticles. A reaction mechanism was developed and implemented in a global plasma chemistry model to predict nanoparticle growth. To develop the reaction mechanism, density functional theory was used to generate probable silver growth pathways up to Ag 9 . Neutral clusters larger than Ag 9 were classified as nanoparticles. Kinetic reaction rate coefficients for thermodynamically favorable growth pathways were estimated based on an existing, empirically determined base reaction mechanism for smaller Ag particle interactions. These rates were used in conjunction with diffusion-controlled reaction rate coefficients that were calculated for other Ag species. The role of anions in reduction of Ag n ions in forming nanoparticles is also discussed. Oxygen containing impurities or admixtures to the helium, air entrainment into the APPJ, and dissociation of saturated water vapor above the solution can produce additional reactive oxygen species in solution, resulting in the production of anions and [Formula: see text] in particular. For a given molarity, delivering a sufficient fluence of reducing species will produce similar nanoparticle densities and sizes for all applied power levels. Comparisons are made to alternate models for nanoparticle formation, including charged nanoparticles and use of direct current plasmas.more » « less
The separation and purification of niobium and tantalum, which co-occur in natural sources, is difficult due to their similar physical and chemical properties. The current industrial method for separating Ta/Nb mixtures uses an energy-intensive process with caustic and toxic conditions. It is of interest to develop alternative, fundamental methodologies for the purification of these technologically important metals that improve upon their environmental impact. Herein, we introduce new Ta/Nb imido compounds: M( t BuN)(TriNOx) (1-M) bound by the TriNOx 3− ligand and demonstrate a fundamental, proof-of-concept Ta/Nb separation based on differences in the imido reactivities. Despite the nearly identical structures of 1-M, density functional theory (DFT)-computed electronic structures of 1-M indicate enhanced basic character of the imido group in 1-Ta as compared to 1-Nb. Accordingly, the rate of CO 2 insertion into the MN imido bond of 1-Ta to form a carbamate complex (2-Ta) was selective compared to the analogous, unobserved reaction with 1-Nb. Differences in solubility between the imido and carbamate complexes allowed for separation of the carbamate complex, and led to an efficient Ta/Nb separation ( S Ta/Nb = 404 ± 150) dependent on the kinetic differences in nucleophilicities between the imido moieties in 1-Ta and 1-Nb.more » « less