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In this work we consider online decision-making in settings where players want to guard against possible adversarial attacks or other catastrophic failures. To address this, we propose a solution concept in which players have an additional constraint that at each time step they must play a diversified mixed strategy: one that does not put too much weight on any one action. This constraint is motivated by applications such as finance, routing, and resource allocation, where one would like to limit one’s exposure to adversarial or catastrophic events while still performing well in typical cases. We explore properties of diversified strategies in both zero-sum and general-sum games, and provide algorithms for minimizing regret within the family of diversified strategies as well as methods for using taxes or fees to guide standard regret-minimizing players towards diversified strategies. We also analyze equilibria produced by diversified strategies in general-sum games. We show that surprisingly, requiring diversification can actually lead to higher-welfare equilibria, and give strong guarantees on both price of anarchy and the social welfare produced by regret-minimizing diversified agents. We additionally give algorithms for finding optimal diversified strategies in distributed settings where one must limit communication overhead.more » « less
Given the ability to directly manipulate image pixels in the digital input space, an adversary can easily generate imperceptible perturbations to fool a Deep Neural Network (DNN) image classifier, as demonstrated in prior work. In this work, we propose ShapeShifter, an attack that tackles the more challenging problem of crafting physical adversarial perturbations to fool image-based object detectors like Faster R-CNN. Attacking an object detector is more difficult than attacking an image classifier, as it needs to mislead the classification results in multiple bounding boxes with different scales. Extending the digital attack to the physical world adds another layer of difficulty, because it requires the perturbation to be robust enough to survive real-world distortions due to different viewing distances and angles, lighting conditions, and camera limitations. We show that the Expectation over Transformation technique, which was originally proposed to enhance the robustness of adversarial perturbations in image classification, can be successfully adapted to the object detection setting. ShapeShifter can generate adversarially perturbed stop signs that are consistently mis-detected by Faster R-CNN as other objects, posing a potential threat to autonomous vehicles and other safety-critical computer vision systems.more » « less
Given the ability to directly manipulate image pixels in the digital input space, an adversary can easily generate imperceptible perturbations to fool a deep neural network image classifier, as demonstrated in prior work. In this work, we tackle the more challenging problem of crafting physical adversarial perturbations to fool image-based object detectors like Faster R-CNN. Attacking an object detector is more difficult than attacking an image classifier, as it needs to mislead the classification results in multiple bounding boxes with different scales. Extending the digital attack to the physical world adds another layer of difficulty, because it requires the perturbation to be robust enough to survive real-world distortions due to different viewing distances and angles, lighting conditions, and camera limitations. In this showcase, we will demonstrate the first robust physical adversarial attack that can fool a state-of-the-art Faster R-CNN object detector. Specifically, we will show various perturbed stop signs that will be consistently mis-detected by an object detector as other target objects. The audience can test in real time the robustness of our adversarially crafted stop signs from different distances and angles. This work is a collaboration between Georgia Tech and Intel Labs and is funded by the Intel Science & Technology Center for Adversary-Resilient Security Analytics at Georgia Tech.more » « less
Adversarial machine learning research has recently demonstrated the feasibility to confuse automatic speech recognition (ASR) models by introducing acoustically imperceptible perturbations to audio samples. To help researchers and practitioners gain better understanding of the impact of such attacks, and to provide them with tools to help them more easily evaluate and craft strong defenses for their models, we present Adagio, the first tool designed to allow interactive experimentation with adversarial attacks and defenses on an ASR model in real time, both visually and aurally. Adagio incorporates AMR and MP3 audio compression techniques as defenses, which users can interactively apply to attacked audio samples. We show that these techniques, which are based on psychoacoustic principles, effectively eliminate targeted attacks, reducing the attack success rate from 92.5% to 0%. We will demonstrate Adagio and invite the audience to try it on the Mozilla Common Voice dataset. Code related to this paper is available at: » « less
Research in the upcoming field of adversarial ML has revealed that machine learning, especially deep learning, is highly vulnerable to imperceptible adversarial perturbations, both in the domain of vision as well as speech. This has induced an urgent need to devise fast and practical approaches to secure deep learning models from adversarial attacks, so that they can be safely deployed in real-world applications. In this showcase, we put forth the idea of compression as a viable solution to defend against adversarial attacks across modalities. Since most of these attacks depend on the gradient of the model to craft an adversarial instance, compression, which is usually non-differentiable, denies a useful gradient to the attacker. In the vision domain we have JPEG compression, and in the audio domain we have MP3 compression and AMR encoding -- all widely adopted techniques that have very fast implementations on most platforms, and can be feasibly leveraged as defenses. We will show the effectiveness of these techniques against adversarial attacks through live demonstrations, both for vision as well as speech. These demonstrations would include real-time computation of adversarial perturbations for images and audio, as well as interactive application of compression for defense. We would invite and encourage the audience to experiment with their own images and audio samples during the demonstrations. This work was undertaken jointly by researchers from Georgia Institute of Technology and Intel Corporation.more » « less