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  1. Abstract

    Although Internet routing security best practices have recently seen auspicious increases in uptake, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) have limited incentives to deploy them. They are operationally complex and expensive to implement and provide little competitive advantage. The practices with significant uptake protect only against origin hijacks, leaving unresolved the more general threat of path hijacks. We propose a new approach to improved routing security that achieves four design goals: improved incentive alignment to implement best practices; protection against path hijacks; expanded scope of such protection to customers of those engaged in the practices; and reliance on existing capabilities rather than needing complex new software in every participating router. Our proposal leverages an existing coherent core of interconnected ISPs to create a zone of trust, a topological region that protects not only all networks in the region, but all directly attached customers of those networks. Customers benefit from choosing ISPs committed to the practices, and ISPs thus benefit from committing to the practices. We discuss the concept of a zone of trust as a new, more pragmatic approach to security that improves security in a region of the Internet, as opposed to striving for global deployment. We argue that the aspiration for global deployment is unrealistic, since the global Internet includes malicious actors. We compare our approach to other schemes and discuss how a related proposal, ASPA, could be used to increase the scope of protection our scheme achieves. We hope this proposal inspires discussion of how the industry can make practical, measurable progress against the threat of route hijacks in the short term by leveraging institutionalized cooperation rooted in transparency and accountability.

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  2. Dramatic growth in Internet connectivity poses a challenge for the resource-constrained data collection efforts that support scientific and operational analysis of interdomain rout- ing. Inspired by tradeoffs made in other disciplines, we explore a fundamental reconceptualization to how we design public BGP data collection architectures: an overshoot-and-discard approach that can accommodate an order of magnitude increase in vantage points by discarding redundant data shortly after its collection. As defining redundant depends on the context, we design algorithms that filter redundant updates without optimizing for one objective, and evaluate our approach in terms of detecting two noteworthy phenomena using BGP data: AS-topology mapping and hijacks. Our approach can generalize to other types of Internet data (e.g., traceroute, traffic). We offer this study as a first step to a potentially new area of Internet measurement research. 
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  3. PacketLab is a recently proposed model for accessing remote vantage points. The core design is for the vantage points to export low-level network operations that measurement researchers could rely on to construct more complex measurements. Motivating the model is the assumption that such an approach can overcome persistent challenges such as the operational cost and security concerns of vantage point sharing that researchers face in launching distributed active Internet measurement experiments. However, the limitations imposed by the core design merit a deeper analysis of the applicability of such model to real-world measurements of interest. We undertook this analysis based on a survey of recent Internet measurement studies, followed by an empirical comparison of PacketLab-based versus native implementations of common measurement methods. We showed that for several canonical measurement types common in past studies, PacketLab yielded similar results to native versions of the same measurements. Our results suggest that PacketLab could help reproduce or extend around 16.4% (28 out of 171) of all surveyed studies and accommodate a variety of measurements from latency, throughput, network path, to non-timing data. 
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  4. ABSTRACT The goal of this article is to offer framing for conversations about the role of measurement in informing public policy about the Internet. We review different stakeholders’ approaches to measurements and associated challenges, including the activities of U.S. government agencies. We show how taxonomies of existing harms can facilitate the search for clarity along the fraught path from identifying to measuring harms. Looking forward, we identify barriers to advancing our empirical grounding of Internet infrastructure to inform policy, societal challenges that create pressure to overcome these barriers, and steps that could facilitate measurement to support policymaking. 
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