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Robots working in human environments often encounter a wide range of articulated objects, such as tools, cabinets, and other jointed objects. Such articulated objects can take an infinite number of possible poses, as a point in a potentially high-dimensional continuous space. A robot must perceive this continuous pose to manipulate the object to a desired pose. This problem of perception and manipulation of articulated objects remains a challenge due to its high dimensionality and multimodal uncertainty. Here, we describe a factored approach to estimate the poses of articulated objects using an efficient approach to nonparametric belief propagation. We consider inputs as geometrical models with articulation constraints and observed RGBD (red, green, blue, and depth) sensor data. The described framework produces object-part pose beliefs iteratively. The problem is formulated as a pairwise Markov random field (MRF), where each hidden node (continuous pose variable) is an observed object-part’s pose and the edges denote the articulation constraints between the parts. We describe articulated pose estimation by a “pull” message passing algorithm for nonparametric belief propagation (PMPNBP) and evaluate its convergence properties over scenes with articulated objects. Robot experiments are provided to demonstrate the necessity of maintaining beliefs to perform goal-driven manipulation tasks.more » « less
Robots working in human environments often encounter a wide range of articulated objects, such as tools, cabinets, and other jointed objects. Such articulated objects can take an infinite number of possible poses, as a point in a potentially high-dimensional continuous space. A robot must perceive this continuous pose in order to manipulate the object to a desired pose. This problem of perception and manipulation of articulated objects remains a challenge due to its high dimensionality and multi-modal uncertainty. In this paper, we propose a factored approach to estimate the poses of articulated objects using an efficient non-parametric belief propagation algorithm. We consider inputs as geometrical models with articulation constraints, and observed 3D sensor data. The proposed framework produces object-part pose beliefs iteratively. The problem is formulated as a pairwise Markov Random Field (MRF) where each hidden node (continuous pose variable) models an observed object-part's pose and each edge denotes an articulation constraint between a pair of parts. We propose articulated pose estimation by a Pull Message Passing algorithm for Nonparametric Belief Propagation (PMPNBP) and evaluate its convergence properties over scenes with articulated objects.more » « less
We present a filtering-based method for semantic mapping to simultaneously detect objects and localize their 6 degree-of-freedom pose. For our method, called Contextual Temporal Mapping (or CT-Map), we represent the semantic map as a belief over object classes and poses across an observed scene. Inference for the semantic mapping problem is then modeled in the form of a Conditional Random Field (CRF). CT-Map is a CRF that considers two forms of relationship potentials to account for contextual relations between objects and temporal consistency of object poses, as well as a measurement potential on observations. A particle filtering algorithm is then proposed to perform inference in the CT-Map model. We demonstrate the efficacy of the CT-Map method with a Michigan Progress Fetch robot equipped with a RGB-D sensor. Our results demonstrate that the particle filtering based inference of CT-Map provides improved object detection and pose estimation with respect to baseline methods that treat observations as independent samples of a scene.more » « less
We introduce an interactive system for extracting the geometries of generalized cylinders and cuboids from single or multiple-view point clouds. Our proposed method is intuitive and only requires the object’s silhouettes to be traced by the user. Leveraging the user’s perceptual understanding of what an object looks like, our proposed method is capable of extracting accurate models, even in the presence of occlusion, clutter or incomplete point cloud data, while preserving the original object’s details and scale. We demonstrate the merits of our proposed method through a set of experiments on a public RGB-D dataset. We extracted 16 objects from the dataset using at most two views of each object. Our extracted models represent a high degree of visual similarity to the original objects. Further, we achieved a mean normalized Hausdorff distance of 5.66% when comparing our extracted models with the dataset’s ground truths.more » « less
Indoor robots hold the promise of automatically handling mundane daily tasks, helping to improve access for people with disabilities, and providing on-demand access to remote physical environments. Unfortunately, the ability to understand never-before-seen objects in scenes where new items may be added (e.g., purchased) or altered (e.g., damaged) on a regular basis remains an open challenge for robotics. In this paper, we introduce EURECA, a mixed-initiative system that leverages online crowds of human contributors to help robots robustly identify 3D point cloud segments corresponding to user-referenced objects in near real-time. EURECA allows robots to understand multi-object 3D scenes on-the-fly (in ∼40 seconds) by providing groups of non-expert crowd workers with intelligent tools that can segment objects more quickly (∼70% faster) and more accurately than individuals. More broadly, EURECA introduces the first real-time crowdsourcing tool that addresses the challenge of learning about new objects in real-world settings, creating a new source of data for training robots online, as well as a platform for studying mixed-initiative crowdsourcing workflows for understanding 3D scenes.more » « less
Performing robust goal-directed manipulation tasks remains a crucial challenge for autonomous robots. In an ideal case, shared autonomous control of manipulators would allow human users to specify their intent as a goal state and have the robot reason over the actions and motions to achieve this goal. However, realizing this goal remains elusive due to the problem of perceiving the robot’s environment. We address and describe the problem of axiomatic scene estimation for robot manipulation in cluttered scenes which is the estimation of a tree-structured scene graph describing the configuration of objects observed from robot sensing. We propose generative approaches to scene inference (as the axiomatic particle filter, and the axiomatic scene estimation by Markov chain Monte Carlo based sampler) of the robot’s environment as a scene graph. The result from AxScEs estimation are axioms amenable to goal-directed manipulation through symbolic inference for task planning and collision-free motion planning and execution. We demonstrate the results for goal-directed manipulation of multi-object scenes by a PR2 robot.more » « less