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Creators/Authors contains: "Fang, Zheng"

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  1. Abstract

    This study investigates the new particle formation (NPF) events at an urban location in the Eastern Mediterranean. Particle size distribution, particulate chemical composition, and gaseous pollutants were monitored in Rehovot, Israel (31°53″N 34°48″E) during two campaigns: from April 29 to 3 May 2021 (Campaign 1) and from May 3 to 11 May 2023 (Campaign 2), coinciding with an intensive bonfire burning festival. The organic aerosols (OA) source apportionment identified two major factors—Hydrocarbon‐like OA and Biomass‐burning OA—as well as two secondary factors—MO‐OOA (more oxidized‐oxygenated OA) and LO‐OOA (low oxidized oxygenated OA). NPF events were frequently observed during the day (mostly well‐defined nucleation events) and at night (burst of ultrafine mode particles without any discernible growth). A condensation sink value of (9.4 ± 4.0) × 10−3 s−1during Campaign 1 and (14.2 ± 6.0) × 10−3 s−1during Campaign 2 was obtained. The daytime events were associated with enhanced sulfuric acid proxy concentrations of (2–12) × 106molecules cm−3, suggesting the role of gas‐phase photochemistry in promoting NPF. A novel approach of hybrid positive matrix factorization analysis was used to deconvolve the chemical species responsible for the observed events. The results suggest the involvement of multiple components, including ammonium sulfate and MO‐OOA, in the nucleation; Nitrate, HOA and LO‐OOA participate in the subsequent particle growth for the daytime events. Nighttime events involve only semi‐volatile species (LO‐OOA, HOA and nitrate) along with ammonium sulfate.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 16, 2025
  2. The identification of flood hazards during emerging public safety crises such as hurricanes or flash floods is an invaluable tool for first responders and managers yet remains out of reach in any comprehensive sense when using traditional remote-sensing methods, due to cloud cover and other data-sourcing restrictions. While many remote-sensing techniques exist for floodwater identification and extraction, few studies demonstrate an up-to-day understanding with better techniques in isolating the spectral properties of floodwaters from collected data, which vary for each event. This study introduces a novel method for delineating near-real-time inundation flood extent and depth mapping for storm events, using an inexpensive unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based multispectral remote-sensing platform, which was designed to be applicable for urban environments, under a wide range of atmospheric conditions. The methodology is demonstrated using an actual flooding-event—Hurricane Zeta during the 2020 Atlantic hurricane season. Referred to as the UAV and Floodwater Inundation and Depth Mapper (FIDM), the methodology consists of three major components, including aerial data collection, processing, and flood inundation (water surface extent) and depth mapping. The model results for inundation and depth were compared to a validation dataset and ground-truthing data, respectively. The results suggest that UAV-FIDM is able to predict inundation with a total error (sum of omission and commission errors) of 15.8% and produce flooding depth estimates that are accurate enough to be actionable to determine road closures for a real event.

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  3. Many radar-gauge merging methods have been developed to produce improved rainfall data by leveraging the advantages of gauge and radar observations. Two popular merging methods, Regression Kriging and Bayesian Regression Kriging were utilized and compared in this study to produce hourly rainfall data from gauge networks and multi-source radar datasets. The authors collected, processed, and modeled the gauge and radar rainfall data (Stage IV, MRMS and RTMA radar data) of the two extreme storm events (i.e., Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and Tropical Storm Imelda in 2019) occurring in the coastal area in Southeast Texas with devastating flooding. The analysis of the modeled data on consideration of statistical metrics, physical rationality, and computational expenses, implies that while both methods can effectively improve the radar rainfall data, the Regression Kriging model demonstrates its superior performance over that of the Bayesian Regression Kriging model since the latter is found to be prone to overfitting issues due to the clustered gauge distributions. Moreover, the spatial resolution of rainfall data is found to affect the merging results significantly, where the Bayesian Regression Kriging model works unskillfully when radar rainfall data with a coarser resolution is used. The study recommends the use of high-quality radar data with properly spatial-interpolated gauge data to improve the radar-gauge merging methods. The authors believe that the findings of the study are critical for assisting hazard mitigation and future design improvement. 
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  4. Numerous algorithms have been developed to automate the process of delineating water surface maps for flood monitoring and mitigation purposes by using multiple sources such as satellite sensors and digital elevation model (DEM) data. To better understand the causes of inaccurate mapping information, we aim to demonstrate the advantages and limitations of these algorithms through a case study of the 2022 Madagascar flooding event. The HYDRAFloods toolbox was used to perform preprocessing, image correction, and automated flood water detection based on the state-of-the-art Edge Otsu, Bmax Otsu, and Fuzzy Otsu algorithms for the satellite images; the FwDET tool was deployed upon the cloud computing platform (Google Earth Engine) for rapid estimation of flood area/depth using the digital elevation model (DEM) data. Generated surface water maps from the respective techniques were evaluated qualitatively against each other and compared with a reference map produced by the European Union Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS). The DEM-based maps show generally overestimated flood extents. The satellite-based maps show that Edge Otsu and Bmax Otsu methods are more likely to generate consistent results than those from Fuzzy Otsu. While the synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) data are typically favorable over the optical image under undesired weather conditions, maps generated based on SAR data tend to underestimate the flood extent as compared with reference maps. This study also suggests the newly launched Landsat-9 serves as an essential supplement to the rapid delineation of flood extents. 
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  5. This paper considers the problem of testing whether there exists a non‐negative solution to a possibly under‐determined system of linear equations with known coefficients. This hypothesis testing problem arises naturally in a number of settings, including random coefficient, treatment effect, and discrete choice models, as well as a class of linear programming problems. As a first contribution, we obtain a novel geometric characterization of the null hypothesis in terms of identified parameters satisfying an infinite set of inequality restrictions. Using this characterization, we devise a test that requires solving only linear programs for its implementation, and thus remains computationally feasible in the high‐dimensional applications that motivate our analysis. The asymptotic size of the proposed test is shown to equal at most the nominal level uniformly over a large class of distributions that permits the number of linear equations to grow with the sample size. 
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  6. Heavy rainfall leads to severe flooding problems with catastrophic socio-economic impacts worldwide. Hydrologic forecasting models have been applied to provide alerts of extreme flood events and reduce damage, yet they are still subject to many uncertainties due to the complexity of hydrologic processes and errors in forecasted timing and intensity of the floods. This study demonstrates the efficacy of using eXtreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost) as a state-of-the-art machine learning (ML) model to forecast gauge stage levels at a 5-min interval with various look-out time windows. A flood alert system (FAS) built upon the XGBoost models is evaluated by two historical flooding events for a flood-prone watershed in Houston, Texas. The predicted stage values from the FAS are compared with observed values with demonstrating good performance by statistical metrics (RMSE and KGE). This study further compares the performance from two scenarios with different input data settings of the FAS: (1) using the data from the gauges within the study area only and (2) including the data from additional gauges outside of the study area. The results suggest that models that use the gauge information within the study area only (Scenario 1) are sufficient and advantageous in terms of their accuracy in predicting the arrival times of the floods. One of the benefits of the FAS outlined in this study is that the XGBoost-based FAS can run in a continuous mode to automatically detect floods without requiring an external starting trigger to switch on as usually required by the conventional event-based FAS systems. This paper illustrates a data-driven FAS framework as a prototype that stakeholders can utilize solely based on their gauging information for local flood warning and mitigation practices. 
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