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Creators/Authors contains: "Farguell, Angel"

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  1. Despite recent advances in both coupled fire modeling and measurement techniques to sample the fire environment, the fire–atmosphere coupling mechanisms that lead to fast propagating wildfires remain poorly understood. This knowledge gap adversely affects fire management when wildland fires propagate unexpectedly rapidly and shift direction due to the fire impacts on local wind conditions. In this work, we utilized observational data from the FireFlux2 prescribed burn and numerical simulations performed with a coupled fire–atmosphere model WRF-SFIRE to assess the small-scale impacts of fire on local micrometeorology under moderate wind conditions (10–12 m/s). The FireFlux2 prescribed burn provided a comprehensive observational dataset with in situ meteorological observations as well as IR measurements of fire progression. To directly quantify the effects of fire–atmosphere interactions, two WRF-SFIRE simulations were executed. One simulation was run in a two-way coupled mode in which the heat and moisture fluxes emitted from the fire were injected into the atmosphere, and the other simulation was performed in a one-way coupled mode for which the atmosphere was not affected by the fire. The difference between these two simulations was used to analyze and quantify the fire impacts on the atmospheric circulation at different sections of the fire front. The fire-released heat fluxes resulted in vertical velocities as high as 10.8 m/s at the highest measurement level (20 m above ground level) gradually diminishing with height and dropping to 7.9 m/s at 5.77 m. The fire-induced horizontal winds indicated the strongest fire-induced flow at the lowest measurement levels (as high as 3.3 m/s) gradually decreasing to less than 1 m/s at 20 m above ground level. The analysis of the simulated flow indicates significant differences between the fire-induced circulation at the fire head and on the flanks. The fire-induced circulation was much stronger near the fire head than at the flanks, where the fire did not produce particularly strong cross-fire flow and did not significantly change the lateral fire progression. However, at the head of the fire the fire-induced winds blowing across the front were the strongest and significantly accelerated fire progression. The two-way coupled simulation including the fire-induced winds produced 36.2% faster fire propagation than the one-way coupled run, and more realistically represented the fire progression.

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  2. Abstract

    Increases in wildfire activity and the resulting impacts have prompted the development of high-resolution wildfire behavior models for forecasting fire spread. Recent progress in using satellites to detect fire locations further provides the opportunity to use measurements toward improving fire spread forecasts from numerical models through data assimilation. This work develops a physics-informed approach for inferring the history of a wildfire from satellite measurements, providing the necessary information to initialize coupled atmosphere–wildfire models from a measured wildfire state. The fire arrival time, which is the time the fire reaches a given spatial location, acts as a succinct representation of the history of a wildfire. In this work, a conditional Wasserstein generative adversarial network (cWGAN), trained with WRF–SFIRE simulations, is used to infer the fire arrival time from satellite active fire data. The cWGAN is used to produce samples of likely fire arrival times from the conditional distribution of arrival times given satellite active fire detections. Samples produced by the cWGAN are further used to assess the uncertainty of predictions. The cWGAN is tested on four California wildfires occurring between 2020 and 2022, and predictions for fire extent are compared against high-resolution airborne infrared measurements. Further, the predicted ignition times are compared with reported ignition times. An average Sørensen’s coefficient of 0.81 for the fire perimeters and an average ignition time difference of 32 min suggest that the method is highly accurate.

    Significance Statement

    To initialize coupled atmosphere–wildfire simulations in a physically consistent way based on satellite measurements of active fire locations, it is critical to ensure the state of the fire and atmosphere aligns at the start of the forecast. If known, the history of a wildfire may be used to develop an atmospheric state matching the wildfire state determined from satellite data in a process known as spinup. In this paper, we present a novel method for inferring the early stage history of a wildfire based on satellite active fire measurements. Here, inference of the fire history is performed in a probabilistic sense and physics is further incorporated through the use of training data derived from a coupled atmosphere–wildfire model.

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  3. null (Ed.)
    Producing high-resolution near-real-time forecasts of fire behavior and smoke impact that are useful for fire and air quality management requires accurate initialization of the fire location. One common representation of the fire progression is through the fire arrival time, which defines the time that the fire arrives at a given location. Estimating the fire arrival time is critical for initializing the fire location within coupled fire-atmosphere models. We present a new method that utilizes machine learning to estimate the fire arrival time from satellite data in the form of burning/not burning/no data rasters. The proposed method, based on a support vector machine (SVM), is tested on the 10 largest California wildfires of the 2020 fire season, and evaluated using independent observed data from airborne infrared (IR) fire perimeters. The SVM method results indicate a good agreement with airborne fire observations in terms of the fire growth and a spatial representation of the fire extent. A 12% burned area absolute percentage error, a 5% total burned area mean percentage error, a 0.21 False Alarm Ratio average, a 0.86 Probability of Detection average, and a 0.82 Sørensen’s coefficient average suggest that this method can be used to monitor wildfires in near-real-time and provide accurate fire arrival times for improving fire modeling even in the absence of IR fire perimeters. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    Forecasting fire growth, plume rise and smoke impacts on air quality remains a challenging task. Wildland fires dynamically interact with the atmosphere, which can impact fire behavior, plume rises, and smoke dispersion. For understory fires, the fire propagation is driven by winds attenuated by the forest canopy. However, most numerical weather prediction models providing meteorological forcing for fire models are unable to resolve canopy winds. In this study, an improved canopy model parameterization was implemented within a coupled fire-atmosphere model (WRF-SFIRE) to simulate a prescribed burn within a forested plot. Simulations with and without a canopy wind model were generated to determine the sensitivity of fire growth, plume rise, and smoke dispersion to canopy effects on near-surface wind flow. Results presented here found strong linkages between the simulated fire rate of spread, heat release and smoke plume evolution. The standard WRF-SFIRE configuration, which uses a logarithmic interpolation to estimate sub-canopy winds, overestimated wind speeds (by a factor 2), fire growth rates and plume rise heights. WRF-SFIRE simulations that implemented a canopy model based on a non-dimensional wind profile, saw significant improvements in sub-canopy winds, fire growth rates and smoke dispersion when evaluated with observations. 
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  5. We present an interactive HPC framework for coupled fire and weather simulations. The system is suitable for urgent simulations and forecast of wildfire propagation and smoke. It does not require expert knowledge to set up and run the forecasts. The core of the system is a coupled weather, wildland fire, fuel moisture, and smoke model, running in an interactive workflow and data management system. The system automates job setup, data acquisition, preprocessing, and simulation on an HPC cluster. It provides animated visualization of the results on a dedicated mapping portal in the cloud, and as GIS files or Google Earth KML files. The system also serves as an extensible framework for further research, including data assimilation and applications of machine learning to initialize the simulations from satellite data. Index Terms—WRF-SFIRE, coupled atmosphere-fire model, MODIS, VIIRS, satellite data, fire arrival time, data assimilation, machine learning 
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  6. Abstract

    One of the primary challenges associated with evaluating smoke models is the availability of observations. The limited density of traditional air quality monitoring networks makes evaluating wildfire smoke transport challenging, particularly over regions where smoke plumes exhibit significant spatiotemporal variability. In this study, we analyzed smoke dispersion for the 2018 Pole Creek and Bald Mountain Fires, which were located in central Utah. Smoke simulations were generated using a coupled fire‐atmosphere model, which simultaneously renders fire growth, fire emissions, plume rise, smoke dispersion, and fire‐atmosphere interactions. Smoke simulations were evaluated using PM2.5observations from publicly accessible fixed sites and a semicontinuously running mobile platform. Calibrated measurements of PM2.5made by low‐cost sensors from the Air Quality and yoU (AQ&U) network were within 10% of values reported at nearby air quality sites that used Federal Equivalent Methods. Furthermore, results from this study show that low‐cost sensor networks and mobile measurements are useful for characterizing smoke plumes while also serving as an invaluable data set for evaluating smoke transport models. Finally, coupled fire‐atmosphere model simulations were able to capture the spatiotemporal variability of wildfire smoke in complex terrain for an isolated smoke event caused by local fires. Results here suggest that resolving local drainage flow could be critical for simulating smoke transport in regions of significant topographic relief.

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