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Creators/Authors contains: "Field, Jeff"

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  1. Third harmonic generation (THG) provides a valuable, label-free approach to imaging biological systems. To date, THG microscopy has been performed using point-scanning methods that rely on intensity measurements lacking phase information of the complex field. We report the first demonstration, to the best of our knowledge, of THG holographic microscopy and the reconstruction of the complex THG signal field with spatial synthetic aperture imaging. Phase distortions arising from measurement-to-measurement fluctuations and imaging components cause optical aberrations in the reconstructed THG field. We have developed an aberration-correction algorithm that estimates and corrects these phase distortions to reconstruct the spatial synthetic aperture THG field without optical aberrations.

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  2. Second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy is a valuable tool for optical microscopy. SHG microscopy is normally performed as a point scanning imaging method, which lacks phase information and is limited in spatial resolution by the spatial frequency support of the illumination optics. In addition, aberrations in the illumination are difficult to remove. We propose and demonstrate SHG holographic synthetic aperture holographic imaging in both the forward (transmission) and backward (epi) imaging geometries. By taking a set of holograms with varying incident angle plane wave illumination, the spatial frequency support is increased and the input and output pupil phase aberrations are estimated and corrected – producing diffraction limited SHG imaging that combines the spatial frequency support of the input and output optics. The phase correction algorithm is computationally efficient and robust and can be applied to any set of measured field imaging data.

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  3. Spatial frequency modulation for imaging (SPIFI) has traditionally employed a time-varying spatial modulation of the excitation beam. Here, for the first time to our knowledge, we introduce single-shot SPIFI, where the spatial frequency modulation is imposed across the entire spatial bandwidth of the optical system simultaneously enabling single-shot operation.

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  4. Imaging beyond the diffraction limit barrier has attracted wide attention due to the ability to resolve previously hidden image features. Of the various super-resolution microscopy techniques available, a particularly simple method called saturated excitation microscopy (SAX) requires only simple modification of a laser scanning microscope: The illumination beam power is sinusoidally modulated and driven into saturation. SAX images are extracted from the harmonics of the modulation frequency and exhibit improved spatial resolution. Unfortunately, this elegant strategy is hindered by the incursion of shot noise that prevents high-resolution imaging in many realistic scenarios. Here, we demonstrate a technique for super-resolution imaging that we call computational saturated absorption (CSA) in which a joint deconvolution is applied to a set of images with diversity in spatial frequency support among the point spread functions (PSFs) used in the image formation with saturated laser scanning fluorescence microscopy. CSA microscopy allows access to the high spatial frequency diversity in a set of saturated effective PSFs, while avoiding image degradation from shot noise.

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  5. Spatialfrequency modulationimaging (SPIFI) is a structured illumination single pixel imaging technique that is most often achieved via a rotating modulation disk. This implementation produces line images with exposure times on the order of tens of milliseconds. Here, we present a new architecture for SPIFI using a polygonal scan mirror with the following advances: (1) reducing SPIFI line image exposure times by 2 orders of magnitude, (2) facet-to-facet measurement and correction for polygonal scan design, and (3) a new anamorphic magnification scheme that improves resolution for long working distance optics.

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  6. A high-speed super-resolution computational imaging technique is introduced on the basis of classical and quantum correlation functions obtained from photon counts collected from quantum emitters illuminated by spatiotemporally structured illumination. The structured illumination is delocalized—allowing the selective excitation of separate groups of emitters as the modulation of the illumination light advances. A recorded set of photon counts contains rich quantum and classical information. By processing photon counts, multiple orders of Glauber correlation functions are extracted. Combinations of the normalized Glauber correlation functions convert photon counts into signals of increasing order that contain increasing spatial frequency information. However, the amount of information above the noise floor drops at higher correlation orders, causing a loss of accessible information in the finer spatial frequency content that is contained in the higher-order signals. We demonstrate an efficient and robust computational imaging algorithm to fuse the spatial frequencies from the low-spatial-frequency range that is available in the classical information with the spatial frequency content in the quantum signals. Because of the overlap of low spatial frequency information, the higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) information concentrated in the low spatial frequencies stabilizes the lower SNR at higher spatial frequencies in the higher-order quantum signals. Robust performance of this joint fusion of classical and quantum computational single-pixel imaging is demonstrated with marked increases in spatial frequency content, leading to super-resolution imaging, along with much better mean squared errors in the reconstructed images. 
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  7. Spatial frequency modulated imaging (SPIFI) enables the use of an extended excitation source for linear and nonlinear imaging with single element detection. To date, SPIFI has only been used with fixed excitation source geometries. Here, we explore the potential for the SPIFI method when a spatial light modulator (SLM) is used to program the excitation source, opening the door to a more versatile, random access imaging environment. In addition, an in-line, quantitative pulse compensation and measurement scheme is demonstrated using a new technique, spectral phase and amplitude retrieval and compensation (SPARC). This enables full characterization of the light exposure conditions at the focal plane of the random access imaging system, an important metric for optimizing, and reporting imaging conditions within specimens.

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