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Creators/Authors contains: "Gao, Meng"

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  1. We investigated the optimal number of independent parameters required to accurately represent spectral remote sensing reflectances (Rrs) by performing principal component analysis on quality controlledin situand syntheticRrsdata. We found that retrieval algorithms should be able to retrieve no more than four free parameters fromRrsspectra for most ocean waters. In addition, we evaluated the performance of five different bio-optical models with different numbers of free parameters for the direct inversion of in-water inherent optical properties (IOPs) fromin situand syntheticRrsdata. The multi-parameter models showed similar performances regardless of the number of parameters. Considering the computational cost associated with larger parameter spaces, we recommend bio-optical models with three free parameters for the use of IOP or joint retrieval algorithms.

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  2. Diatom–diazotroph associations (DDAs) are one of the most important symbiotic dinitrogen (N2) fixing groups in the oligotrophic ocean. Despite their capability to fix N2, ammonium (NH4+) remains a key nitrogen (N) source for DDAs, and the effect of NH4+ on their metabolism remains elusive. Here, we developed a coarse-grained, cellular model of the DDA with NH4+ uptake and quantified how the level of extracellular NH4+ influences metabolism and nutrient exchange within the symbiosis. The model shows that, under a fixed growth rate, an increased NH4+ concentration may lower the required level of N2 fixation and photosynthesis, and decrease carbon (C) and N exchange. A low-NH4+ environment leads to more C and N in nutrient exchange and more fixed N2 to support a higher growth rate. With higher growth rates, nutrient exchange and metabolism increased. Our study shows a strong effect of NH4+ on metabolic processes within DDAs, and thus highlights the importance of in situ measurement of NH4+ concentrations. 
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  3. Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  4. The advent of chip calorimetry has enabled an unprecedented extension of the capability of differential scanning calorimetry to explore new domains of materials behavior. In this paper, we highlight some of our recent work: the application of heating and cooling rates above 104 K/s allows for the clear determination of the glass transition temperature, Tg, in systems where Tg and the onset temperature for crystallization, Tx, overlap; the evaluation of the delay time for crystal nucleation; the discovery of new polyamorphous materials; and the in-situ formation of glass in liquid crystals. From these application examples, it is evident that chip calorimetry has the potential to reveal new reaction and transformation behavior and to develop a new understanding. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
  6. Abstract

    Wearable electronics, conformable sensors, and soft/micro-robotics require conductive yet stretchable thin films. However, traditional free standing metallic thin films are often brittle, inextensible, and must be processed in strict environments. This limits implementation into soft technologies where high electrical conductivity must be achieved while maintaining high compliance and conformability. Here we show a liquid metal elastomeric thin film (LET) composite with elastomer-like compliance (modulus < 500 kPa) and stretchability (>700%) with metallic conductivity (sheet resistance < 0.1 Ω/□). These 30–70µm thin films are highly conformable, free standing, and display a unique Janus microstructure, where a fully conductive activated side is accompanied with an opposite insulated face. LETs display exceptional electro-mechanical characteristics, with a highly linear strain-resistance relationship beyond 700% deformation while maintaining a low resistance. We demonstrate the multifunctionality of LETs for soft technologies by leveraging the unique combination of high compliance and electrical conductivity with transfer capabilities for strain sensing on soft materials, as compliant electrodes in a dielectric elastomeric actuator, and as resistive heaters for a liquid crystal elastomer.

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  7. Abstract. Ocean color remote sensing is a challenging task over coastal watersdue to the complex optical properties of aerosols and hydrosols. Inorder to conduct accurate atmospheric correction, we previously implementeda joint retrieval algorithm, hereafter referred to as the Multi-Angular Polarimetric Ocean coLor (MAPOL) algorithm,to obtain the aerosol and water-leavingsignal simultaneously.The MAPOL algorithm has been validated with syntheticdata generated by a vector radiative transfer model, and good retrievalperformance has been demonstrated in terms of both aerosol and oceanwater optical properties (Gao et al., 2018).In this work we applied the algorithm to airborne polarimetricmeasurements from the Research Scanning Polarimeter (RSP) over bothopen and coastal ocean waters acquired in twofield campaigns: the Ship-Aircraft Bio-Optical Research (SABOR) in2014 and the North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study(NAAMES) in 2015 and 2016. Two different yet related bio-opticalmodels are designed for ocean water properties. One model aligns withtraditional open ocean water bio-optical models that parameterize theocean optical properties in terms of the concentration of chlorophyll a. The other is a generalized bio-optical model for coastal watersthat includes seven free parameters to describe the absorption andscattering by phytoplankton, colored dissolved organic matter, andnonalgal particles. The retrieval errors of both aerosol opticaldepth and the water-leaving radiance are evaluated. Through thecomparisons with ocean color data products from both in situmeasurements and the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS), and the aerosol product from both the High SpectralResolution Lidar (HSRL) and the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET), the MAPOL algorithm demonstrates both flexibility and accuracy in retrievingaerosol and water-leaving radiance properties under various aerosoland ocean water conditions.

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