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Abstract Materials with tunable thermal properties enable on-demand control of temperature and heat flow, which is an integral component in the development of solid-state refrigeration, energy scavenging, and thermal circuits. Although gap-based and liquid-based thermal switches that work on the basis of mechanical movements have been an effective approach to control the flow of heat in the devices, their complex mechanisms impose considerable costs in latency, expense, and power consumption. As a consequence, materials that have multiple solid-state phases with distinct thermal properties are appealing for thermal management due to their simplicity, fast switching, and compactness. Thus, an ideal thermal switch should operate near or above room temperature, have a simple trigger mechanism, and offer a quick and large on/off switching ratio. In this study, we experimentally demonstrate that manipulating phonon scattering rates can switch the thermal conductivity of antiferroelectric PbZrO 3 bidirectionally by −10% and +25% upon applying electrical and thermal excitation, respectively. Our approach takes advantage of two separate phase transformations in PbZrO 3 that alter the phonon scattering rate in different manners. In this study, we demonstrate that PbZrO 3 can serve as a fast (<1 second), repeatable, simple trigger, and reliable thermal switch with a net switching ratio of nearly 38% from ~1.20 to ~1.65 W m −1 K −1 .more » « less
The need for efficient energy utilization is driving research into ways to harvest ubiquitous waste heat. Here, we explore pyroelectric energy conversion from low-grade thermal sources that exploits strong field- and temperature-induced polarization susceptibilities in the relaxor ferroelectric 0.68Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–0.32PbTiO3. Electric-field-driven enhancement of the pyroelectric response (as large as − 550 μC m−2 K−1) and suppression of the dielectric response (by 72%) yield substantial figures of merit for pyroelectric energy conversion. Field- and temperature-dependent pyroelectric measurements highlight the role of polarization rotation and field-induced polarization in mediating these effects. Solid-state, thin-film devices that convert lowgrade heat into electrical energy are demonstrated using pyroelectric Ericsson cycles, and optimized to yield maximum energy density, power density and efficiency of 1.06 J cm−3, 526 W cm−3 and 19% of Carnot, respectively; the highest values reported to date and equivalent to the performance of a thermoelectric with an effective ZT ≈ 1.16 for a temperature change of 10 K. Our findings suggest that pyroelectric devices may be competitive with thermoelectric devices for low-grade thermal harvesting.more » « less
Mixtures of layered perovskite quantum wells with different sizes form prototypical light-harvesting antenna structures in solution-processed films. Gradients in the bandgaps and energy levels are established by concentrating the smallest and largest quantum wells near opposing electrodes in photovoltaic devices. Whereas short-range energy and charge carrier funneling behaviors have been observed in layered perovskites, our recent work suggests that such light-harvesting processes do not assist long-range charge transport due to carrier trapping at interfaces between quantum wells and interstitial organic spacer molecules. Here, we apply a two-pulse time-of-flight technique to a family of layered perovskite systems to explore the effects that interstitial organic molecules have on charge carrier dynamics. In these experiments, the first laser pulse initiates carrier drift within the active layer of a photovoltaic device, whereas the second pulse probes the transient concentrations of photoexcited carriers as they approach the electrodes. The instantaneous drift velocities determined with this method suggest that the rates of trap-induced carrier deceleration increase with the concentrations of organic spacer cations. Overall, our experimental results and model calculations suggest that the layered perovskite device efficiencies primarily reflect the dynamics of carrier trapping at interfaces between quantum wells and interstitial organic phases.