Tropical cyclones occur over the Earth’s tropical oceans, with characteristic genesis regions and tracks tied to the warm ocean surface that provide energy to sustain these storms. The study of tropical cyclogenesis and evolution on Earth has led to the development of environmental favorability metrics that predict the strength of potential storms from the local background climate state. Simulations of the gamut of transiting terrestrial exoplanets orbiting late-type stars may offer a test of this Earth-based understanding of tropical cyclogenesis. Previous work has demonstrated that tropical cyclones are likely to form on tidally locked terrestrial exoplanets with intermediate rotation periods of ∼8–10 days. In this study, we test these expectations using ExoCAM simulations with both a sufficient horizontal resolution of 0.°47 × 0.°63 required to permit tropical cyclogenesis along with a thermodynamically active slab ocean. We conduct simulations of tidally locked and ocean-covered Earth-sized planets orbiting late-type M dwarf stars with varying rotation periods from 4–16 days in order to cross the predicted maximum in tropical cyclogenesis. We track tropical cyclones that form in each simulation and assess their location of maximum wind, evolution, and maximum wind speeds. We compare the resulting tropical cyclone locations and strengths to predictions based on environmental favorability metrics, finding good agreement between Earth-based metrics and our simulated storms with a local maximum in both tropical cyclone frequency and intensity at a rotation period of 8 days. Our results suggest that environmental favorability metrics used for tropical cyclones on Earth may also be applicable to temperate tidally locked Earth-sized rocky exoplanets with abundant surface liquid water.
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Garcia, Valeria (2)
Chan, Jefferson (1)
Chavas, Daniel R (1)
Forzano, Joseph A. (1)
Huang, Xin (1)
Komacek, Thaddeus D (1)
Lucero, Melissa Y. (1)
Moreno, David (1)
Smith, Cole M (1)
Su, Shengzhang (1)
Tang, Yuqi (1)
Zhang, Chloe J. (1)
#Tyler Phillips, Kenneth E. (0)
#Willis, Ciara (0)
& Abreu-Ramos, E. D. (0)
& Abramson, C. I. (0)
& Abreu-Ramos, E. D. (0)
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& Ruiz-Arias, P.M. (0)
& S. Spitzer (0)
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(submitted - in Review for IEEE ICASSP-2024) (0)
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Abstract Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 1, 2025 -
Lucero, Melissa Y. ; Tang, Yuqi ; Zhang, Chloe J. ; Su, Shengzhang ; Forzano, Joseph A. ; Garcia, Valeria ; Huang, Xin ; Moreno, David ; Chan, Jefferson ( , Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
The development of high-performance photoacoustic (PA) probes that can monitor disease biomarkers in deep tissue has the potential to replace invasive medical procedures such as a biopsy. However, such probes must be optimized for in vivo performance and exhibit an exceptional safety profile. In this study, we have developed PACu-1, a PA probe designed for biopsy-free assessment (BFA) of hepatic Cu via photoacoustic imaging. PACu-1 features a Cu(I)-responsive trigger appended to an aza-BODIPY dye platform that has been optimized for ratiometric sensing. Owing to its excellent performance, we were able to detect basal levels of Cu in healthy wild-type mice as well as elevated Cu in a Wilson’s disease model and in a liver metastasis model. To showcase the potential impact of PACu-1 for BFA, we conducted two blind studies in which we were able to successfully identify Wilson’s disease animals from healthy control mice in each instance.