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  1. Roboticists compare robot motions for tasks such as parameter tuning, troubleshooting, and deciding between possible motions. However, most existing visualization tools are designed for individual motions and lack the features necessary to facilitate robot motion comparison. In this letter, we utilize a rigorous design framework to develop Motion Comparator , a web-based tool that facilitates the comprehension, comparison, and communication of robot motions. Our design process identified roboticists' needs, articulated design challenges, and provided corresponding strategies. Motion Comparator includes several key features such as multi-view coordination, quaternion visualization, time warping, and comparative designs. To demonstrate the applications of Motion Comparator, we discuss four case studies in which our tool is used for motion selection, troubleshooting, parameter tuning, and motion review. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  2. We present a method for reconstructing 3D shape of arbitrary Lambertian objects based on measurements by miniature, energy-efficient, low-cost single-photon cameras. These cameras, operating as time resolved image sensors, illuminate the scene with a very fast pulse of diffuse light and record the shape of that pulse as it returns back from the scene at a high temporal resolution. We propose to model this image formation process, account for its non-idealities, and adapt neural rendering to reconstruct 3D geometry from a set of spatially distributed sensors with known poses. We show that our approach can successfully recover complex 3D shapes from simulated data. We further demonstrate 3D object reconstruction from real-world captures, utilizing measurements from a commodity proximity sensor. Our work draws a connection between image-based modeling and active range scanning and is a step towards 3D vision with single-photon cameras. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 20, 2025
  3. We argue for the use of Petri nets as a modeling language for the iterative development process of interactive robotic systems. Petri nets, particularly Timed Colored Petri nets (TCPNs), have the potential to unify various phases of the development process-design, specification, simulation, validation, implementation, and deployment. We additionally discuss future directions for creating a domain-specific variant of TCPNs tailored specifically for HRI systems development. 
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  4. We explore task tolerances, i.e., allowable position or rotation inaccuracy, as an important resource to facilitate smooth and effective telemanipulation. Task tolerances provide a robot flexibility to generate smooth and feasible motions; however, in teleoperation, this flexibility may make the user’s control less direct. In this work, we implemented a telema- nipulation system that allows a robot to autonomously adjust its configuration within task tolerances. We conducted a user study comparing a telemanipulation paradigm that exploits task tolerances (functional mimicry) to a paradigm that requires the robot to exactly mimic its human operator (exact mimicry), and assess how the choice in paradigm shapes user experience and task performance. Our results show that autonomous adjustments within task tolerances can lead to performance improvements without sacrificing perceived control of the robot. Additionally, we find that users perceive the robot to be more under control, predictable, fluent, and trustworthy in functional mimicry than in exact mimicry. 
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  5. We provide methods which recover planar scene geometry by utilizing the transient histograms captured by a class of close-range time-of-flight (ToF) distance sensor. A transient histogram is a one dimensional temporal waveform which encodes the arrival time of photons incident on the ToF sensor. Typically, a sensor processes the transient histogram using a proprietary algorithm to produce distance estimates, which are commonly used in several robotics applications. Our methods utilize the transient histogram directly to enable recovery of planar geometry more accurately than is possible using only proprietary distance estimates, and consistent recovery of the albedo of the planar surface, which is not possible with proprietary distance estimates alone. This is accomplished via a differentiable rendering pipeline, which simulates the transient imaging process, allowing direct optimization of scene geometry to match observations. To validate our methods, we capture 3,800 measurements of eight planar surfaces from a wide range of viewpoints, and show that our method outperforms the proprietary-distance-estimate baseline by an order of magnitude in most scenarios. We demonstrate a simple robotics application which uses our method to sense the distance to and slope of a planar surface from a sensor mounted on the end effector of a robot arm. 
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  6. We investigate how robotic camera systems can offer new capabilities to computer-supported cooperative work through the design, development, and evaluation of a prototype system called Periscope. With Periscope, a local worker completes manipulation tasks with guidance from a remote helper who observes the workspace through a camera mounted on a semi-autonomous robotic arm that is co-located with the worker. Our key insight is that the helper, the worker, and the robot should all share responsibility of the camera view-an approach we call shared camera control. Using this approach, we present a set of modes that distribute the control of the camera between the human collaborators and the autonomous robot depending on task needs. We demonstrate the system's utility and the promise of shared camera control through a preliminary study where 12 dyads collaboratively worked on assembly tasks. Finally, we discuss design and research implications of our work for future robotic camera systems that facilitate remote collaboration.

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  7. Generating feasible robot motions in real-time requires achieving multiple tasks (i.e., kinematic requirements) simultaneously. These tasks can have a specific goal, a range of equally valid goals, or a range of acceptable goals with a preference toward a specific goal. To satisfy multiple and potentially competing tasks simultaneously, it is important to exploit the flexibility afforded by tasks with a range of goals. In this paper, we propose a real-time motion generation method that accommodates all three categories of tasks within a single, unified framework and leverages the flexibility of tasks with a range of goals to accommodate other tasks. Our method incorporates tasks in a weighted-sum multiple-objective optimization structure and uses barrier methods with novel loss functions to encode the valid range of a task. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through a simulation experiment that compares it to state-of-the-art alternative approaches, and by demonstrating it on a physical camera-in-hand robot that shows that our method enables the robot to achieve smooth and feasible camera motions. 
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