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  1. Abstract

    The phase changes of soil water or porous media have a crucial influence on the performance of natural and man-made infrastructures in cold regions. While various methods have been explored to address the impacts of frost-action arising from these phase changes, conventional approaches often rely on chemicals, mechanical techniques, and the reuse of waste materials, which often exhibit certain limitations and environmental concerns. In contrast, certain organisms produce ice-binding proteins (IBPs) or antifreeze proteins (AFPs) to adapt to low temperatures, which can inhibit ice crystal growth by lowering the freezing point and preventing ice crystallization without the need for external intervention. This study explores the potential of three psychrophilic microbes:Sporosarcina psychrophile,Sporosarcina globispora, andPolaromonas hydrogenivorans, to induce non-equilibrium freezing point depression and thermal hysteresis in order to control ice lens growth in frost-susceptible soils. We hypothesize that the AFPs produced by psychrophiles will alter the phase changes of porous media in frost-susceptible soils. The growth profiles of the microbes, the concentration of released proteins in the extracellular solution, and the thermal properties of the protein-mixed soils are monitored at an interval of three days. The controlled soil showed a freezing point of − 4.59 °C and thermal hysteresis of 4.62 °C, whereas protein-treated soil showed a maximum freezing point depression of − 8.54 °C and thermal hysteresis of 7.71 °C. Interestingly, except for the controlled sample, all the protein-treated soil samples were thawed at a negative temperature (minimum recorded at − 0.85 °C). Further analysis showed that the treated soils compared to porous media mixed soil freeze (1.25 °C vs. 0.51 °C) and thaw (2.75 °C vs. 1.72 °C) at extensive temperature gap. This freezing and thawing temperature gap is the temperature difference between the beginning of ice core formation and completed frozen, and the beginning of ice core thawing and completed thawed for the treated soil samples selected from different incubation days. Overall, this study presents a novel bio-mediated approach using psychrophilic microbes to control ice formation in frost-susceptible soils.

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  2. Over the past decade, copper (Cu) has been recognized as a crucial metal in the differential expression of soluble (sMMO) and particulate (pMMO) forms of methane monooxygenase (MMO) through a mechanism referred to as the “Cu switch”. In this study, we used Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b as a model bacterium to investigate the range of Cu concentrations that trigger the expression of sMMO to pMMO and its effect on growth and methane oxidation. The Cu switch was found to be regulated within Cu concentrations from 3 to 5 µM, with a strict increase in the methane consumption rates from 3.09 to 3.85 µM occurring on the 6th day. Our findings indicate that there was a decrease in the fold changes in the expression of methanobactin (Mbn) synthesis gene (mbnA) with a higher Cu concentration, whereas the Ton-B siderophore receptor gene (mbnT) showed upregulation at all Cu concentrations. Furthermore, the upregulation of the di-heme enzyme at concentrations above 5 µM Cu may play a crucial role in the copper switch by increasing oxygen consumption; however, the role has yet not been elucidated. We developed a quantitative assay based on the naphthalene–Molisch principle to distinguish between the sMMO- and pMMO-expressing cells, which coincided with the regulation profile of the sMMO and pMMO genes. At 0 and 3 µM Cu, the naphthol concentration was higher (8.1 and 4.2 µM, respectively) and gradually decreased to 0 µM naphthol when pMMO was expressed and acted as the sole methane oxidizer at concentrations above 5 µM Cu. Using physical protein–protein interaction, we identified seven transporters, three cell wall biosynthesis or degradation proteins, Cu resistance operon proteins, and 18 hypothetical proteins that may be involved in Cu toxicity and homeostasis. These findings shed light on the key regulatory genes of the Cu switch that will have potential implications for bioremediation and biotechnology applications.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  3. Particulate methane monooxygenase (pMMO), a membrane-bound enzyme having three subunits (α, β, and γ) and copper-containing centers, is found in most of the methanotrophs that selectively catalyze the oxidation of methane into methanol. Active sites in the pMMO of Methylosinus trichosporium OB3b were determined by docking the modeled structure with ethylbenzene, toluene, 1,3-dibutadiene, and trichloroethylene. The docking energy between the modeled pMMO structure and ethylbenzene, toluene, 1,3-dibutadiene, and trichloroethylene was −5.2, −5.7, −4.2, and −3.8 kcal/mol, respectively, suggesting the existence of more than one active site within the monomeric subunits due to the presence of multiple binding sites within the pMMO monomer. The evaluation of tunnels and cavities of the active sites and the docking results showed that each active site is specific to the radius of the substrate. To increase the catalysis rates of methane in the pMMO of M. trichosporium OB3b, selected amino acid residues interacting at the binding site of ethylbenzene, toluene, 1,3-dibutadiene, and trichloroethylene were mutated. Based on screening the strain energy, docking energy, and physiochemical properties, five mutants were downselected, B:Leu31Ser, B:Phe96Gly, B:Phe92Thr, B:Trp106Ala, and B:Tyr110Phe, which showed the docking energy of −6.3, −6.7, −6.3, −6.5, and −6.5 kcal/mol, respectively, as compared to the wild type (−5.2 kcal/mol) with ethylbenzene. These results suggest that these five mutants would likely increase methane oxidation rates compared to wild-type pMMO. 
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  4. Various microorganisms thrive under extreme environments, like hot springs, hydrothermal vents, deep marine ecosystems, hyperacid lakes, acid mine drainage, high UV exposure, and more. To survive against the deleterious effect of these extreme circumstances, they form a network of biofilm where exopolysaccharides (EPSs) comprise a substantial part. The EPSs are often polyanionic due to different functional groups in their structural backbone, including uronic acids, sulfated units, and phosphate groups. Altogether, these chemical groups provide EPSs with a negative charge allowing them to (a) act as ligands toward dissolved cations as well as trace, and toxic metals; (b) be tolerant to the presence of salts, surfactants, and alpha-hydroxyl acids; and (c) interface the solubilization of hydrocarbons. Owing to their unique structural and functional characteristics, EPSs are anticipated to be utilized industrially to remediation of metals, crude oil, and hydrocarbons from contaminated wastewaters, mines, and oil spills. The biotechnological advantages of extremophilic EPSs are more diverse than traditional biopolymers. The present review aims at discussing the mechanisms and strategies for using EPSs from extremophiles in industries and environment bioremediation. Additionally, the potential of EPSs as fascinating biomaterials to mediate biogenic nanoparticles synthesis and treat multicomponent water contaminants is discussed. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
    Firmicutes is almost a ubiquitous phylum. Several genera of this group, for instance, Geobacillus, are recognized for decomposing plant organic matter and for producing thermostable ligninolytic enzymes. Amplicon sequencing was used in this study to determine the prevalence and genetic diversity of the Firmicutes in two distinctly related environmental samples—South Dakota Landfill Compost (SDLC, 60 °C), and Sanford Underground Research Facility sediments (SURF, 45 °C). Although distinct microbial community compositions were observed, there was a dominance of Firmicutes in both the SDLC and SURF samples, followed by Proteobacteria. The abundant classes of bacteria in the SDLC site, within the phylum Firmicutes, were Bacilli (83.2%), and Clostridia (2.9%). In comparison, the sample from the SURF mine was dominated by the Clostridia (45.8%) and then Bacilli (20.1%). Within the class Bacilli, the SDLC sample had more diversity (a total of 11 genera with more than 1% operational taxonomic unit, OTU). On the other hand, SURF samples had just three genera, about 1% of the total population: Bacilli, Paenibacillus, and Solibacillus. With specific regard to Geobacillus, it was found to be present at a level of 0.07% and 2.5% in SURF and SDLC, respectively. Subsequently, culture isolations of endospore-forming Firmicutes members from these samples led to the isolation of a total of 117 isolates. According to colony morphologies, and identification based upon 16S rRNA and gyrB gene sequence analysis, we obtained 58 taxonomically distinct strains. Depending on the similarity indexes, a gyrB sequence comparison appeared more useful than 16S rRNA sequence analysis for inferring intra- and some intergeneric relationships between the isolates. 
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  6. null (Ed.)
  7. null (Ed.)
    The global burden of cancer is on the rise, and as a result, the number of therapeutics administered for chemotherapy is increasing. The occupational exposure, recalcitrant nature and ecotoxicological toxicity of these therapeutics, referred to as antineoplastic (ANP) drugs, have raised concerns about their safe remediation. This review provides an overview of the environmental source of ANPs agents, with emphasis on the currently used remediation approaches. Outpatient excreta, hospital effluents, and waste from pharmaceutical industries are the primary source of ANP waste. The current review describes various biotic and abiotic methods used in the remediation of ANP drugs in the environment. Abiotic methods often generate transformation products (TPs) of unknown toxicity. In this light, obtaining data on the environmental toxicity of ANPs and its TPs is crucial to determine their toxic effect on the ecosystem. We also discuss the biodegradation of ANP drugs using monoculture of fungal and bacterial species, and microbial consortia in sewage treatment plants. The current review effort further explores a safe and sustainable approach for ANP waste treatment to replace existing chemical and oxidation intensive treatment approaches. To conclude, we assess the possibility of integrating biotic and abiotic methods of ANP drug degradation. 
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  8. null (Ed.)
    The mimicking of evolution on a laboratory timescale to enhance biocatalyst specificity, substrate utilization activity, and/or product formation, is an effective and well-established approach that does not involve genetic engineering or regulatory details of the microorganism. The present work employed an evolutionary adaptive approach to improve the lignocellulose deconstruction capabilities of the strain by inducing the expression of laccase, a multicopper oxidase, in Geobacillus sp. strain WSUCF1. This bacterium is highly efficient in depolymerizing unprocessed lignocellulose, needing no preprocessing/pretreatment of the biomasses. However, it natively produces low levels of laccase. After 15 rounds of serially adapting this thermophilic strain in the presence of unprocessed corn stover as the selective pressure, we recorded a 20-fold increase in catalytic laccase activity, at 9.23 ± 0.6 U/mL, in an adapted yet stable strain of Geobacillus sp. WSUCF1, compared with the initial laccase production (0.46 ± 0.04 U/mL) obtained with the unadapted strain grown on unprocessed corn stover before optimization. Chemical composition analysis demonstrated that lignin removal by the adapted strain was 22 wt.% compared with 6 wt.% removal by the unadapted strain. These results signify a favorable prospect for fast, cost competitive bulk production of this thermostable enzyme. Also, this work has practical importance, as this fast adaptation of the Geobacillus sp. strain WSUCF1 suggests the possibility of growing industrial quantities of Geobacillus sp. strain WSUCF1 cells as biocatalysts on reasonably inexpensive carbon sources for commercial use. This work is the first application of the adaptive laboratory evolution approach for developing the desired phenotype of enhanced ligninolytic capability in any microbial strain. 
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  9. This article aims to study the codigestion of food waste (FW) and three different lignocellulosic wastes (LW) (Corn stover (CS), Prairie cordgrass (PCG), and Unbleached paper (UBP)) for thermophilic anaerobic digestion to overcome the limitations of digesting food waste alone (volatile fatty acids accumulation and low C:N ratio). Using an enriched thermophilic methanogenic consortium, all the food and lignocellulosic waste mixtures showed positive synergistic effects of codigestion. After 30 days of incubation at 60 °C (100 rpm), the highest methane yield of 305.45 L·kg−1 volatile solids (VS) was achieved with a combination of FW-PCG-CS followed by 279.31 L·kg−1 VS with a mixture of FW-PCG. The corresponding volatile solids reduction for these two co-digestion mixtures was 68% and 58%, respectively. This study demonstrated a reduced hydraulic retention time for methane production using FW and LW. 
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