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Creators/Authors contains: "Hartley, C. Scott"

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  1. Chemical reactions that mimic the function of ATP hydrolysis in biochemistry are of current interest in nonequilibrium systems chemistry. The formation of transient bonds from these reactions can drive molecular machines or generate materials with time-dependent properties. While the behavior of these systems can be complicated, the underlying chemistry is often simple: they are therefore potentially interesting topics for undergraduate introductory organic chemistry students, combining state-of-the-art advances in systems chemistry with straightforward reactions. Here, a teaching experiment has been developed that explores the transient assembly of benzoic acid derivatives driven by carbodiimide hydration. Working in teams, students examine the formation and decomposition of anhydrides from two benzoic acids using a carbodiimide “fuel”. The students examine classic reaction kinetics of anhydride hydrolysis using two independent methods, NMR and IR spectroscopies. They then explore how the amount of carbodiimide affects the lifetimes of precipitates of benzoic anhydride as a simple example of out-of-equilibrium self-assembly. 
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  2. Abstract

    Recent work has demonstrated that temporary crosslinks in polymer networks generated by chemical “fuels” afford materials with large, transient changes in their mechanical properties. This can be accomplished in carboxylic‐acid‐functionalized polymer hydrogels using carbodiimides, which generate anhydride crosslinks with lifetimes on the order of minutes to hours. Here, the impact of the polymer network architecture on the mechanical properties of transiently crosslinked materials was explored. Single networks (SNs) were compared to interpenetrated networks (IPNs). Notably, semi‐IPN precursors that give IPNs on treatment with carbodiimide give much higher fracture energies (i.e., resistance to fracture) and superior resistance to compressive strain compared to other network architectures. A precursor semi‐IPN material featuring acrylic acid in only the free polymer chains yields, on treatment with carbodiimide, an IPN with a fracture energy of 2400 J/m2, a fourfold increase compared to an analogous semi‐IPN precursor that yields a SN. This resistance to fracture enables the formation of macroscopic complex cut patterns, even at high strain, underscoring the pivotal role of polymer architecture in mechanical performance.

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  3. Abstract

    Recent work has demonstrated that temporary crosslinks in polymer networks generated by chemical “fuels” afford materials with large, transient changes in their mechanical properties. This can be accomplished in carboxylic‐acid‐functionalized polymer hydrogels using carbodiimides, which generate anhydride crosslinks with lifetimes on the order of minutes to hours. Here, the impact of the polymer network architecture on the mechanical properties of transiently crosslinked materials was explored. Single networks (SNs) were compared to interpenetrated networks (IPNs). Notably, semi‐IPN precursors that give IPNs on treatment with carbodiimide give much higher fracture energies (i.e., resistance to fracture) and superior resistance to compressive strain compared to other network architectures. A precursor semi‐IPN material featuring acrylic acid in only the free polymer chains yields, on treatment with carbodiimide, an IPN with a fracture energy of 2400 J/m2, a fourfold increase compared to an analogous semi‐IPN precursor that yields a SN. This resistance to fracture enables the formation of macroscopic complex cut patterns, even at high strain, underscoring the pivotal role of polymer architecture in mechanical performance.

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  4. Polymer networks crosslinked with spring-like ortho -phenylene ( o P) foldamers were developed. NMR analysis indicated the o P crosslinkers were well-folded. Polymer networks with o P-based crosslinkers showed enhanced energy dissipation and elasticity compared to divinylbenzene crosslinked networks. The energy dissipation was attributed to the strain-induced reversible unfolding of the o P units. Energy dissipation increased with the number of helical turns in the foldamer. 
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  5. null (Ed.)