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The purpose of this article is to initiate a systematic study of dimension-free relations between basic communication and query complexity measures and various matrix norms. In other words, our goal is to obtain inequalities that bound a parameter solely as a function of another parameter. This is in contrast to perhaps the more common framework in communication complexity where poly-logarithmic dependencies on the number of input bits are tolerated. Dimension-free bounds are also closely related to structural results, where one seeks to describe the structure of Boolean matrices and functions that have low complexity. We prove such theorems for several communication and query complexity measures as well as various matrix and operator norms. In several other cases we show that such bounds do not exist. We propose several conjectures, and establish that, in addition to applications in complexity theory, these problems are central to characterization of the idempotents of the algebra of Schur multipliers, and could lead to new extensions of Cohen’s celebrated idempotent theorem regarding the Fourier algebra.more » « less
An efficient implicit representation of an n-vertex graph G in a family F of graphs assigns to each vertex of G a binary code of length O(log n) so that the adjacency between every pair of vertices can be determined only as a function of their codes. This function can depend on the family but not on the individual graph. Every family of graphs admitting such a representation contains at most 2^O(n log(n)) graphs on n vertices, and thus has at most factorial speed of growth. The Implicit Graph Conjecture states that, conversely, every hereditary graph family with at most factorial speed of growth admits an efficient implicit representation. We refute this conjecture by establishing the existence of hereditary graph families with factorial speed of growth that require codes of length n^Ω(1).more » « less
Etessami, Kousha ; Feige, Uriel ; Puppis, Gabriele (Ed.)In a recent article, Alon, Hanneke, Holzman, and Moran (FOCS '21) introduced a unifying framework to study the learnability of classes of partial concepts. One of the central questions studied in their work is whether the learnability of a partial concept class is always inherited from the learnability of some "extension" of it to a total concept class. They showed this is not the case for PAC learning but left the problem open for the stronger notion of online learnability. We resolve this problem by constructing a class of partial concepts that is online learnable, but no extension of it to a class of total concepts is online learnable (or even PAC learnable).more » « less