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Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 8, 2025
Microtubule-kinesin active fluids are distinguished from conventional passive fluids by their unique ability to consume local fuel, ATP, to generate internal active stress. This stress drives internal flow autonomously and promotes micromixing, without the need for external pumps. When confined within a looped boundary, these active fluids can spontaneously self-organize into river-like flows. However, the influence of a moving boundary on these flow behaviors has remained elusive. Here, we investigate the role of a moving boundary on the flow kinematics of active fluids. We confined the active fluid within a thin cuboidal boundary with one side serving as a mobile boundary. Our data reveals that when the boundary's moving speed does not exceed the intrinsic flow speed of the active fluid, the fluid is dominated by chaotic, turbulence-like flows. The velocity correlation length of the flow is close to the intrinsic vortex size induced by the internal active stress. Conversely, as the boundary's moving speed greatly exceeds that of the active fluid, the flow gradually transitions to a conventional cavity flow pattern. In this regime, the velocity correlation length increases and saturates to those of water. Our work elucidates the intricate interplay between a moving boundary and active fluid behavior. *We acknowledge support from the National Science Foundation (NSF-CBET-2045621).more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available March 8, 2025
We study parton energy-momentum exchange with the quark gluon plasma (QGP) within a multistage approach composed of in-medium Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi evolution at high virtuality, and (linearized) Boltzmann transport formalism at lower virtuality. This multistage simulation is then calibrated in comparison with high-charged hadrons,mesons, and the inclusive jet nuclear modification factors, using Bayesian model-to-data comparison, to extract the virtuality-dependent transverse momentum broadening transport coefficient. To facilitate this undertaking, we develop a quantitative metric for validating the Bayesian workflow, which is used to analyze the sensitivity of various model parameters to individual observables. The usefulness of this new metric in improving Bayesian model emulation is shown to be highly beneficial for future such analyses.
Published by the American Physical Society 2024 Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025 -
Abstract We present a new volatility basis set (VBS) representation of aromatic secondary organic aerosol (SOA) for atmospheric chemistry models by fitting a statistical oxidation model with aerosol microphysics (SOM‐TOMAS) to results from laboratory chamber experiments. The resulting SOM‐VBS scheme also including previous work on SOA formation from semi‐ and intermediate volatile organic compounds (S/IVOCs) is implemented in the GEOS‐Chem chemical transport model and applied to simulation of observations from the Korea‐United States Air Quality Study (KORUS‐AQ) field campaign over South Korea in May–June 2016. Our SOM‐VBS scheme can simulate the KORUS‐AQ organic aerosol (OA) observations from aircraft and surface sites better than the default schemes used in GEOS‐Chem including for vertical profiles, diurnal cycle, and partitioning between hydrocarbon‐like OA and oxidized OA. Our results confirm the important contributions of oxidized primary OA and aromatic SOA found in previous analyses of the KORUS‐AQ data and further show a large contribution from S/IVOCs. Model source attribution of OA in surface air over South Korea indicates one third from domestic anthropogenic emissions, with a large contribution from toluene and xylenes, one third from external anthropogenic emissions, and one third from natural emissions.
null (Ed.)The randomized midpoint method, proposed by (Shen and Lee, 2019), has emerged as an optimal discretization procedure for simulating the continuous time underdamped Langevin diffusion. In this paper, we analyze several probabilistic properties of the randomized midpoint discretization method, considering both overdamped and underdamped Langevin dynamics. We first characterize the stationary distribution of the discrete chain obtained with constant step-size discretization and show that it is biased away from the target distribution. Notably, the step-size needs to go to zero to obtain asymptotic unbiasedness. Next, we establish the asymptotic normality of numerical integration using the randomized midpoint method and highlight the relative advantages and disadvantages over other discretizations. Our results collectively provide several insights into the behavior of the randomized midpoint discretization method, including obtaining confidence intervals for numerical integrations.more » « less
Large-scale concrete 3D printing and digital construction has brought enormous potential to expand the design space of building components (e.g., building envelope) for the integration of multiple architectural functionalities including energy saving. In this research, a modular 3D printed vertical concrete green wall system – namely the 3D-VtGW, was developed. The 3D-VtGW envelope was assembled with prefabricated (3D printed) multifunctional wall modular elements, which serves as the enclosure of the building as well as the backbone for a green wall system to improve building’s energy efficiency. Using this design concept and large-scale concrete 3D printing, a prototype commercial building was built in Nanjing, China. To quantify the energy-saving potential of the 3D-VtGW system, a thermal network model was developed to simulate the thermal behavior of buildings with 3D-VtGW system and for thermal comfort analysis. Whole-building energy simulation was carried out using Chinese Standard Weather Data (CSWD) o Nanjing, China. The simulation results indicate that the building with 3D-VtGW exhibited prominent potential for energy saving and improved thermal comfort. The integrated greenery system in 3D-VtGW largely reduces wall exterior surface temperature and through-wall heat flux via the combined effects of plant shading, evapotranspiration, and heat storage from soil. This study presents the immense opportunities brought by digital fabrication and construction to extend the design space and function integration in buildings.more » « less
SITE (Ed.)Peer learning through pair programming is a type of collaborative learning that involves students working in pairs to discuss computer programming concepts or develop codes to solve problems. The Zoom breakout room method is applied to teach pair programming in a virtual classroom during the COVID-19 environment. By facilitating pair programming in a virtual learning environment, we gained valuable experience in promoting collaborative learning, active learning, and problem-based learning activities in a cloud setting.more » « less