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Creators/Authors contains: "Kimelfeld, Benny"

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  1. Deploying possible world semantics and the challenge of computing the certain answers to queries.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2025
  2. We study the question of when we can provide direct access to the k-th answer to a Conjunctive Query (CQ) according to a specified order over the answers in time logarithmic in the size of the database, following a preprocessing step that constructs a data structure in time quasilinear in database size. Specifically, we embark on the challenge of identifying the tractable answer orderings , that is, those orders that allow for such complexity guarantees. To better understand the computational challenge at hand, we also investigate the more modest task of providing access to only a single answer (i.e., finding the answer at a given position), a task that we refer to as the selection problem , and ask when it can be performed in quasilinear time. We also explore the question of when selection is indeed easier than ranked direct access. We begin with lexicographic orders . For each of the two problems, we give a decidable characterization (under conventional complexity assumptions) of the class of tractable lexicographic orders for every CQ without self-joins. We then continue to the more general orders by the sum of attribute weights and establish the corresponding decidable characterizations, for each of the two problems, of the tractable CQs without self-joins. Finally, we explore the question of when the satisfaction of Functional Dependencies (FDs) can be utilized for tractability and establish the corresponding generalizations of our characterizations for every set of unary FDs. 
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  3. We study the question of when we can provide logarithmic-time direct access to the 𝑘-th answer to a Conjunctive Query (CQ) with a specified ordering over the answers, following a preprocessing step that constructs a data structure in time quasilinear in the size of the database. Specifically, we embark on the challenge of identifying the tractable answer orderings that allow for ranked direct access with such complexity guarantees. We begin with lexicographic orderings and give a decidable characterization (under conventional complexity assumptions) of the class of tractable lexicographic orderings for every CQ without self-joins. We then continue to the more general orderings by the sum of attribute weights and show for it that ranked direct access is tractable only in trivial cases. Hence, to better understand the computational challenge at hand, we consider the more modest task of providing access to only a single answer (i.e., finding the answer at a given position) — a task that we refer to as the selection problem. We indeed achieve a quasilinear-time algorithm for a subset of the class of full CQs without self-joins, by adopting a solution of Frederickson and Johnson to the classic problem of selection over sorted matrices. We further prove that none of the other queries in this class admit such an algorithm. 
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  4. We investigate the practical aspects of computing the necessary and possible winners in elections over incomplete voter preferences. In the case of the necessary winners, we show how to implement and accelerate the polynomial-time algorithm of Xia and Conitzer. In the case of the possible winners, where the problem is NP-hard, we give a natural reduction to Integer Linear Programming (ILP) for all positional scoring rules and implement it in a leading commercial optimization solver. Further, we devise optimization techniques to minimize the number of ILP executions and, oftentimes, avoid them altogether. We conduct a thorough experimental study that includes the construction of a rich benchmark of election data based on real and synthetic data. Our findings suggest that, the worst-case intractability of the possible winners notwithstanding, the algorithmic techniques presented here scale well and can be used to compute the possible winners in realistic scenarios. 
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