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We propose a new policy class, Composable Interaction Primitives (CIPs), specialized for learning sustained-contact manipulation skills like opening a drawer, pulling a lever, turning a wheel, or shifting gears. CIPs have two primary design goals: to minimize what must be learned by exploiting structure present in the world and the robot, and to support sequential composition by construction, so that learned skills can be used by a task-level planner. Using an ablation experiment in four simulated manipulation tasks, we show that the structure included in CIPs substantially improves the efficiency of motor skill learning. We then show that CIPs can be used for plan execution in a zero-shot fashion by sequencing learned skills.We validate our approach on real robot hardware by learning and sequencing two manipulation skills.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
Real-world robot task planning is intractable in part due to partial observability. A common approach to reducing complexity is introducing additional structure into the decision process, such as mixed-observability, factored states, or temporally-extended actions. We propose the locally observable Markov decision process, a novel formulation that models task-level planning where uncertainty pertains to object-level attributes and where a robot has subroutines for seeking and accurately observing objects. This models sensors that are range-limited and line-of-sight—objects occluded or outside sensor range are unobserved, but the attributes of objects that fall within sensor view can be resolved via repeated observation. Our model results in a three-stage planning process: first, the robot plans using only observed objects; if that fails, it generates a target object that, if observed, could result in a feasible plan; finally, it attempts to locate and observe the target, replanning after each newly observed object. By combining LOMDPs with off-the-shelf Markov planners, we outperform state-of-the-art solvers for both object-oriented POMDP and MDP analogues with the same task specification. We then apply the formulation to successfully solve a task on a mobile robot.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
An agent learning an option in hierarchical reinforcement learning must solve three problems: identify the option’s subgoal (termination condition), learn a policy, and learn where that policy will succeed (initiation set). The termination condition is typically identified first, but the option policy and initiation set must be learned simultaneously, which is challenging because the initiation set depends on the option policy, which changes as the agent learns. Consequently, data obtained from option execution becomes invalid over time, leading to an inaccurate initiation set that subsequently harms downstream task performance. We highlight three issues—data non-stationarity, temporal credit assignment, and pessimism—specific to learning initiation sets, and propose to address them using tools from off-policy value estimation and classification. We show that our method learns higher-quality initiation sets faster than existing methods (in MINIGRID and MONTEZUMA’S REVENGE), can automatically discover promising grasps for robot manipulation (in ROBOSUITE), and improves the performance of a state-of-the-art option discovery method in a challenging maze navigation task in MuJoCo.more » « less
We propose a new method for count-based exploration in high-dimensional state spaces. Unlike previous work which relies on density models, we show that counts can be derived by averaging samples from the Rademacher distribution (or coin flips). This insight is used to set up a simple supervised learning objective which, when optimized, yields a state’s visitation count. We show that our method is significantly more effective at deducing ground-truth visitation counts than previous work; when used as an exploration bonus for a model-free reinforcement learning algorithm, it outperforms existing approaches on most of 9 challenging exploration tasks, including the Atari game MONTEZUMA’S REVENGE.more » « less
It is imperative that robots can understand natural language commands issued by humans. Such commands typically contain verbs that signify what action should be performed on a given object and that are applicable to many objects. We propose a method for generalizing manipulation skills to novel objects using verbs. Our method learns a probabilistic classifier that determines whether a given object trajectory can be described by a specific verb. We show that this classifier accurately generalizes to novel object categories with an average accuracy of 76.69% across 13 object categories and 14 verbs. We then perform policy search over the object kinematics to find an object trajectory that maximizes classifier prediction for a given verb. Our method allows a robot to generate a trajectory for a novel object based on a verb, which can then be used as input to a motion planner. We show that our model can generate trajectories that are usable for executing five verb commands applied to novel instances of two different object categories on a real robot.more » « less
We propose a novel parameterized skill-learning algorithm that aims to learn transferable parameterized skills and synthesize them into a new action space that supports efficient learning in long-horizon tasks. We propose to leverage off-policy Meta-RL combined with a trajectory-centric smoothness term to learn a set of parameterized skills. Our agent can use these learned skills to construct a three-level hierarchical framework that models a Temporally-extended Parameterized Action Markov Decision Process. We empirically demonstrate that the proposed algorithms enable an agent to solve a set of difficult long-horizon (obstacle-course and robot manipulation) tasks.more » « less
We introduce RLang, a domain-specific language (DSL) for communicating domain knowledge to an RL agent. Unlike existing RL DSLs that ground to single elements of a decision-making formalism (e.g., the reward function or policy), RLang can specify information about every element of a Markov decision process. We define precise syntax and grounding semantics for RLang, and provide a parser that grounds RLang programs to an algorithm-agnostic partial world model and policy that can be exploited by an RL agent. We provide a series of example RLang programs demonstrating how different RL methods can exploit the resulting knowledge, encompassing model-free and model-based tabular algorithms, policy gradient and value-based methods, hierarchical approaches, and deep methods.more » « less