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Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 13, 2025
The open radio access network (O-RAN) represents a paradigm shift in RAN architecture, integrating intelligence into communication networks via xApps -- control applications for managing RAN resources. This integration facilitates the adoption of AI for network optimization and resource management. However, there is a notable gap in practical network performance analyzers capable of assessing the functionality and efficiency of xApps in near real-time within operational networks. Addressing this gap, this article introduces a comprehensive network performance analyzer, tailored for the near-real time RAN intelligent controller. We present the design, development, and application scenarios for this testing framework, including its components, software, and tools, providing an end-to-end solution for evaluating the performance of xApps in O-RAN environments.more » « lessFree, publicly-accessible full text available September 27, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 20, 2025
The evolution of open architectures for Radio Ac-cess Networks (RANs) is revolutionizing network management and optimization. This transformation, fostered by O-RAN, expedites data acquisition and examination by exploiting newly established open interfaces. Moreover, it has led to the rise of near real-time RAN Intelligent Controllers (RICs), instigating a wave of AI-driven applications, or xApps, that employ Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) methods. Nevertheless, deploying xApps as centralized applications presents substantial challenges, such as handling vast data transactions, potential delays, and security vulnerabilities, which are notably prominent within the multifaceted, decentralized, multivendor, and trustless nature of open networks. To alleviate these predicaments, a transition from centralized apps operating in near real-time to distributed real-time apps is imperative for augmented security and efficiency. This paper addresses these complexities by introducing an open platform that integrates a federated reinforcement learning algorithm to operate as distributed Apps (dApps) within the next-generation O-RAN architecture. We present evaluation results in a specific test environment.more » « less
Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN) has introduced an emerging RAN architecture that enables openness, intelligence, and automated control. The RAN Intelligent Controller (RIC) provides the platform to design and deploy network controllers. xApps are the applications that can leverage machine learning (ML) algorithms for near-real time control. Despite the opportunities provided by this new architecture, the progress of practical artificial intelligence (AI)-based solutions for network control and automation has been slow. There is a lack of end-to-end solutions for designing, deploying, and testing AI-based xApps in production-like network settings. This paper introduces an end-to-end O-RAN design and evaluation procedure using the latest O-RAN architecture and interface releases. We provide details on the development of a reinforcement learning (RL)-based xApp, considering two RL approaches and present numerical results to validate the xApp.more » « less