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Creators/Authors contains: "Lauhon, Lincoln"

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  1. The growth of layered 2D compounds is a key ingredient in finding new phenomena in quantum materials, optoelectronics, and energy conversion. Here, we report SnP2Se6, a van der Waals chiral (R3 space group) semiconductor with an indirect bandgap of 1.36 to 1.41 electron volts. Exfoliated SnP2Se6flakes are integrated into high-performance field-effect transistors with electron mobilities >100 cm2/Vs and on/off ratios >106at room temperature. Upon excitation at a wavelength of 515.6 nanometer, SnP2Se6phototransistors show high gain (>4 × 104) at low intensity (≈10−6W/cm2) and fast photoresponse (< 5 microsecond) with concurrent gain of ≈52.9 at high intensity (≈56.6 mW/cm2) at a gate voltage of 60 V across 300-nm-thick SiO2dielectric layer. The combination of high carrier mobility and the non-centrosymmetric crystal structure results in a strong intrinsic bulk photovoltaic effect; under local excitation at normal incidence at 532 nm, short circuit currents exceed 8 mA/cm2at 20.6 W/cm2.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 2, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Control over the distribution of dopants in nanowires is essential for regulating their electronic properties, but perturbations in nanowire microstructure may affect doping. Conversely, dopants may be used to control nanowire microstructure including the generation of twinning superlattices (TSLs)—periodic arrays of twin planes. Here the spatial distribution of Be dopants in a GaAs nanowire with a TSL is investigated using atom probe tomography. Homogeneous dopant distributions in both the radial and axial directions are observed, indicating a decoupling of the dopant distribution from the nanowire microstructure. Although the dopant distribution is microscopically homogenous, radial distribution function analysis discovered that 1% of the Be atoms occur in substitutional-interstitial pairs. The pairing confirms theoretical predictions based on the low defect formation energy. These findings indicate that using dopants to engineer microstructure does not necessarily imply that the dopant distribution is non-uniform.

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  3. Abstract

    GaAs‐AlGaAs based nanowire (NW) lasers hold great potential for on‐chip photonic applications, where lasing metrics have steadily improved over the years by optimizing resonator design and surface passivation methods. The factor that will ultimately limit the performance will depend on material properties, such as native‐ or impurity‐induced point defects and their impact on non‐radiative recombination. Here, the role of impurity‐induced point defects on the lasing performance of low‐threshold GaAs(Sb)‐AlGaAs NW‐lasers is evaluated, particularly by exploring Si‐dopants and their associated vacancy complexes. Si‐induced point defects and their self‐compensating nature are identified using correlated atom probe tomography, resonant Raman scattering, and photoluminescence experiments. Under pulsed optical excitation the lasing threshold is remarkably low (<10 µJ cm−2) and insensitive to impurity defects over a wide range of Si doping densities, while excess doping ([Si]>1019 cm−3) imposes increased threshold at low temperature. These characteristics coincide with increased Shockley‐Read‐Hall recombination, reflected by shorter carrier lifetimes, and reduced internal quantum efficiencies (IQE) . Remarkably, despite the lower IQE the presence of self‐compensating Si‐vacancy defects provides an improved temperature stability in lasing threshold with higher characteristic temperature and room‐temperature lasing. These findings highlight an overall large tolerance of lasing metrics to impurity defects in GaAs‐AlGaAs based NW‐lasers.

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