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Creators/Authors contains: "Levis, Philip"

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  1. Virtual reality systems today cannot yet stream immersive, retina-quality virtual reality video over a network. One of the greatest challenges to this goal is the sheer data rates required to transmit retina-quality video frames at high resolutions and frame rates. Recent work has leveraged the decay of visual acuity in human perception in novel gaze-contingent video compression techniques. In this paper, we show that reducing the motion-to-photon latency of a system itself is a key method for improving the compression ratio of gaze-contingent compression. Our key finding is that a client and streaming server system with sub-15ms latency can achieve 5x better compression than traditional techniques while also using simpler software algorithms than previous work. 
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  2. We propose Clamor, a functional cluster computing framework that adds support for fine-grained, transparent access to global variables for distributed, data-parallel tasks. Clamor targets workloads that perform sparse accesses and updates within the bulk synchronous parallel execution model, a setting where the standard technique of broadcasting global variables is highly inefficient. Clamor implements a novel dynamic replication mechanism in order to enable efficient access to popular data regions on the fly, and tracks finegrained dependencies in order to retain the lineage-based fault tolerance model of systems like Spark. Clamor can integrate with existing Rust and C++ libraries to transparently distribute programs on the cluster. We show that Clamor is competitive with Spark in simple functional workloads and can improve performance significantly compared to custom systems on workloads that sparsely access large global variables: from 5x for sparse logistic regression to over 100x on distributed geospatial queries. 
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  3. Microsecond I/O will make data serialization a major bottleneck for datacenter applications. Serialization is fundamentally about data movement: serialization libraries coalesce and flatten in-memory data structures into a single transmittable buffer. CPU-based serialization approaches will hit a performance limit due to data movement overheads and be unable to keep up with modern networks. We observe that widely deployed NICs possess scatter-gather capabilities that can be re-purposed to accelerate serialization's core task of coalescing and flattening in-memory data structures. It is possible to build a completely zero-copy, zero-allocation serialization library with commodity NICs. Doing so introduces many research challenges, including using the hardware capabilities efficiently for a wide variety of non-uniform data structures, making application memory available for zero-copy I/O, and ensuring memory safety. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    We present POSH, a framework that accelerates shell applications with I/O-heavy components, such as data analytics with command-line utilities. Remote storage such as networked filesystems can severely limit the performance of these applications: data makes a round trip over the network for relatively little computation at the client. Reducing the data movement by moving the code to the data can improve performance. POSH automatically optimizes unmodified I/O-intensive shell applications running over remote storage by offloading the I/O-intensive portions to proxy servers closer to the data. A proxy can run directly on a storage server, or on a machine closer to the storage layer than the client. POSH intercepts shell pipelines and uses metadata called annotations to decide where to run each command within the pipeline. We address three principal challenges that arise: an annotation language that allows POSH to understand which files a command will access, a scheduling algorithm that places commands to minimize data movement, and a system runtime to execute a distributed schedule but retain local semantics. We benchmark POSH on real shell pipelines such as image processing, network security analysis, log analysis, distributed system debugging, and git. We find that POSH provides speedups ranging from 1.6× to 15× compared to NFS, without requiring any modifications to the applications. 
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  5. We describe the results of a randomized controlled trial of video-streaming algorithms for bitrate selection and network prediction. Over the last year, we have streamed 38.6 years of video to 63,508 users across the Internet. Sessions are randomized in blinded fashion among algorithms. We found that in this real-world setting, it is difficult for sophisticated or machine-learned control schemes to outperform a "simple" scheme (buffer-based control), notwithstanding good performance in network emulators or simulators. We performed a statistical analysis and found that the heavy-tailed nature of network and user behavior, as well as the challenges of emulating diverse Internet paths during training, present obstacles for learned algorithms in this setting. We then developed an ABR algorithm that robustly outperformed other schemes, by leveraging data from its deployment and limiting the scope of machine learning only to making predictions that can be checked soon after. The system uses supervised learning in situ, with data from the real deployment environment, to train a probabilistic predictor of upcoming chunk transmission times. This module then informs a classical control policy (model predictive control). To support further investigation, we are publishing an archive of data and results each week, and will open our ongoing study to the community. We welcome other researchers to use this platform to develop and validate new algorithms for bitrate selection, network prediction, and congestion control. 
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  6. Abstract

    Graphical fluid simulations are CPU‐bound. Parallelizing simulations on hundreds of cores in the computing cloud would make them faster, but requires evenly balancing load across nodes. Good load balancing depends on manual decisions from experts, which are time‐consuming and error prone, or dynamic approaches that estimate and react to future load, which are non‐deterministic and hard to debug.

    This paper proposes Birdshot scheduling, an automatic and purely static load balancing algorithm whose performance is close to expert decisions and reactive algorithms without their difficulty or complexity. Birdshot scheduling's key insight is to leverage the high‐latency, high‐throughput, full bisection bandwidth of cloud computing nodes. Birdshot scheduling splits the simulation domain into many micro‐partitions and statically assigns them to nodes randomly. Analytical results show that randomly assigned micro‐partitions balance load with high probability. The high‐throughput network easily handles the increased data transfers from micro‐partitions, and full bisection bandwidth allows random placement with no performance penalty. Overlapping the communications and computations of different micro‐partitions masks latency.

    Experiments with particle‐level set, SPH, FLIP and explicit Eulerian methods show that Birdshot scheduling speeds up simulations by a factor of 2‐3, and can out‐perform reactive scheduling algorithms. Birdshot scheduling performs within 21% of state‐of‐the‐art dynamic methods that require running a second, parallel simulation. Unlike speculative algorithms, Birdshot scheduling is purely static: it requires no controller, runtime data collection, partition migration or support for these operations from the programmer.

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