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Creators/Authors contains: "Li, Shuyi"

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  1. Abstract Magnetic order in most materials occurs when magnetic ions with finite moments arrange in a particular pattern below the ordering temperature. Intriguingly, if the crystal electric field (CEF) effect results in a spin-singlet ground state, a magnetic order can still occur due to the exchange interactions between neighboring ions admixing the excited CEF levels. The magnetic excitations in such a state are spin excitons generally dispersionless in reciprocal space. Here we use neutron scattering to study stoichiometric Ni 2 Mo 3 O 8 , where Ni 2+ ions form a bipartite honeycomb lattice comprised of two triangular lattices, with ions subject to the tetrahedral and octahedral crystalline environment, respectively. We find that in both types of ions, the CEF excitations have nonmagnetic singlet ground states, yet the material has magnetic order. Furthermore, CEF spin excitons from the tetrahedral sites form a dispersive diffusive pattern around the Brillouin zone boundary, likely due to spin entanglement and geometric frustrations. 
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  2. Frustrated spin-systems have traditionally proven challenging to understand, owing to a scarcity of controlled methods for their analyses. By contrast, under strong magnetic fields, certain aspects of spin systems admit simpler and universal description in terms of hardcore bosons. The bosonic formalism is anchored by the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), which has helped explain the behaviors of a wide range of magnetic compounds under applied magnetic fields. Here, we focus on the interplay between frustration and externally applied magnetic field to identify instances where the BEC paradigm is no longer applicable. As a representative example, we consider the antiferromagnetic J1−J2−J3 model on the square lattice in the presence of a uniform external magnetic field, and demonstrate that the frustration-driven suppression of the Néel order leads to a Lifshitz transition for the hardcore bosons. In the vicinity of the Lifshitz point, the physics becomes unmoored from the BEC paradigm, and the behavior of the system, both at and below the saturation field, is controlled by a Lifshitz multicritical point. We obtain the resultant universal scaling behaviors, and provide strong evidence for the existence of a frustration and magnetic-field driven correlated bosonic liquid state along the entire phase boundary separating the Néel phase from other magnetically ordered states. 
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