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Creators/Authors contains: "Mann, Janet"

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  1. Anthropogenic global change is occurring at alarming rates, leading to increased urgency in the ability to monitor wildlife health in real time. Monitoring sentinel marine species, such as bottlenose dolphins, is particularly important due to extensive anthropogenic modifications to their habitats. The most common non-invasive method of monitoring cetacean health is documentation of skin lesions, often associated with poor health or disease, but the current methodology is inefficient and imprecise. Recent advancements in technology, such as machine learning, can provide researchers with more efficient ecological monitoring methods to address health questions at both the population and the individual levels. Our work develops a machine learning model to classify skin lesions on the understudied Tamanend's bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops erebennus) of the Chesapeake Bay, using manual estimates of lesion presence in photographs. We assess the model's performance and find that our best model performs with a high mean average precision (65.6 %–86.8 %), and generally increased accuracy with improved photo quality. We also demonstrate the model's ability to address ecological questions across scales by generating model-based estimates of lesion prevalence and testing the effect of gregariousness on health status. At the population level, our model accurately estimates a prevalence of 72.1 % spot and 27.3 % fringe ring lesions, with a slight underprediction compared to manual estimates (82.2 % and 32.1 %). On the other hand, we find that individual-level analyses from the model predictions may be more sensitive to data quality, and thus, some individual scale questions may not be feasible to address if data quality is inconsistent. Manually, we do find that lesion presence in individuals suggests a positive relationship between lesion presence and gregariousness. This work demonstrates that object detection models on photographic data are reasonably successful, highly efficient, and provide initial estimates on the health status of understudied populations of bottlenose dolphins. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 1, 2026
  2. Because climate change and the biodiversity crisis are driven by human actions, determining psychological mechanisms underpinning support for environmental action is an urgent priority. Here, we experimentally tested for mechanisms promoting conservation-related motivation and behavior toward a flagship species, wild Tamanend's bottlenose dolphins. Following evidence that empathy increases prosocial motivations and behavior, and that the ability to identify individual humans promotes empathy, we tested whether this relationship applied to the ability to identify individual dolphins. Participants identified dolphins from their dorsal fins at above chance levels, and better individuation correlated with higher empathy for dolphins and higher willingness to pledge environmental behaviors. Pairing a narrative with an image of an injured dolphin leads to higher donations relative to a narrative alone. Our novel finding that the ability to individually identify dolphins relates to empathy and conservation-related behavior suggests pathways for strengthening environmental attitudes and behavior. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  3. Research on sex biases in longevity in mammals often assumes that male investment in competition results in a female survival advantage that is constant throughout life. We use 35 years of longitudinal data on 1003 wild bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops aduncus ) to examine age-specific mortality, demonstrating a time-varying effect of sex on mortality hazard over the five-decade lifespan of a social mammal. Males are at higher risk of mortality than females during the juvenile period, but the gap between male and female mortality hazard closes in the mid-teens, coincident with the onset of female reproduction. Female mortality hazard is non-significantly higher than male mortality hazard in adulthood, resulting in a moderate male bias in the oldest age class. Bottlenose dolphins have an intensely male-competitive mating system, and juvenile male mortality has been linked to social competition. Contrary to predictions from sexual selection theory, however, male–male competition does not result in sustained male-biased mortality. As female dolphins experience high costs of sexual coercion in addition to long and energetically expensive periods of gestation and lactation, this suggests that substantial female investment in reproduction can elevate female mortality risk and impact sex biases in lifespan. 
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  4. Abstract

    Resource competition among conspecifics is central to social evolution, as it serves as one of the primary selective pressures of group living. This is because the degree of competition for resources impacts the costs and benefits of social interactions. Despite this, how heterogeneity in resource competition drives variation in the type and quantity of long-term social relationships individuals foster has been overlooked. By measuring male mating competition and female foraging competition in a highly social, long-lived mammal, we demonstrate that individual variation in long-term intrasexual social relationships covaries with preferred habitat and experienced resource competition, and this effect differs based on the sex of the individual. Specifically, greater resource competition resulted in fewer social preferences, but the magnitude of the effect varied by both habitat and sex, whereas for social avoidances, both the directionality and magnitude of the effect of resource competition varied by habitat and sex. Together our work shows how fine-scale variation in individual socioecological niches (i.e., unique physical and social environments) can drive extensive variation in individual social behavior (here long-term relationships) within a population, thereby broadening current theories of social evolution.

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  5. null (Ed.)