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Creators/Authors contains: "McInerney, James"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 4, 2025
  2. Periodic networks on the verge of mechanical instability, called Maxwell lattices, are known to exhibit zero-frequency modes localized to their boundaries. Topologically polarized Maxwell lattices, in particular, focus these zero modes to one of their boundaries in a manner that is protected against disorder by the reciprocal-space topology of the lattice’s band structure. Here, we introduce a class of mechanical bilayers as a model system for designing topologically protected edge modes that couple in-plane dilational and shearing modes to out-of-plane flexural modes, a paradigm that we refer to as “omnimodal polarization.” While these structures exhibit a high-dimensional design space that makes it difficult to predict the topological polarization of generic geometries, we are able to identify a family of mirror-symmetric bilayers that inherit the in-plane modal localization of their constitutive monolayers, whose topological polarization can be determined analytically. Importantly, the coupling between the layers results in the emergence of omnimodal polarization, whereby in-plane and out-of-plane edge modes localize on the same edge. We demonstrate these theoretical results by fabricating a mirror-symmetric, topologically polarized kagome bilayer consisting of a network of elastic beams via additive manufacturing and confirm this finite-frequency polarization via finite element analysis and laser-vibrometry experiments.

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  3. Locomotion by shape changes or gas expulsion is assumed to require environmental interaction, due to conservation of momentum. However, as first noted in [J. Wisdom, Science 299, 1865-1869 (2003)] and later in [E. Guéron, Sci. Am . 301, 38-45 (2009)] and [J. Avron, O. Kenneth, New J. Phys , 8, 68 (2006)], the noncommutativity of translations permits translation without momentum exchange in either gravitationally curved spacetime or the curved surfaces encountered by locomotors in real-world environments. To realize this idea which remained unvalidated in experiments for almost 20 y, we show that a precision robophysical apparatus consisting of motors driven on curved tracks (and thereby confined to a spherical surface without a solid substrate) can self-propel without environmental momentum exchange. It produces shape changes comparable to the environment’s inverse curvatures and generates movement of 10 − 1  cm per gait. While this simple geometric effect predominates over short time, eventually the dissipative (frictional) and conservative forces, ubiquitous in real systems, couple to it to generate an emergent dynamics in which the swimming motion produces a force that is counter-balanced against residual gravitational forces. In this way, the robot both swims forward without momentum and becomes fixed in place with a finite momentum that can be released by ceasing the swimming motion. We envision that our work will be of use in a broad variety of contexts, such as active matter in curved space and robots navigating real-world environments with curved surfaces. 
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  4. We consider the zero-energy deformations of periodic origami sheets with generic crease patterns. Using a mapping from the linear folding motions of such sheets to force-bearing modes in conjunction with the Maxwell–Calladine index theorem we derive a relation between the number of linear folding motions and the number of rigid body modes that depends only on the average coordination number of the origami’s vertices. This supports the recent result by Tachi [T. Tachi,Origami6, 97–108 (2015)] which shows periodic origami sheets with triangular faces exhibit two-dimensional spaces of rigidly foldable cylindrical configurations. We also find, through analytical calculation and numerical simulation, branching of this configuration space from the flat state due to geometric compatibility constraints that prohibit finite Gaussian curvature. The same counting argument leads to pairing of spatially varying modes at opposite wavenumber in triangulated origami, preventing topological polarization but permitting a family of zero-energy deformations in the bulk that may be used to reconfigure the origami sheet.

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