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Creators/Authors contains: "Moodera, Jagadeesh S"

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  1. (Bi,Sb)2(Te,Se)3 tetradymite materials are among the most efficient for thermoelectric energy conversion, and most robust for topological insulator spintronic technologies, but should possess rather disparate doping properties to be useful for either technology. In this work, we report results on the molecular beam epitaxy growth of p-type (Bi0.43Sb0.57)2Te3 and n-type Bi2(Te0.95Se0.05)3 that can contribute to both technology bases, but are especially useful for topological insulators where low bulk doping is critical for devices to leverage the Dirac-like topological surface states. Comprehensive temperature, field and angular dependent magnetotransport measurements have attested to the superior quality of these ternary tetradymite films, displaying low carrier density on the order of 1018 cm–3 and a record high mobility exceeding 104 cm2 V–1 s–1 at 2 K. The remarkable manifestation of strong Shubnikov–de Haas (SdH) quantum oscillation under 9 T at liquid helium temperatures, as well as the analyses therein, has allowed direct experimental investigation of the tetradymite electronic structure with optimized ternary alloying ratio. Our effort substantiates tetradymites as a critical platform for miniaturized thermoelectric cooling and power generation in wearable consumer electronics, as well as for futuristic topological spintronics with unprecedented magnetoelectric functionalities. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  2. We fabricated magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) with FeAlSi free layers and investigated the tunnel magnetoresistance (TMR) properties. We found that the temperature and bias voltage dependences of the TMR effect in FeAlSi-MTJs were almost the same as MTJs with Fe free layers despite the low Curie temperature of FeAlSi. In the inelastic electron tunneling spectroscopy measured at low temperatures, the relatively large cutoff energy of magnon excitation at the FeAlSi and MgO interface was confirmed. In addition, we studied for the first time the exchange stiffness constant of FeAlSi films by Brillouin light scattering. The determined value of the stiffness constant of FeAlSi was 14.3 (pJ/m), which was similar to that of Fe. Both the large magnon cutoff at the interface and the stiffness constant of FeAlSi are considered to be the reason for the good temperature and voltage dependences of FeAlSi-MTJs.

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  3. Abstract

    The exploration of 1D magnetism, frequently portrayed as spin chains, constitutes an actively pursued research field that illuminates fundamental principles in many‐body problems and applications in magnonics and spintronics. The inherent reduction in dimensionality often leads to robust spin fluctuations, impacting magnetic ordering and resulting in novel magnetic phenomena. Here, structural, magnetic, and optical properties of highly anisotropic 2D van der Waals antiferromagnets that uniquely host spin chains are explored. First‐principle calculations reveal that the weakest interaction is interchain, leading to essentially 1D magnetic behavior in each layer. With the additional degree of freedom arising from its anisotropic structure, the structure is engineered by alloying, varying the 1D spin chain lengths using electron beam irradiation, or twisting for localized patterning, and spin textures are calculated, predicting robust stability of the antiferromagnetic ordering. Comparing with other spin chain magnets, these materials are anticipated to bring fresh perspectives on harvesting low‐dimensional magnetism.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 1, 2025
  4. The quantum anomalous Hall effect refers to the quantization of the Hall effect in the absence of an applied magnetic field. The quantum anomalous Hall effect is of topological nature and well suited for field-free resistance metrology and low-power information processing utilizing dissipationless chiral edge transport. In this Perspective, we provide an overview of the recent achievements as well as the material challenges and opportunities, pertaining to engineering intrinsic/interfacial magnetic coupling, that are expected to propel future development in this field. 
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  5. Abstract Magnetic transition metal chalcogenides form an emerging platform for exploring spin-orbit driven Berry phase phenomena owing to the nontrivial interplay between topology and magnetism. Here we show that the anomalous Hall effect in pristine Cr 2 Te 3 thin films manifests a unique temperature-dependent sign reversal at nonzero magnetization, resulting from the momentum-space Berry curvature as established by first-principles simulations. The sign change is strain tunable, enabled by the sharp and well-defined substrate/film interface in the quasi-two-dimensional Cr 2 Te 3 epitaxial films, revealed by scanning transmission electron microscopy and depth-sensitive polarized neutron reflectometry. This Berry phase effect further introduces hump-shaped Hall peaks in pristine Cr 2 Te 3 near the coercive field during the magnetization switching process, owing to the presence of strain-modulated magnetic layers/domains. The versatile interface tunability of Berry curvature in Cr 2 Te 3 thin films offers new opportunities for topological electronics. 
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  6. Under certain conditions, a fermion in a superconductor can separate in space into two parts known as Majorana zero modes, which are immune to decoherence from local noise sources and are attractive building blocks for quantum computers. Promising experimental progress has been made to demonstrate Majorana zero modes in materials with strong spin–orbit coupling proximity coupled to superconductors. Here we report signatures of Majorana zero modes in a material platform utilizing the surface states of gold. Using scanning tunneling microscope to probe EuS islands grown on top of gold nanowires, we observe two well-separated zero-bias tunneling conductance peaks aligned along the direction of the applied magnetic field, as expected for a pair of Majorana zero modes. This platform has the advantage of having a robust energy scale and the possibility of realizing complex designs using lithographic methods.

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  7. null (Ed.)