Copy number aberrations (CNAs) are ubiquitous in many types of cancer. Inferring CNAs from cancer genomic data could help shed light on the initiation, progression, and potential treatment of cancer. While such data have traditionally been available via “bulk sequencing,” the more recently introduced techniques for single-cell DNA sequencing (scDNAseq) provide the type of data that makes CNA inference possible at the single-cell resolution. We introduce a new birth-death evolutionary model of CNAs and a Bayesian method, NestedBD, for the inference of evolutionary trees (topologies and branch lengths with relative mutation rates) from single-cell data. We evaluated NestedBD’s performance using simulated data sets, benchmarking its accuracy against traditional phylogenetic tools as well as state-of-the-art methods. The results show that NestedBD infers more accurate topologies and branch lengths, and that the birth-death model can improve the accuracy of copy number estimation. And when applied to biological data sets, NestedBD infers plausible evolutionary histories of two colorectal cancer samples. NestedBD is available at
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Abstract .Free, publicly-accessible full text available December 1, 2025 -
Abstract Motivation Despite the widespread occurrence of polyploids across the Tree of Life, especially in the plant kingdom, very few computational methods have been developed to handle the specific complexities introduced by polyploids in phylogeny estimation. Furthermore, methods that are designed to account for polyploidy often disregard incomplete lineage sorting (ILS), a major source of heterogeneous gene histories, or are computationally very demanding. Therefore, there is a great need for efficient and robust methods to accurately reconstruct polyploid phylogenies.
Results We introduce Polyphest (POLYploid PHylogeny ESTimation), a new method for efficiently and accurately inferring species phylogenies in the presence of both polyploidy and ILS. Polyphest bypasses the need for extensive network space searches by first generating a multilabeled tree based on gene trees, which is then converted into a (uniquely labeled) species phylogeny. We compare the performance of Polyphest to that of two polyploid phylogeny estimation methods, one of which does not account for ILS, namely PADRE, and another that accounts for ILS, namely MPAllopp. Polyphest is more accurate than PADRE and achieves comparable accuracy to MPAllopp, while being significantly faster. We also demonstrate the application of Polyphest to empirical data from the hexaploid bread wheat and confirm the allopolyploid origin of bread wheat along with the closest relatives for each of its subgenomes.
Availability and implementation Polyphest is available at
The development of statistical methods to infer species phylogenies with reticulations (species networks) has led to many discoveries of gene flow between distinct species. These methods typically assume only incomplete lineage sorting and introgression. Given that phylogenetic networks can be arbitrarily complex, these methods might compensate for model misspecification by increasing the number of dimensions beyond the true value. Herein, we explore the effect of potential model misspecification, including the negligence of gene tree estimation error (GTEE) and assumption of a single substitution rate for all genomic loci, on the accuracy of phylogenetic network inference using both simulated and biological data. In particular, we assess the accuracy of estimated phylogenetic networks as well as test statistics for determining whether a network is the correct evolutionary history, as opposed to the simpler model that is a tree.We found that while GTEE negatively impacts the performance of test statistics to determine the “treeness” of the evolutionary history of a data set, running those tests on triplets of taxa and correcting for multiple-testing significantly ameliorates the problem. We also found that accounting for substitution rate heterogeneity improves the reliability of full Bayesian inference methods of phylogenetic networks, whereas summary statistic methods are robust to GTEE and rate heterogeneity, though currently require manual inspection to determine the network complexity.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 2, 2025 -
Abstract Cancers develop and progress as mutations accumulate, and with the advent of single-cell DNA and RNA sequencing, researchers can observe these mutations and their transcriptomic effects and predict proteomic changes with remarkable temporal and spatial precision. However, to connect genomic mutations with their transcriptomic and proteomic consequences, cells with either only DNA data or only RNA data must be mapped to a common domain. For this purpose, we present MaCroDNA, a method that uses maximum weighted bipartite matching of per-gene read counts from single-cell DNA and RNA-seq data. Using ground truth information from colorectal cancer data, we demonstrate the advantage of MaCroDNA over existing methods in accuracy and speed. Exemplifying the utility of single-cell data integration in cancer research, we suggest, based on results derived using MaCroDNA, that genomic mutations of large effect size increasingly contribute to differential expression between cells as Barrett’s esophagus progresses to esophageal cancer, reaffirming the findings of the previous studies.
Holland, Barbara (Ed.)Abstract The evolutionary histories of individual loci in a genome can be estimated independently, but this approach is error-prone due to the limited amount of sequence data available for each gene, which has led to the development of a diverse array of gene tree error correction methods which reduce the distance to the species tree. We investigate the performance of two representatives of these methods: TRACTION and TreeFix. We found that gene tree error correction frequently increases the level of error in gene tree topologies by “correcting” them to be closer to the species tree, even when the true gene and species trees are discordant. We confirm that full Bayesian inference of the gene trees under the multispecies coalescent model is more accurate than independent inference. Future gene tree correction approaches and methods should incorporate an adequately realistic model of evolution instead of relying on oversimplified heuristics.more » « less
Kolodny, Rachel (Ed.)Phylogenomic studies of prokaryotic taxa often assume conserved marker genes are homologous across their length. However, processes such as horizontal gene transfer or gene duplication and loss may disrupt this homology by recombining only parts of genes, causing gene fission or fusion. We show using simulation that it is necessary to delineate homology groups in a set of bacterial genomes without relying on gene annotations to define the boundaries of homologous regions. To solve this problem, we have developed a graph-based algorithm to partition a set of bacterial genomes into Maximal Homologous Groups of sequences ( MHGs ) where each MHG is a maximal set of maximum-length sequences which are homologous across the entire sequence alignment. We applied our algorithm to a dataset of 19 Enterobacteriaceae species and found that MHGs cover much greater proportions of genomes than markers and, relatedly, are less biased in terms of the functions of the genes they cover. We zoomed in on the correlation between each individual marker and their overlapping MHGs, and show that few phylogenetic splits supported by the markers are supported by the MHGs while many marker-supported splits are contradicted by the MHGs. A comparison of the species tree inferred from marker genes with the species tree inferred from MHGs suggests that the increased bias and lack of genome coverage by markers causes incorrect inferences as to the overall relationship between bacterial taxa.more » « less
Abstract Despite tremendous efforts in the past decades, relationships among main avian lineages remain heavily debated without a clear resolution. Discrepancies have been attributed to diversity of species sampled, phylogenetic method and the choice of genomic regions1–3. Here we address these issues by analysing the genomes of 363 bird species4(218 taxonomic families, 92% of total). Using intergenic regions and coalescent methods, we present a well-supported tree but also a marked degree of discordance. The tree confirms that Neoaves experienced rapid radiation at or near the Cretaceous–Palaeogene boundary. Sufficient loci rather than extensive taxon sampling were more effective in resolving difficult nodes. Remaining recalcitrant nodes involve species that are a challenge to model due to either extreme DNA composition, variable substitution rates, incomplete lineage sorting or complex evolutionary events such as ancient hybridization. Assessment of the effects of different genomic partitions showed high heterogeneity across the genome. We discovered sharp increases in effective population size, substitution rates and relative brain size following the Cretaceous–Palaeogene extinction event, supporting the hypothesis that emerging ecological opportunities catalysed the diversification of modern birds. The resulting phylogenetic estimate offers fresh insights into the rapid radiation of modern birds and provides a taxon-rich backbone tree for future comparative studies.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 23, 2025 -
Abstract Motivation Single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) are the most common variations in the human genome. Recently developed methods for SNV detection from single-cell DNA sequencing data, such as SCIΦ and scVILP, leverage the evolutionary history of the cells to overcome the technical errors associated with single-cell sequencing protocols. Despite being accurate, these methods are not scalable to the extensive genomic breadth of single-cell whole-genome (scWGS) and whole-exome sequencing (scWES) data.
Results Here, we report on a new scalable method, Phylovar, which extends the phylogeny-guided variant calling approach to sequencing datasets containing millions of loci. Through benchmarking on simulated datasets under different settings, we show that, Phylovar outperforms SCIΦ in terms of running time while being more accurate than Monovar (which is not phylogeny-aware) in terms of SNV detection. Furthermore, we applied Phylovar to two real biological datasets: an scWES triple-negative breast cancer data consisting of 32 cells and 3375 loci as well as an scWGS data of neuron cells from a normal human brain containing 16 cells and approximately 2.5 million loci. For the cancer data, Phylovar detected somatic SNVs with high or moderate functional impact that were also supported by bulk sequencing dataset and for the neuron dataset, Phylovar identified 5745 SNVs with non-synonymous effects some of which were associated with neurodegenerative diseases.
Availability and implementation Phylovar is implemented in Python and is publicly available at
Abstract Summary We report on a new single-cell DNA sequence simulator, SimSCSnTree, which generates an evolutionary tree of cells and evolves single nucleotide variants (SNVs) and copy number aberrations (CNAs) along its branches. Data generated by the simulator can be used to benchmark tools for single-cell genomic analyses, particularly in cancer where SNVs and CNAs are ubiquitous.
Availability and implementation SimSCSnTree is now on BioConda and also is freely available for download at with detailed documentation.