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  1. Abstract Background Calcareous outcrops, rocky areas composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ), often host a diverse, specialized, and threatened biomineralizing fauna. Despite the repeated evolution of physiological and morphological adaptations to colonize these mineral rich substrates, there is a lack of genomic resources for calcareous rock endemic species. This has hampered our ability to understand the genomic mechanisms underlying calcareous rock specialization and manage these threatened species. Results Here, we present a new draft genome assembly of the threatened limestone endemic land snail Oreohelix idahoensis and genome skim data for two other Oreohelix species. The O. idahoensis genome assembly (scaffold N50: 404.19 kb; 86.6% BUSCO genes) is the largest (~ 5.4 Gb) and most repetitive mollusc genome assembled to date (85.74% assembly size). The repetitive landscape was unusually dominated by an expansion of long terminal repeat (LTR) transposable elements (57.73% assembly size) which have shaped the evolution genome size, gene composition through retrotransposition of host genes, and ectopic recombination. Genome skims revealed repeat content is more than 2–3 fold higher in limestone endemic O. idahoensis compared to non-calcareous Oreohelix species. Gene family size analysis revealed stress and biomineralization genes have expanded significantly in the O. idahoensis genome . Conclusions Hundreds of threatened land snail species are endemic to calcareous rock regions but there are very few genomic resources available to guide their conservation or determine the genomic architecture underlying CaCO 3 resource specialization. Our study provides one of the first high quality draft genomes of a calcareous rock endemic land snail which will serve as a foundation for the conservation genomics of this threatened species and for other groups. The high proportion and activity of LTRs in the O. idahoensis genome is unprecedented in molluscan genomics and sheds new light how transposable element content can vary across molluscs. The genomic resources reported here will enable further studies of the genomic mechanisms underlying calcareous rock specialization and the evolution of transposable element content across molluscs. 
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  2. Abstract Aim

    Geographic variation in metabolic resources necessary for functional trait expression can set limits on species distributions. For species that need to produce and maintain biomineralized traits for survival, spatial variation in mineral macronutrients may constrain species distributions by limiting the expression of biomineralized traits. Here, we examine whetherOreohelixland snails that express heavily biomineralized shell ornaments are restricted to CaCO3rock regions, if they incorporate greater amounts of CaCO3rock carbon in their shell than less biomineralized smooth forms, and if ornamentation increases shell strength.


    Western United States.


    Oreohelixland snails.


    We used random forest classification models at multiple spatial resolutions to evaluate the contribution of topographic, vegetation, climate, and geologic variables in predicting the presence of heavily biomineralized shell ornaments across the range ofOreohelix. We then measured and compared shell biometric variables,14C/12C ratios, and peak force for fracture for ornamented and smooth forms from calcareous and non‐calcareous substrates.


    Distance to CaCO3rock was the most important variable in all models and closer proximity to CaCO3rock was associated with greater probability of local ornamentation classification. Pairwise comparisons of14C/12C ratios in closely occurring ornamented vs. smooth population pairs revealed ornamented forms incorporate greater CaCO3rock carbon than smooth forms. Ornamented types measured in this study were generally heavier and required greater peak force for fracture than smooth forms, except when comparing ornamented forms to smooth forms sampled from CaCO3rock.

    Main Conclusions

    Biomineralization expression, species distribution, and trait function appear to be constrained by mineral supply in a highly diverse group of land snails. This trait‐environment relationship provides a basis for future investigations of CaCO3macronutrient constraints on shell form and species distribution in other terrestrial molluscs and has a direct impact on the management ofOreohelixspecies.

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  3. Snails have occupied an important role in the ideology and religion of the ancient American peoples, who considered them to be magical and used them in ritual ceremonies as ornaments, musical instruments, and architectural elements. Today, they are a valuable study system for understanding biodiversity and evolution due to their remarkable ecological and morphological diversity. Given that many endemic snails are of conservation concern, and that most South American species are poorly studied, there is a need to engage the public through understandable and scientifically based language, conveying the importance of biodiversity. However, not all biodiversity can be seen with the naked eye. Herein, we describe how we utilize snails and their shells to engage citizens and train teachers to promote the many different facets of biodiversity. Through design-based research oriented toward educational innovation, we created a teaching–learning sequence with immersive technology through the following stages of work: (1) produce a teaching–learning sequence and accompanying mobile device application (for Android on GooglePlay), (2) evaluate the impact of the educational resource, and (3) conduct research through a pre- and posttest design on the learning outcomes of participants. In this work, we first present the field experience where scientists, teachers, and pre-service teachers worked together to find snails from northern Chile to Chiloé Island. Some results from this research stage are: criteria for designing a teaching–learning sequence (e.g., how to utilize place as an opportunity for learning science with developmentally appropriate technologies identified for every phase of the sequence), modeling relevant phenomena about biodiversity and ecosystems through snails, scaffolding for teachers implementing the sequence, and activities that enhance STEM education. A teaching–learning sequence that addresses snails as study objects for 4th grade is presented and validated, allowing us to continue the next phase of our research with schools. A second article will propose results from implementation, iterations, and their implications. 
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  4. null (Ed.)
    ABSTRACT The use of unconventional DNA sources has increased because the acquisition of traditional samples can be invasive, destructive, or impossible. Mollusks are one group for which novel genetic sources are crucial, but methodology remains relatively undeveloped. Many species are important ecologically and in aquaculture production. However, mollusks have the highest number of extinctions of any taxonomic group. Traditionally, mollusk shell material was used for morphological research and only recently has been used in DNA studies. In the present article, we review the studies in which shell DNA was extracted and found that effective procedures consider taxon-specific biological characteristics, environmental conditions, laboratory methods, and the study objectives. Importantly, these factors cannot be considered in isolation because of their fundamental, sometimes reciprocal, relationships and influence in the long-term preservation and recovery of shell DNA. Successful recovery of shell DNA can facilitate research on pressing ecological and evolutionary questions and inform conservation strategies to protect molluscan diversity. 
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  5. null (Ed.)
  6. Ross, Darrell (Ed.)
    Abstract The yellow paper wasp, Polistes versicolor (Olivier) was first recorded in the Galapagos archipelago in 1988. Its life cycle and ecological impacts were studied on two islands 11 yr after it was first discovered. This invasive wasp adapted quickly and was found in most environments. Colony counts and adult wasp monitoring showed a strong preference for drier habitats. Nest activities were seasonally synchronized, nest building followed the rains in the hot season (typically January–May), when insect prey increases, and peaked as temperature and rains started to decline. Next, the number of adult wasps peaked during the cool season when there is barely any rain in the drier zones. In Galapagos, almost half of the prey loads of P. versicolor were lepidopteran larvae, but wasps also carried spiders, beetles, and flies back to the colonies. An estimated average of 329 mg of fresh insect prey was consumed per day for an average colony of 120–150 wasp larvae. The wasps preyed upon native and introduced insects, but likely also affect insectivorous vertebrates as competitors for food. Wasps may also compete with native pollinators as they regularly visited flowers to collect nectar, and have been recorded visiting at least 93 plant species in Galapagos, including 66 endemic and native plants. Colonies were attacked by a predatory moth, Taygete sphecophila (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Autostichidae), but colony development was not arrested. High wasp numbers also affect the activities of residents and tourists. A management program for this invasive species in the archipelago is essential. 
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  7. null (Ed.)
  8. ABSTRACT We announce the complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Oreohelix idahoensis , a threatened land snail endemic to the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The circular genome is 14.2 kb and contains 13 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNA genes, and 21 tRNA genes. 
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  9. Abstract Newly arrived species on young or remote islands are likely to encounter less predation and competition than source populations on continental landmasses. The associated ecological release might facilitate divergence and speciation as colonizing lineages fill previously unoccupied niche space. Characterizing the sequence and timing of colonization on islands represents the first step in determining the relative contributions of geographical isolation and ecological factors in lineage diversification. Herein, we use genome-scale data to estimate timing of colonization in Naesiotus snails to the Galápagos islands from mainland South America. We test inter-island patterns of colonization and within-island radiations to understand their contribution to community assembly. Partly contradicting previously published topologies, phylogenetic reconstructions suggest that most Naesiotus species form island-specific clades, with within-island speciation dominating cladogenesis. Galápagos Naesiotus also adhere to the island progression rule, with colonization proceeding from old to young islands and within-island diversification occurring earlier on older islands. Our work provides a framework for evaluating the contribution of colonization and in situ speciation to the diversity of other Galápagos lineages. 
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