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Creators/Authors contains: "ROSENDAL, CHRISTIAN"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  2. The paper provides an overarching framework for the study of some of the intrinsic geometries that a topological group may carry. An initial analysis is based on geometric nonlinear functional analysis, that is, the study of Banach spaces as metric spaces up to various notions of isomorphism, such as bi-Lipschitz equivalence, uniform homeomorphism, and coarse equivalence. This motivates the introduction of the various geometric categories applicable to all topological groups, namely, their uniform and coarse structure, along with those applicable to a more select class, that is, (local) Lipschitz and quasimetric structure. Our study touches on Lie theory, geometric group theory, and geometric nonlinear functional analysis and makes evident that these can all be seen as instances of a single coherent theory.

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  3. null (Ed.)
    Answering a longstanding problem originating in Christensen’s seminal work on Haar null sets [ Math. Scand.   28 (1971), 124–128; Israel J. Math.   13 (1972), 255–260; Topology and Borel Structure. Descriptive Topology and Set Theory with Applications to Functional Analysis and Measure Theory , North-Holland Mathematics Studies, 10 (Notas de Matematica, No. 51). (North-Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam–London; American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1974), iii+133 pp], we show that a universally measurable homomorphism between Polish groups is automatically continuous. Using our general analysis of continuity of group homomorphisms, this result is used to calibrate the strength of the existence of a discontinuous homomorphism between Polish groups. In particular, it is shown that, modulo $\text{ZF}+\text{DC}$ , the existence of a discontinuous homomorphism between Polish groups implies that the Hamming graph on $\{0,1\}^{\mathbb{N}}$ has finite chromatic number. 
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  4. null (Ed.)