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Public release of wrist-worn motion sensor data is growing. They enable and accelerate research in developing new algorithms to passively track daily activities, resulting in improved health and wellness utilities of smartwatches and activity trackers. But, when combined with sensitive attribute inference attack and linkage attack via re-identification of the same user in multiple datasets, undisclosed sensitive attributes can be revealed to unintended organizations with potentially adverse consequences for unsuspecting data contributing users. To guide both users and data collecting researchers, we characterize the re-identification risks inherent in motion sensor data collected from wrist-worn devices in users' natural environment. For this purpose, we use an open-set formulation, train a deep learning architecture with a new loss function, and apply our model to a new data set consisting of 10 weeks of daily sensor wearing by 353 users. We find that re-identification risk increases with an increase in the activity intensity. On average, such risk is 96% for a user when sharing a full day of sensor data.more » « less
null (Ed.)Ensuring that all the teeth surfaces are adequately covered during daily brushing can reduce the risk of several oral diseases. In this paper, we propose the mTeeth model to detect teeth surfaces being brushed with a manual toothbrush in the natural free-living environment using wrist-worn inertial sensors. To unambiguously label sensor data corresponding to different surfaces and capture all transitions that last only milliseconds, we present a lightweight method to detect the micro-event of brushing strokes that cleanly demarcates transitions among brushing surfaces. Using features extracted from brushing strokes, we propose a Bayesian Ensemble method that leverages the natural hierarchy among teeth surfaces and patterns of transition among them. For training and testing, we enrich a publicly-available wrist-worn inertial sensor dataset collected from the natural environment with time-synchronized precise labels of brushing surface timings and moments of transition. We annotate 10,230 instances of brushing on different surfaces from 114 episodes and evaluate the impact of wide between-person and within-person between-episode variability on machine learning model's performance for brushing surface detection.more » « less
null (Ed.)Stressful conversation is a frequently occurring stressor in our daily life. Stressors not only adversely affect our physical and mental health but also our relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. In this paper, we present a model to automatically detect stressful conversations using wearable physiological and inertial sensors. We conducted a lab and a field study with cohabiting couples to collect ecologically valid sensor data with temporally-precise labels of stressors. We introduce the concept of stress cycles, i.e., the physiological arousal and recovery, within a stress event. We identify several novel features from stress cycles and show that they exhibit distinguishing patterns during stressful conversations when compared to physiological response due to other stressors. We observe that hand gestures also show a distinct pattern when stress occurs due to stressful conversations. We train and test our model using field data collected from 38 participants. Our model can determine whether a detected stress event is due to a stressful conversation with an F1-score of 0.83, using features obtained from only one stress cycle, facilitating intervention delivery within 3.9 minutes since the start of a stressful conversation.more » « less
The development and validation studies of new multisensory biomarkers and sensor-triggered interventions requires collecting raw sensor data with associated labels in the natural field environment. Unlike platforms for traditional mHealth apps, a software platform for such studies needs to not only support high-rate data ingestion, but also share raw high-rate sensor data with researchers, while supporting high-rate sense-analyze-act functionality in real-time. We present mCerebrum, a realization of such a platform, which supports high-rate data collections from multiple sensors with realtime assessment of data quality. A scalable storage architecture (with near optimal performance) ensures quick response despite rapidly growing data volume. Micro-batching and efficient sharing of data among multiple source and sink apps allows reuse of computations to enable real-time computation of multiple biomarkers without saturating the CPU or memory. Finally, it has a reconfigurable scheduler which manages all prompts to participants that is burden- and context-aware. With a modular design currently spanning 23+ apps, mCerebrum provides a comprehensive ecosystem of system services and utility apps. The design of mCerebrum has evolved during its concurrent use in scientific field studies at ten sites spanning 106,806 person days. Evaluations show that compared with other platforms, mCerebrum's architecture and design choices support 1.5 times higher data rates and 4.3 times higher storage throughput, while causing 8.4 times lower CPU usage.more » « less
Differential privacy concepts have been successfully used to protect anonymity of individuals in population-scale analysis. Sharing of mobile sensor data, especially physiological data, raise different privacy challenges, that of protecting private behaviors that can be revealed from time series of sensor data. Existing privacy mechanisms rely on noise addition and data perturbation. But the accuracy requirement on inferences drawn from physiological data, together with well-established limits within which these data values occur, render traditional privacy mechanisms inapplicable. In this work, we define a new behavioral privacy metric based on differential privacy and propose a novel data substitution mechanism to protect behavioral privacy. We evaluate the efficacy of our scheme using 660 hours of ECG, respiration, and activity data collected from 43 participants and demonstrate that it is possible to retain meaningful utility, in terms of inference accuracy (90%), while simultaneously preserving the privacy of sensitive behaviors.more » « less