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Creators/Authors contains: "Shoele, Kourosh"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 27, 2025
  2. We investigate the dynamics and energy production capability of a flexible piezoelectric plate submerged close to the free surface and exposed to incident head gravity waves and current. A theoretical model is derived in which the flag and its wake are represented with a vortex line while the body of the fluid is considered to be inviscid. The model is employed to describe the hydrodynamic interactions between a flexible plate, its wake, gravity incident waves and the current. The model reveals two distinct vibration states of a piezoelectric device corresponding to almost similar optimal energy production levels. The first is associated with the cantilever fluttering mode of the plate, with limited dependency on the plate's flexibility across different Froude numbers and incoming wave frequencies. The other resembles the flow-induced flapping mode in more flexible plates, with the energy output showing a higher dependency on plate flexibility. The concurrent existence of these two energetic modes allows adjustment of the plate length to consistently achieve the maximum energy production level across different flow conditions. The role of the Froude number of the system's responses is explored and correlated to the appearance of gravity wave groups on the surface, each propagating with a different wavenumber. It is shown that a submergence depth of less than half of the body length is required to reach a high energetic condition in subcritical and critical flows. Finally, the optimal inductive and resistive values are related to proper matching between flow, mechanical and electrical time scales.

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  3. The gaits of undulating animals arise from a complex interaction of their central nervous system, muscle, connective tissue, bone, and environment. As a simplifying assumption, many previous studies have often assumed that sufficient internal force is available to produce observed kinematics, thus not focusing on quantifying the interconnection between muscle effort, body shape, and external reaction forces. This interplay, however, is critical to locomotion performance in crawling animals, especially when accompanied by body viscoelasticity. Moreover, in bioinspired robotic applications, the body's internal damping is indeed a parameter that the designer can tune. Still, the effect of internal damping is not well understood. This study explores how internal damping affects the locomotion performance of a crawler with a continuous, viscoelastic, nonlinear beam model. Crawler muscle actuation is modeled as a traveling wave of bending moment propagating posteriorly along the body. Consistent with the friction properties of the scales of snakes and limbless lizards, environmental forces are modeled using anisotropic Coulomb friction. It is found that by varying the crawler body's internal damping, the crawler's performance can be altered, and distinct gaits could be achieved, including changing the net locomotion direction from forward to back. We will discuss this forward and backward control and identify the optimal internal damping for peak crawling speed. 
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  4. A reduced-order model of face mask aerodynamics and aerosol filtration is introduced. This model incorporates existing empirical data on filtration efficiency for different types of face masks, as well as the size distribution of exhaled aerosol particles. By considering realistic peripheral gap profiles, our model estimates both the extent of peripheral leakage and the fitted filtration efficiency of face masks in terms of outward protection. Simulations employing realistic peripheral gap profiles reveal that, for surgical masks, 80% or more of the total exhaled airflow could leak through the mask periphery, even when the average peripheral gap measures only 0.65 mm. However, the majority of exhaled aerosol particles do not follow the flow path through the peripheral gaps but, instead, impact directly on the mask fabric. As a result, these face masks can filter out approximately 70% of the exhaled particles despite the significant peripheral leakage. To validate our model, we compare its predictions with experimental data, and we find a reasonable agreement in estimating the outward protection provided by surgical masks. This validation underscores the reliability of our model in assessing the efficacy of surgical masks. Moreover, leveraging the insights gained from our model, we explore the impact of mask usage on the transmission of respiratory viruses within communities. By considering various scenarios, we can assess the potential reduction in viral spread achieved through widespread mask adoption.

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  5. Abstract

    Snakes and their bio-inspired robot counterparts have demonstrated locomotion on a wide range of terrains. However, dynamic vertical climbing is one locomotion strategy that has received little attention in the existing snake robotics literature. We demonstrate a new scansorial gait and robot inspired by the locomotion of the Pacific lamprey. This new gait allows a robot to steer while climbing on flat, near-vertical surfaces. A reduced-order model is developed and used to explore the relationship between body actuation and the vertical and lateral motions of the robot. Trident, the new wall climbing lamprey-inspired robot, demonstrates dynamic climbing on a flat near vertical carpeted wall with a peak net vertical stride displacement of 4.1 cm per step. Actuating at 1.3 Hz, Trident attains a vertical climbing speed of 4.8 cm s−1(0.09 Bl s−1) at specific resistance of 8.3. Trident can also traverse laterally at 9 cm s−1(0.17 Bl s−1). Moreover, Trident is able to make 14% longer strides than the Pacific lamprey when climbing vertically. The computational and experimental results demonstrate that a lamprey-inspired climbing gait coupled with appropriate attachment is a useful climbing strategy for snake robots climbing near vertical surfaces with limited push points.

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  6. Abstract Wind-induced stress is the primary mechanical cause of tree failures. Among different factors, the branching mechanism plays a central role in the stress distribution and stability of trees in windstorms. A recent study showed that Leonardo da Vinci’s original observation, stating that the total cross section of branches conserved across branching nodes is the optimal configuration for resisting wind-induced damage in rigid trees, is correct. However, the breaking risk and the optimal branching pattern of trees are also a function of their reconfiguration capabilities and the processes they employ to mitigate high wind-induced stress hotspots. In this study, using a numerical model of rigid and flexible branched trees, we explore the role of flexibility and branching patterns of trees in their reconfiguration and stress mitigation capabilities. We identify the robust optimal branching mechanism for an extensive range of tree flexibility. Our results show that the probability of a tree breaking at each branching level from the stem to terminal foliage strongly depends on the cross section changes in the branching nodes, the overall tree geometry, and the level of tree flexibility. Three response categories have been identified: the stress concentration in the main trunk, the uniform stress level through the tree’s height, and substantial stress localization in the terminal branches. The reconfigurability of the tree determines the dominant response mode. The results suggest a very similar optimal branching law for both flexible and rigid trees wherein uniform stress distribution occurs throughout the tree’s height. An exception is the very flexible branched plants in which the optimal branching pattern deviates from this prediction and is strongly affected by the reconfigurability of the tree. 
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  7. Abstract The inverted flag configuration is inspired by biological structures (e.g. leaves on a tree branch), showing rich dynamics associated with instabilities at lower flow speeds than the regular flag configuration. In the biological counterpart, the arrangement of leaves and twigs on foliage creates a complex interacting environment that promotes certain dynamic fluttering modes. While enabling a large amplitude response for reduced flow speeds is advantageous in emerging fields such as energy harvesting, still, little is known about the consequence of such interactions. In this work, we numerically study the canonical bio-inspired problem of the flow-structural interaction of a 2D inverted flag behind a cylindrical bluff body, mimicking a leaf behind a tree branch, to investigate its distinct fluttering regimes. The separation distance between the cylinder and flag is gradually modified to determine the effective distance beyond which small-amplitude or large-amplitude flapping occurs for different flow velocities. It is shown that the flag exhibits a periodic large amplitude−low frequency response mode when the cylinder is placed at a sufficiently large distance in front of the flag. At smaller distances, when the flag is within the immediate wake of the cylinder, the flag undergoes a high frequency−small amplitude response. Finally, the flag’s piezoelectric power harvesting capability is investigated numerically and experimentally for varying geometrical and electrical parameters associated with these two conditions. Two separate optimal response modes with the highest energy output have also been identified. 
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  8. Here, we present a multimodal, lamprey-inspired, 3D printed soft fluidic robot/actuator based on an antagonistic pneunet architecture. The Pacific Lamprey is a unique fish which is able to climb wetted vertical surfaces using its suction-cup mouth and snake-like morphology. The continuum structure of these fish lends itself to soft robots, given their ability to form continuous bends. Additionally, the high gravimetric and volumetric power density attainable by soft actuators make them good candidates for climbing robots. Fluidic soft robots are often limited in the forces they can exert due to limitations on their actuation pressure. This actuator is able to operate at relatively high pressures (for soft robots) of 756 kPa (95 psig) with a −3 dB bandwidth of 2.23 Hz to climb at rates exceeding 18 cm/s. The robot is capable of progression on a vertical surface using a compliant microspine attachment as the functional equivalent of the lamprey’s more complex suction-cup mouth. The paper also presents the details of the 3D-printed manufacturing of this actuator/robot. 
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  9. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, face masks have been used extensively in society. The effectiveness of face masks depends on their material, design, and fit. With much research being focused on quantifying the role of the material, the design and fit of masks have been an afterthought at most. Recent studies, on the other hand, have shown that the mask fit is a significant factor to consider when specifying the effectiveness of the face mask. Moreover, the fit is highly dependent on face topology. Differences in face types and anthropometrics lead to different face mask fit. Here, computational fluid dynamics simulations employing a novel model for porous membranes (i.e., masks) are used to study the leakage pattern of a cough through a face mask on different faces. The three faces studied (female, male, and child) are characteristic faces identified in a previous population study. The female face is observed to have the most leakage through the periphery of the mask, which results in the lowest fitted filtration efficiency of the three faces. The male and child faces had similar gap profiles, leakage and fitted filtration efficiencies. However, the flow of the three faces differs significantly. The effect of the porosity of the mask was also studied. While all faces showed the same general trend with changing porosity, the effect on the child’s face was more significant. 
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