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Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 4, 2025
We study the coupled charge density wave (CDW) and insulator-to-metal transitions in the 2D quantum material 1T-TaS2. By applying in situ cryogenic 4D scanning transmission electron microscopy with in situ electrical resistance measurements, we directly visualize the CDW transition and establish that the transition is mediated by basal dislocations (stacking solitons). We find that dislocations can both nucleate and pin the transition and locally alter the transition temperature
T cby nearly ~75 K. This finding was enabled by the application of unsupervised machine learning to cluster five-dimensional, terabyte scale datasets, which demonstrate a one-to-one correlation between resistance—a global property—and local CDW domain-dislocation dynamics, thereby linking the material microstructure to device properties. This work represents a major step toward defect-engineering of quantum materials, which will become increasingly important as we aim to utilize such materials in real devices.Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 13, 2025 -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
Abstract The charge density wave material 1T-TaS2exhibits a pulse-induced insulator-to-metal transition, which shows promise for next-generation electronics such as memristive memory and neuromorphic hardware. However, the rational design of TaS2devices is hindered by a poor understanding of the switching mechanism, the pulse-induced phase, and the influence of material defects. Here, we operate a 2-terminal TaS2device within a scanning transmission electron microscope at cryogenic temperature, and directly visualize the changing charge density wave structure with nanoscale spatial resolution and down to 300 μs temporal resolution. We show that the pulse-induced transition is driven by Joule heating, and that the pulse-induced state corresponds to the nearly commensurate and incommensurate charge density wave phases, depending on the applied voltage amplitude. With our in operando cryogenic electron microscopy experiments, we directly correlate the charge density wave structure with the device resistance, and show that dislocations significantly impact device performance. This work resolves fundamental questions of resistive switching in TaS2devices, critical for engineering reliable and scalable TaS2electronics.