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Creators/Authors contains: "Sun, Chao"

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  1. Abstract

    This study explores the impact of coupling cumulus and planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterizations on diurnal precipitation forecasting during the plum rainy season in Jiangsu Province, China, using a double grid‐nesting approach. Results show that coherent coupling of cumulus (only in the 15 km grid outer domain [O]) and PBL parameterizations leads to improved forecasting of diurnal variations in the morning, afternoon, and the evening. Increasing the frequency of the Kain‐Fritsch (KF) cumulus scheme in [O] enhances subgrid precipitation while reducing grid‐scale precipitation, resulting in a more accurate representation of daytime convective activities and a reduction in over‐forecasting of evening valley and early‐morning precipitation. Additionally, coupling a suitable PBL scheme mitigates the overpredicted afternoon peak by facilitating turbulent mixing to penetrate higher altitudes with a thicker layer, thereby reducing instability energy accumulation. A higher KF frequency in [O] retains less low tropospheric moisture, reducing moisture convergence into the 1 km grid inner domain [I] and decreasing overpredicted daytime precipitation in [I]. Various PBL schemes produce distinct vertical distributions of turbulent moisture and heat transport, impacting convection and precipitation in [I] resolved by cloud microphysics processes. The coherent coupling of these parameterizations maintains a balanced supply of convective energy and water vapor, significantly improving diurnal precipitation forecasts in [I]. Isolating these parameterizations between nested grids may undermine this improvement.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available June 1, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Most climate models in phase 6 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6) still suffer pronounced warm and dry summer biases in the central United States (CUS), even in high-resolution simulations. We found that the cloud base definition in the cumulus parameterization was the dominant factor determining the spread of the biases among models and those defining cloud base at the lifting condensation level (LCL) performed the best. To identify the underlying mechanisms, we developed a physically based analytical bias model (ABM) to capture the key feedback processes of land–atmosphere coupling. The ABM has significant explanatory power, capturing 80% variance of temperature and precipitation biases among all models. Our ABM analysis via counterfactual experiments indicated that the biases are attributed mostly by surface downwelling longwave radiation errors and second by surface net shortwave radiation errors, with the former 2–5 times larger. The effective radiative forcing from these two errors as weighted by their relative contributions induces runaway temperature and precipitation feedbacks, which collaborate to cause CUS summer warm and dry biases. The LCL cumulus reduces the biases through two key mechanisms: it produces more clouds and less precipitable water, which reduce radiative energy input for both surface heating and evapotranspiration to cause a cooler and wetter soil; it produces more rainfall and wetter soil conditions, which suppress the positive evapotranspiration–precipitation feedback to damp the warm and dry bias coupling. Most models using non-LCL schemes underestimate both precipitation and cloud amounts, which amplify the positive feedback to cause significant biases.

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  3. Abstract

    Most climate models still suffer large warm and dry summer biases in the central United States (CUS). As a solution, we improved cumulus parameterization to represent 1) the lifting effect of small-scale rising motions associated with Great Plains low-level jets and midtropospheric perturbations by defining the cloud base at the level of condensation, 2) the constraint of the cumulus entrainment rate depending on the boundary layer depth, and 3) the temperature-dependent cloud-to-rainwater conversion rate. These improvements acted to (i) trigger mesoscale convective systems in unfavorable environmental conditions to enhance total rainfall amount, (ii) lower cloud base and increase cloud depth to increase low-level clouds and reduce surface shortwave radiation, (iii) suppress penetrative cumuli from shallow boundary layers to remedy the overestimation of precipitation frequency, and (iv) increase water detrainment to form sufficient cirrus clouds and balanced outgoing longwave radiation. Much of these effects were nonlocal and nonlinear, where more frequent but weaker convective rainfall led to stronger (and sometimes more frequent) large-scale precipitation remotely. Together, they produced consistently heavier precipitation and colder temperature with a realistic atmospheric energy balance, essentially eliminating the CUS warm and dry biases through robust physical mechanisms.

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  4. Abstract

    Climate change presents huge challenges to the already-complex decisions faced by U.S. agricultural producers, as seasonal weather patterns increasingly deviate from historical tendencies. Under USDA funding, a transdisciplinary team of researchers, extension experts, educators, and stakeholders is developing a climate decision support Dashboard for Agricultural Water use and Nutrient management (DAWN) to provide Corn Belt farmers with better predictive information. DAWN’s goal is to provide credible, usable information to support decisions by creating infrastructure to make subseasonal-to-seasonal forecasts accessible. DAWN uses an integrated approach to 1) engage stakeholders to coproduce a decision support and information delivery system; 2) build a coupled modeling system to represent and transfer holistic systems knowledge into effective tools; 3) produce reliable forecasts to help stakeholders optimize crop productivity and environmental quality; and 4) integrate research and extension into experiential, transdisciplinary education. This article presents DAWN’s framework for integrating climate–agriculture research, extension, and education to bridge science and service. We also present key challenges to the creation and delivery of decision support, specifically in infrastructure development, coproduction and trust building with stakeholders, product design, effective communication, and moving tools toward use.

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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2025