Microbial processes are crucial in producing and oxidizing biological methane (CH4) in natural wetlands. Therefore, modeling methanogenesis and methanotrophy is advantageous for accurately projecting CH4cycling. Utilizing the CLM‐Microbe model, which explicitly represents the growth and death of methanogens and methanotrophs, we demonstrate that genome‐enabled model parameterization improves model performance in four natural wetlands. Compared to the default model parameterization against CH4flux, genomic‐enabled model parameterization added another contain on microbial biomass, notably enhancing the precision of simulated CH4flux. Specifically, the coefficient of determination (
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Abstract R 2) increased from 0.45 to 0.74 for Sanjiang Plain, from 0.78 to 0.89 for Changbai Mountain, and from 0.35 to 0.54 for Sallie's Fen, respectively. A drop inR 2was observed for the Dajiuhu nature wetland, primarily caused by scatter data points. Theil's coefficient (U) and model efficiency (ME) confirmed the model performance from default parameterization to genome‐enabled model parameterization. Compared with the model solely calibrated to surface CH4flux, additional constraints of functional gene data led to better CH4seasonality; meanwhile, genome‐enabled model parameterization established more robust associations between simulated CH4production rates and environmental factors. Sensitivity analysis underscored the pivotal role of microbial physiology in governing CH4flux. This genome‐enabled model parameterization offers a valuable promise to integrate fast‐cumulating genomic data with CH4models to better understand microbial roles in CH4in the era of climate change.Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 1, 2025 -
Abstract Extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by human brain cells have great potential as cell‐free therapies in various diseases, including stroke. However, because of the significant amount of EVs needed in preclinical and clinical trials, EV application is still challenging. Vertical‐Wheel Bioreactors (VWBRs) have designed features that allow for scaling up the generation of human forebrain spheroid EVs under low shear stress.
In this study, EV secretion by human forebrain spheroids derived from induced pluripotent stem cells as 3D aggregates and on Synthemax II microcarriers in VWBRs were investigated with static aggregate culture as a control. The spheroids were characterized by metabolite and transcriptome analysis. The isolated EVs were characterized by nanoparticle tracking analysis, electron microscopy, and Western blot. The EV cargo was analyzed using proteomics and miRNA sequencing. The in vitro functional assays of an oxygen and glucose‐deprived stroke model were conducted. Proof of concept in vivo study was performed, too.
Human forebrain spheroid differentiated on microcarriers showed a higher growth rate than 3D aggregates. Microcarrier culture had lower glucose consumption per million cells and lower glycolysis gene expression but higher EV biogenesis genes. EVs from the three culture conditions showed no differences in size, but the yields from high to low were microcarrier cultures, dynamic aggregates, and static aggregates. The cargo is enriched with proteins (proteomics) and miRNAs (miRNA‐seq), promoting axon guidance, reducing apoptosis, scavenging reactive oxygen species, and regulating immune responses. Human forebrain spheroid EVs demonstrated the ability to improve recovery in an in vitro stroke model and in vivo.
Human forebrain spheroid differentiation in VWBR significantly increased the EV yields (up to 240–750 fold) and EV biogenesis compared to static differentiation due to the dynamic microenvironment and metabolism change. The biomanufactured EVs from VWBRs have exosomal characteristics and more therapeutic cargo and are functional in in vitro assays, which paves the way for future in vivo stroke studies.
Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025 -
Abstract Extracellular vesicles (EVs) secreted by human‐induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) have great potential as cell‐free therapies in various diseases, including prevention of blood–brain barrier senescence and stroke. However, there are still challenges in pre‐clinical and clinical use of hiPSC‐EVs due to the need for large‐scale production of a large quantity. Vertical‐Wheel bioreactors (VWBRs) have design features that allow the biomanufacturing of hiPSC‐EVs using a scalable aggregate or microcarrier‐based culture system under low shear stress. EV secretion by undifferentiated hiPSCs expanded as 3‐D aggregates and on Synthemax II microcarriers in VWBRs were investigated. Additionally, two types of EV collection media, mTeSR and HBM, were compared. The hiPSCs were characterized by metabolite and transcriptome analysis as well as EV biogenesis markers. Protein and microRNA cargo were analysed by proteomics and microRNA‐seq, respectively. The
in vitro functional assays of microglia stimulation and proliferation were conducted. HiPSCs expanded as 3‐D aggregates and on microcarriers had comparable cell number, while microcarrier culture had higher glucose consumption, higher glycolysis and lower autophagy gene expression based on mRNA‐seq. The microcarrier cultures had at least 17–23 fold higher EV secretion, and EV collection in mTeSR had 2.7–3.7 fold higher yield than HBM medium. Microcarrier culture with mTeSR EV collection had a smaller EV size than other groups, and the cargo was enriched with proteins (proteomics) and miRNAs (microRNA‐seq) reducing apoptosis and promoting cell proliferation (e.g. Wnt‐related pathways). hiPSC‐EVs demonstrated the ability of stimulating proliferation and M2 polarization of microgliain vitro . HiPSC expansion on microcarriers produces much higher yields of EVs than hiPSC aggregates in VWBRs. EV collection in mTeSR increases yield compared to HBM. The biomanufactured EVs from microcarrier culture in mTeSR have exosomal characteristics and are functional in microglia stimulation, which paves the ways for future in vivo anti‐aging study. -
Abstract Extracellular matrix (ECM) in the human tissue contains vesicles, which are defined as matrix‐bound nanovesicles (MBVs). MBVs serve as one of the functional components in ECM, recapitulating part of the regulatory roles and in vivo microenvironment. In this study, extracellular vesicles from culture supernatants (SuEVs) and MBVs are isolated from the conditioned medium or ECM, respectively, of 3D human mesenchymal stem cells. Nanoparticle tracking analysis shows that MBVs are smaller than SuEVs (100–150 nm). Transmission electron microscopy captures the typical cup shape morphology for both SuEVs and MBVs. Western blot reveals that MBVs have low detection of some SuEV markers such as syntenin‐1. miRNA analysis of MBVs shows that 3D microenvironment enhances the expression of miRNAs such as miR‐19a and miR‐21. In vitro functional analysis shows that MBVs can facilitate human pluripotent stem cell‐derived forebrain organoid recovery after starvation and promote high passage fibroblast proliferation. In macrophage polarization, 2D MBVs tend to suppress the pro‐inflammatory cytokine IL‐12 β , while 3D MBVs tend to enhance the anti‐inflammatory cytokine IL‐10. This study has the significance in advancing the understanding of the bio‐interface of nanovesicles with human tissue and the design of cell‐free therapy for treating neurological disorders such as ischemic stroke.more » « less
Abstract Recent studies have reported worldwide vegetation suppression in response to increasing atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD). Here, we integrate multisource datasets to show that increasing VPD caused by warming alone does not suppress vegetation growth in northern peatlands. A site-level manipulation experiment and a multiple-site synthesis find a neutral impact of rising VPD on vegetation growth; regional analysis manifests a strong declining gradient of VPD suppression impacts from sparsely distributed peatland to densely distributed peatland. The major mechanism adopted by plants in response to rising VPD is the “open” water-use strategy, where stomatal regulation is relaxed to maximize carbon uptake. These unique surface characteristics evolve in the wet soil‒air environment in the northern peatlands. The neutral VPD impacts observed in northern peatlands contrast with the vegetation suppression reported in global nonpeatland areas under rising VPD caused by concurrent warming and decreasing relative humidity, suggesting model improvement for representing VPD impacts in northern peatlands remains necessary.
Retinal organoids are three-dimensional (3D) structures derived from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) that mimic the retina’s spatial and temporal differentiation, making them useful as in vitro retinal development models. Retinal organoids can be assembled with brain organoids, the 3D self-assembled aggregates derived from hPSCs containing different cell types and cytoarchitectures that resemble the human embryonic brain. Recent studies have shown the development of optic cups in brain organoids. The cellular components of a developing optic vesicle-containing organoids include primitive corneal epithelial and lens-like cells, retinal pigment epithelia, retinal progenitor cells, axon-like projections, and electrically active neuronal networks. The importance of retinal organoids in ocular diseases such as age-related macular degeneration, Stargardt disease, retinitis pigmentosa, and diabetic retinopathy are described in this review. This review highlights current developments in retinal organoid techniques, and their applications in ocular conditions such as disease modeling, gene therapy, drug screening and development. In addition, recent advancements in utilizing extracellular vesicles secreted by retinal organoids for ocular disease treatments are summarized.more » « less
The significant roles of extracellular vesicles (EVs) as intracellular mediators, disease biomarkers, and therapeutic agents, make them a scientific hotspot. In particular, EVs secreted by human stem cells show significance in treating neurological disorders, such as Alzheimer’s disease and ischemic stroke. However, the clinical applications of EVs are limited due to their poor targeting capabilities and low therapeutic efficacies after intravenous administration. Superparamagnetic iron oxide (SPIO) nanoparticles are biocompatible and have been shown to improve the targeting ability of EVs. In particular, ultrasmall SPIO (USPIO, <50 nm) are more suitable for labeling nanoscale EVs due to their small size. In this study, induced forebrain neural progenitor cortical organoids (iNPCo) were differentiated from human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and the iNPCo expressed FOXG1, Nkx2.1, α-catenin, as well as β-tubulin III. EVs were isolated from iNPCo media, then loaded with USPIOs by sonication. Size and concentration of EV particles were measured by nanoparticle tracking analysis, and no significant changes were observed in size distribution before and after sonication, but the concentration decreased after labeling. miR-21 and miR-133b decreased after sonication. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated contrast visualized for the USPIO labeled EVs embedded in agarose gel phantoms. Upon calculation, USPIO labeled EVs exhibited considerably shorter relaxation times, quantified as T2 and T2* values, reducing the signal intensity and generating higher MRI contrast compared to unlabeled EVs and gel only. Our study demonstrated that USPIO labeling was a feasible approach for in vitro tracking of brain organoid-derived EVs, which paves the way for further in vivo examination.more » « less