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Creators/Authors contains: "Sun, Wenhao"

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  1. Cranford, Steve (Ed.)
    Electronic switches based on the migration of high-density point defects, or memristors, are poised to revolutionize post-digital electronics. Despite significant research, key mechanisms for filament formation and oxygen transport remain unresolved, hindering our ability to predict and design device properties. For example, experiments have achieved 10 orders of magnitude longer retention times than predicted by current models. Here, using electrical measurements, scanning probe microscopy, and first-principles calculations on tantalum oxide memristors, we reveal that the formation and stability of conductive filaments crucially depend on the thermodynamic stability of the amorphous oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor compounds, which undergo composition phase separation. Including the previously neglected effects of this amorphous phase separation reconciles unexplained discrepancies in retention and enables predictive design of key performance indicators such as retention stability. This result emphasizes non-ideal thermodynamic interactions as key design criteria in post-digital devices with defect densities substantially exceeding those of today’s covalent semiconductors. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available August 26, 2025
  2. Abstract

    Phase diagrams offer substantial predictive power for materials synthesis by identifying the stability regions of target phases. However, thermodynamic phase diagrams do not offer explicit information regarding the kinetic competitiveness of undesired by-product phases. Here we propose a quantitative and computable thermodynamic metric to identify synthesis conditions under which the propensity to form kinetically competing by-products is minimized. We hypothesize that thermodynamic competition is minimized when the difference in free energy between a target phase and the minimal energy of all other competing phases is maximized. We validate this hypothesis for aqueous materials synthesis through two empirical approaches: first, by analysing 331 aqueous synthesis recipes text-mined from the literature; and second, by systematic experimental synthesis of LiIn(IO3)4and LiFePO4across a wide range of aqueous electrochemical conditions. Our results show that even for synthesis conditions that are within the stability region of a thermodynamic Pourbaix diagram, phase-pure synthesis occurs only when thermodynamic competition with undesired phases is minimized.

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  3. Abstract

    The development of a materials synthesis route is usually based on heuristics and experience. A possible new approach would be to apply data-driven approaches to learn the patterns of synthesis from past experience and use them to predict the syntheses of novel materials. However, this route is impeded by the lack of a large-scale database of synthesis formulations. In this work, we applied advanced machine learning and natural language processing techniques to construct a dataset of 35,675 solution-based synthesis procedures extracted from the scientific literature. Each procedure contains essential synthesis information including the precursors and target materials, their quantities, and the synthesis actions and corresponding attributes. Every procedure is also augmented with the reaction formula. Through this work, we are making freely available the first large dataset of solution-based inorganic materials synthesis procedures.

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  4. Abstract

    Materials discovery has become significantly facilitated and accelerated by high-throughputab-initiocomputations. This ability to rapidly design interesting novel compounds has displaced the materials innovation bottleneck to the development of synthesis routes for the desired material. As there is no a fundamental theory for materials synthesis, one might attempt a data-driven approach for predicting inorganic materials synthesis, but this is impeded by the lack of a comprehensive database containing synthesis processes. To overcome this limitation, we have generated a dataset of “codified recipes” for solid-state synthesis automatically extracted from scientific publications. The dataset consists of 19,488 synthesis entries retrieved from 53,538 solid-state synthesis paragraphs by using text mining and natural language processing approaches. Every entry contains information about target material, starting compounds, operations used and their conditions, as well as the balanced chemical equation of the synthesis reaction. The dataset is publicly available and can be used for data mining of various aspects of inorganic materials synthesis.

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