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Creators/Authors contains: "Sur, Shouvik"

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  1. Shot noise measures out-of-equilibrium current fluctuations and is a powerful tool to probe the nature of current-carrying excitations in quantum systems. Recent shot-noise measurements in the heavy-fermion strange metalYbRh2Si2exhibit a strong suppression of the Fano factor (F)—the ratio of the current noise to the average current in the dc limit. This system is representative of metals in which electron correlations are extremely strong. Here we carry out the first theoretical study on the shot noise of diffusive metals in the regime of strong correlations. A Boltzmann-Langevin equation formulation is constructed in a quasiparticle description in the presence of strong correlations. We find thatF=3/4in such a correlation regime. Thus, we establish the aforementioned Fano factor as universal to Fermi liquids, and we show that the Fano factor suppression observed in experiments onYbRh2Si2necessitates a loss of the quasiparticles. Our work opens the door to systematic theoretical studies of shot noise as a means of characterizing strongly correlated metallic phases and materials.

    Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025
  2. There is extensive current interest in electronic topology in correlated settings. In strongly correlated systems, contours of Green's function zeros may develop in frequency-momentum space, and their role in correlated topology has increasingly been recognized. However, whether and how the zeros contribute to electronic properties is a matter of uncertainty. Here we address the issue in an exactly solvable model for a Mott insulator. We show that the Green's function zeros contribute to several physically measurable correlation functions in a way that does not run into inconsistencies. In particular, the physical properties remain robust to chemical potential variations up to the Mott gap, as it should be based on general considerations. Our work sets the stage for further understandings of the rich interplay among topology, symmetry, and strong correlations.

    Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  3. Lattice symmetries are central to the characterization of electronic topology. Recently, it was shown that Green's function eigenvectors form a representation of the space group. This formulation has allowed the identification of gapless topological states even when quasiparticles are absent. Here we demonstrate the profundity of the framework in the extreme case, when interactions lead to a Mott insulator, through a solvable model with long-range interactions. We find that both Mott poles and zeros are subject to the symmetry constraints, and relate the symmetry-enforced spectral crossings to degeneracies of the original noninteracting eigenstates. Our results lead to new understandings of topological quantum materials and highlight the utility of interacting Green's functions toward their symmetry-based design.

    Published by the American Physical Society2024 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available July 1, 2025
  4. S trange-metal behavior has been observed in materials ranging from high-temperature superconductors to heavy fermion metals. In conventional metals, current is carried by quasiparticles; although it has been suggested that quasiparticles are absent in strange metals, direct experimental evidence is lacking. We measured shot noise to probe the granularity of the current-carrying excitations in nanowires of the heavy fermion strange metal YbRh2Si2. When compared with conventional metals, shot noise in these nanowires is strongly suppressed. This suppression cannot be attributed to either electron-phonon or electron-electron interactions in a Fermi liquid, which suggests that the current is not carried by well-defined quasiparticles in the strange-metal regime that we probed. Our work sets the stage for similar studies of other strange metals.

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  5. Frustrated spin-systems have traditionally proven challenging to understand, owing to a scarcity of controlled methods for their analyses. By contrast, under strong magnetic fields, certain aspects of spin systems admit simpler and universal description in terms of hardcore bosons. The bosonic formalism is anchored by the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC), which has helped explain the behaviors of a wide range of magnetic compounds under applied magnetic fields. Here, we focus on the interplay between frustration and externally applied magnetic field to identify instances where the BEC paradigm is no longer applicable. As a representative example, we consider the antiferromagnetic J1−J2−J3 model on the square lattice in the presence of a uniform external magnetic field, and demonstrate that the frustration-driven suppression of the Néel order leads to a Lifshitz transition for the hardcore bosons. In the vicinity of the Lifshitz point, the physics becomes unmoored from the BEC paradigm, and the behavior of the system, both at and below the saturation field, is controlled by a Lifshitz multicritical point. We obtain the resultant universal scaling behaviors, and provide strong evidence for the existence of a frustration and magnetic-field driven correlated bosonic liquid state along the entire phase boundary separating the Néel phase from other magnetically ordered states. 
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