The use of 3D imaging techniques, such as X-ray CT, in root phenotyping has become more widespread in recent years. However, due to the complexity of the root structure, analyzing the resulting 3D volumes to obtain detailed architectural root traits remains a challenging computational problem. When it comes to image-based phenotyping of excavated maize root crowns, two types of root features that are notably missing from existing methods are the whorls and soil line. Whorls refer to the distinct areas located at the base of each stem node from which roots sprout in a circular pattern (Liu S, Barrow CS, Hanlon M, Lynch JP, Bucksch A. Dirt/3D: 3D root phenotyping for field-grown maize (
We developed TopoRoot+, a computational pipeline that produces architectural traits from 3D X-ray CT volumes of excavated maize root crowns. Building upon the TopoRoot software (Zeng D, Li M, Jiang N, Ju Y, Schreiber H, Chambers E, et al. Toporoot: A method for computing hierarchy and fine-grained traits of maize roots from 3D imaging. Plant Methods. 2021;17(1).
TopoRoot + advances the state-of-the-art in image-based phenotyping of excavated maize root crowns by offering more detailed architectural traits related to whorls and soil lines. The efficiency of TopoRoot + makes it well-suited for high-throughput image-based root phenotyping.