Very few detections have been made of optical flashes contemporaneous with prompt high-energy emission from a gamma-ray burst (GRB). In this work, we present and analyze light curves of GRB-associated optical flashes and afterglows from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). Our sample consists of eight GRBs with arcsecond-level localizations from the X-Ray Telescope on board the Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (Swift). For each burst, we characterize the prompt optical emission and any observed afterglow, and constrain physical parameters for four of these bursts using their TESS light curves. This work also presents a straightforward method to correct for TESS's cosmic-ray mitigation strategy on 20 s timescales, which allows us to estimate the “true” brightness of optical flashes associated with prompt GRB emission. We also highlight TESS’s continuous wide-field monitoring capability, which provides an efficient means of identifying optical emission from GRBs and characterizing early time afterglow light curves. Based on empirical detection rates from Swift and the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope, up to 10 GRBs per year may fall within the contemporaneous TESS field of view.
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Abstract Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025 -
ABSTRACT The mechanism of X-ray outbursts in Be X-ray binaries remains a mystery, and understanding their circumstellar discs is crucial for a solution of the mass-transfer problem. In particular, it is important to identify the Be star activities (e.g. pulsations) that cause mass ejection and, hence, disc formation. Therefore, we investigated the relationship between optical flux oscillations and the infrared (IR) excess in a sample of five Be X-ray binaries. Applying the Lomb–Scargle technique to high-cadence optical light curves from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (${\it TESS}$), we detected several significant oscillation modes in the 3–24 h period range for each source. We also measured the IR excess (a proxy for disc growth) of those five sources, using J-band light curves from Palomar Gattini-IR. In four of the five sources, we found anticorrelations between the IR excess and the amplitude of the main flux oscillation modes. This result is inconsistent with the conventional idea that non-radial pulsations drive mass ejections. We propose an alternative scenario where internal temperature variations in the Be star cause transitions between pulsation-active and mass-ejection-active states.
Abstract We present 307 type Ia supernova (SN) light curves from the first 4 yr of the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite mission. We use this sample to characterize the shapes of the early-time light curves, measure the rise times from first light to peak, and search for companion star interactions. Using simulations, we show that light curves must have noise <10% of the peak flux to avoid biases in the early-time light-curve shape, restricting our quantitative analysis to 74 light curves. We find that the mean power-law index
of the early-time light curves isβ 1= 1.93 ± 0.57, and the mean rise time to peak is 15.7 ± 3.5 days. The underlying population distribution forβ 1may instead consist of a Gaussian component with mean 2.29, width 0.34, and a long tail extending to values less than 1.0. We find that the data can rarely distinguish between models with and without companion interaction models. Nevertheless, we find three high-quality light curves that tentatively prefer the addition of a companion interaction model, but the statistical evidence for the companion interactions is not robust. We also find two SNe that disfavor the addition of a companion interaction model to a curved power-law model. Taking the 74 SNe together, we calculate 3σ upper limits on the presence of companion signatures to control for orientation effects that can hide companions in individual light curves. Our results rule out common progenitor systems with companions having Roche lobe radii >31R ⊙(separations >5.7 × 1012cm, 99.9% confidence level) and disfavor companions having Roche lobe radii >10R ⊙(separations >1.9 × 1012cm, 95% confidence level). Lastly, we discuss the implications of our results for the intrinsic fraction of single degenerate progenitor systems. -
Abstract Based on photometric observations by TESS, we present the discovery of a potential Venus analog transiting LHS 475, an M3 dwarf located 12.5 pc from the Sun. The mass of the star is 0.274 ± 0.015
M ☉. The planet, originally reported as TOI 910.01, has an orbital period of 2.0291010 ± 0.0000017 days and an estimated radius of 0.975 ± 0.058R ⊕. We confirm the validity and source of the transit signal with MEarth and Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope ground-based follow-up photometry. We present radial velocity data from CHIRON that rule out massive companions. In accordance with the observed mass–radius distribution of exoplanets as well as planet formation theory, we expect this planetary companion to be terrestrial, with an estimated radial velocity semiamplitude of 1.1 m s−1. LHS 475 b is likely too hot to be habitable but is a suitable candidate for emission and transmission spectroscopy. -
Abstract In 2017, the LIGO and Virgo gravitational-wave (GW) detectors, in conjunction with electromagnetic (EM) astronomers, observed the first GW multimessenger astrophysical event, the binary neutron star (BNS) merger GW170817. This marked the beginning of a new era in multimessenger astrophysics. To discover further GW multimessenger events, we explore the synergies between the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) and GW observations triggered by the LIGO–Virgo–KAGRA Collaboration (LVK) detector network. TESS's extremely wide field of view (∼2300 deg2) means that it could overlap with large swaths of GW localizations, which often span hundreds of square degrees or more. In this work, we use a recently developed transient detection pipeline to search TESS data collected during the LVK’s third observing run, O3, for any EM counterparts. We find no obvious counterparts brighter than about 17th magnitude in the TESS bandpass. Additionally, we present end-to-end simulations of BNS mergers, including their detection in GWs and simulations of light curves, to identify TESS's kilonova discovery potential for the LVK's next observing run (O4). In the most optimistic case, TESS will observe up to one GW-found BNS merger counterpart per year. However, TESS may also find up to five kilonovae that did not trigger the LVK network, emphasizing that EM-triggered GW searches may play a key role in future kilonova detections. We also discuss how TESS can help place limits on EM emission from binary black hole mergers and rapidly exclude large sky areas for poorly localized GW events.
Abstract The nearby LHS 1678 (TOI-696) system contains two confirmed planets and a wide-orbit, likely brown-dwarf companion, which orbit an M2 dwarf with a unique evolutionary history. The host star occupies a narrow “gap” in the Hertzsprung–Russell diagram lower main sequence, associated with the M dwarf fully convective boundary and long-term luminosity fluctuations. This system is one of only about a dozen M dwarf multiplanet systems to date that hosts an ultra-short-period planet (USP). Here we validate and characterize a third planet in the LHS 1678 system using TESS Cycle 1 and 3 data and a new ensemble of ground-based light curves. LHS 1678 d is a 0.98 ± 0.07
R ⊕planet in a 4.97 day orbit, with an insolation flux of . These properties place it near 4:3 mean motion resonance with LHS 1678 c and in company with LHS 1678 c in the Venus zone. LHS 1678 c and d are also twins in size and predicted mass, making them a powerful duo for comparative exoplanet studies. LHS 1678 d joins its siblings as another compelling candidate for atmospheric measurements with the JWST and mass measurements using high-precision radial velocity techniques. Additionally, USP LHS 1678 b breaks the “peas-in-a-pod” trend in this system although additional planets could fill in the “pod” beyond its orbit. LHS 1678's unique combination of system properties and their relative rarity among the ubiquity of compact multiplanet systems around M dwarfs makes the system a valuable benchmark for testing theories of planet formation and evolution. -
Abstract Young terrestrial worlds are critical test beds to constrain prevailing theories of planetary formation and evolution. We present the discovery of HD 63433 d—a nearby (22 pc), Earth-sized planet transiting a young Sun-like star (TOI-1726, HD 63433). HD 63433 d is the third planet detected in this multiplanet system. The kinematic, rotational, and abundance properties of the host star indicate that it belongs to the young (414 ± 23 Myr) Ursa Major moving group, whose membership we update using new data from the third data release of the Gaia mission and TESS. Our transit analysis of the TESS light curves indicates that HD 63433 d has a radius of 1.1
R ⊕and closely orbits its host star with a period of 4.2 days. To date, HD 63433 d is the smallest confirmed exoplanet with an age less than 500 Myr, and the nearest young Earth-sized planet. Furthermore, the apparent brightness of the stellar host (V ≃ 6.9 mag) makes this transiting multiplanet system favorable to further investigations, including spectroscopic follow-up to probe the atmospheric loss in a young Earth-sized world. -
ABSTRACT We present the confirmation of a hot super-Neptune with an exterior Neptune companion orbiting a bright (V = 10.1 mag) F-dwarf identified by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). The two planets, observed in sectors 45, 46, and 48 of the TESS extended mission, are $4.74_{-0.14}^{+0.16}$ and $3.86_{-0.16}^{+0.17}$ R⊕ with $5.4588385_{-0.0000072}^{+0.0000070}$ and $17.8999_{-0.0013}^{+0.0018}$ d orbital periods, respectively. We also obtained precise space-based photometric follow-up of the system with ESA’s CHaracterising ExOplanets Satellite to constrain the radius and ephemeris of TOI-5126 b. TOI-5126 b is located in the ‘hot Neptune Desert’ and is an ideal candidate for follow-up transmission spectroscopy due to its high-predicted equilibrium temperature (Teq = ${1442}_{-40}^{+46}$ K) implying a cloud-free atmosphere. TOI-5126 c is a warm Neptune (Teq = $971_{-27}^{+31}$ K) also suitable for follow-up. Tentative transit timing variations have also been identified in analysis, suggesting the presence of at least one additional planet, however this signal may be caused by spot-crossing events, necessitating further precise photometric follow-up to confirm these signals.
ABSTRACT A new generation of observatories is enabling detailed study of exoplanetary atmospheres and the diversity of alien climates, allowing us to seek evidence for extraterrestrial biological and geological processes. Now is therefore the time to identify the most unique planets to be characterized with these instruments. In this context, we report on the discovery and validation of TOI-715 b, a $R_{\rm b}=1.55\pm 0.06\rm R_{\oplus }$ planet orbiting its nearby (42 pc) M4 host (TOI-715/TIC 271971130) with a period $P_{\rm b} = 19.288004_{-0.000024}^{+0.000027}$ d. TOI-715 b was first identified by TESS and validated using ground-based photometry, high-resolution imaging and statistical validation. The planet’s orbital period combined with the stellar effective temperature $T_{\rm eff}=3075\pm 75~\rm K$ give this planet an installation $S_{\rm b} = 0.67_{-0.20}^{+0.15}~\rm S_\oplus$, placing it within the most conservative definitions of the habitable zone for rocky planets. TOI-715 b’s radius falls exactly between two measured locations of the M-dwarf radius valley; characterizing its mass and composition will help understand the true nature of the radius valley for low-mass stars. We demonstrate TOI-715 b is amenable for characterization using precise radial velocities and transmission spectroscopy. Additionally, we reveal a second candidate planet in the system, TIC 271971130.02, with a potential orbital period of $P_{02} = 25.60712_{-0.00036}^{+0.00031}$ d and a radius of $R_{02} = 1.066\pm 0.092\, \rm R_{\oplus }$, just inside the outer boundary of the habitable zone, and near a 4:3 orbital period commensurability. Should this second planet be confirmed, it would represent the smallest habitable zone planet discovered by TESS to date.
Abstract Populating the exoplanet mass–radius diagram in order to identify the underlying relationship that governs planet composition is driving an interdisciplinary effort within the exoplanet community. The discovery of hot super-Earths—a high-temperature, short-period subset of the super-Earth planet population—has presented many unresolved questions concerning the formation, evolution, and composition of rocky planets. We report the discovery of a transiting, ultra-short-period hot super-Earth orbiting
TOI-1075 (TIC351601843) , a nearby (d = 61.4 pc) late-K/early-M-dwarf star, using data from the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite. The newly discovered planet has a radius of 1.791R ⊕and an orbital period of 0.605 day (14.5 hr). We precisely measure the planet mass to be 9.95M ⊕using radial velocity measurements obtained with the Planet Finder Spectrograph mounted on the Magellan II telescope. Our radial velocity data also show a long-term trend, suggesting an additional planet in the system. While TOI-1075 b is expected to have a substantial H/He atmosphere given its size relative to the radius gap, its high density ( g cm−3) is likely inconsistent with this possibility. We explore TOI-1075 b’s location relative to the M-dwarf radius valley, evaluate the planet’s prospects for atmospheric characterization, and discuss potential planet formation mechanisms. Studying the TOI-1075 system in the broader context of ultra-short-period planetary systems is necessary for testing planet formation and evolution theories and density-enhancing mechanisms and for future atmospheric and surface characterization studies via emission spectroscopy with the JWST.