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  1. The involvement of companies and public institutions in open-source software (OSS) has become widespread. While studies have explored the business models of for-profit organizations and their impact on software quality, little is known about their influence on OSS communities, especially in terms of diversity and inclusion. This knowledge gap is significant, considering that many organizations have the resources to enhance diversity and inclusion internally, but whether these efforts extend to OSS remains uncertain. To address this gap, we conducted interviews with maintainers of community-owned and organization-owned OSS projects, revealing tensions between organizations and their projects and identifying the impact of internal policies on OSS communities. Our findings reveal that, on the one hand, organization-owned projects often restrict external contributions due to stringent operating procedures and segmented communication, leading to limited external engagement. On the other hand, these organizations positively influence diversity and inclusion, notably in the representation and roles of women and the implementation of mentorship programs. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available April 14, 2025
  2. Who creates the most innovative open-source software projects? And what fate do these projects tend to have? Building on a long history of research to understand innovation in business and other domains, as well as recent advances towards modeling innovation in scientific research from the science of science field, in this paper we adopt the analogy of innovation as emerging from the novel recombination of existing bits of knowledge. As such, we consider as innovative the software projects that recombine existing software libraries in novel ways, i.e., those built on top of atypical combinations of packages as extracted from import statements. We then report on a large-scale quantitative study of innovation in the Python open-source software ecosystem. Our results show that higher levels of innovativeness are statistically associated with higher GitHub star counts, i.e., novelty begets popularity. At the same time, we find that controlling for project size, the more innovative projects tend to involve smaller teams of contributors, as well as be at higher risk of becoming abandoned in the long term. We conclude that innovation and open source sustainability are closely related and, to some extent, antagonistic. 
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  3. While lots of research has explored howto prevent maintainers from abandoning the open-source projects that serve as our digital infrastructure, there are very few insights on addressing abandonment when it occurs. We argue open-source sustainability research must expand its focus beyond trying to keep particular projects alive, to also cover the sustainable use of open source by supporting users when they face potential or actual abandonment.We interviewed 33 developers who have experienced open-source dependency abandonment. Often, they used multiple strategies to cope with abandonment, for example, first reaching out to the community to find potential alternatives, then switching to a community-accepted alternative if one exists. We found many developers felt they had little to no support or guidance when facing abandonment, leaving them to figure out what to do through a trial-and-error process on their own. Abandonment introduces cost for otherwise seemingly free dependencies, but users can decide whether and how to prepare for abandonment through a number of different strategies, such as dependency monitoring, building abstraction layers, and community involvement. In many cases, community members can invest in resources that help others facing the same abandoned dependency, but often do not because of the many other competing demands on their time – a form of the volunteer’s dilemma. We discuss cost reduction strategies and ideas to overcome this volunteer’s dilemma. Our findings can be used directly by open-source users seeking resources on dealing with dependency abandonment, or by researchers to motivate future work supporting the sustainable use of open source. 
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  4. Attracting and retaining new developers is often at the heart of open-source project sustainability and success. Previous research found many intrinsic (or endogenous) project characteristics asso- ciated with the attractiveness of projects to new developers, but the impact of factors external to the project itself have largely been overlooked. In this work, we focus on one such external factor, a project’s labor pool, which is dened as the set of contributors active in the overall open-source ecosystem that the project could plausibly attempt to recruit from at a given time. How are the size and characteristics of the labor pool associated with a project’s attractiveness to new contributors? Through an empirical study of over 516,893 Python projects, we found that the size of the project’s labor pool, the technical skill match, and the social connection be- tween the project’s labor pool and members of the focal project all signicantly inuence the number of new developers that the focal project attracts, with the competition between projects with overlapping labor pools also playing a role. Overall, the labor pool factors add considerable explanatory power compared to models with only project-level characteristics. 
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  5. The diffusion of information about open-source projects is a key factor influencing the adoption of projects and the allocation of developer efforts. Developers learn about new projects, and evaluate their quality and importance by accessing the related information. Social media is an important channel for information diffusion about open-source projects, with previous research suggesting the existence of a social media ecosystem that consists of multiple platforms and collectively supports information diffusion in open source. With different features supporting information diffusion, the same piece of information likely reaches different developer communities on different platforms, which attracts the attention and contribution of different developers and thus influences the success of open-source projects. Despite its importance, few works looked at the identity of the developer community that projectrelated information reaches on social media platforms and its associated impact on the discussed project. In this work, we track social media discussions on open-source projects on three different platforms: Twitter, HackerNews, and Reddit. We first describe the dynamics of project-related information diffusion across platforms, and we analyze the association between the number of posts on each platform, and the number of developers attracted to the discussed project from different communities. We find that posts about open-source projects first appear on Twitter and HackerNews, then move more towards Reddit. The number of project-related posts on Twitter mostly associate with the attracted developers from communities that are close to the project’s main contributor, while posts on other platforms associate more with the attention from remote communities. 
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  6. Open-source software projects have become an integral part of our daily life, supporting virtually every software we use today. Since open-source software forms the digital infrastructure, maintaining them is of utmost importance. We present Climate Coach, a dashboard that helps open-source project maintainers monitor the health of their community in terms of team climate and inclusion. Through a literature review and an exploratory survey (N=18), we identified important signals that can reflect a project’s health, and display them on a dashboard. We evaluated and refined our dashboard through two rounds of think-aloud studies (N=19). We then conducted a two-week longitudinal diary study (N=10) to test the usefulness of our dashboard. We found that displaying signals that are related to a project’s inclusion help improve maintainers’ management strategies. 
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  7. While the severe underrepresentation of women and non-binary people in open source is widely recognized, there is little empirical data on how the situation has changed over time and which subcommunities have been more effectively reducing the gender imbalance. To obtain a clearer image of gender representation in open source, we compiled and synthesized existing empirical data from the literature, and computed historical trends in the representation of women across 20 open source ecosystems. While inherently limited by the ability of automatic name-based gender inference to capture true gender identities at an individual level, our census still provides valuable population-level insights. Across all and in most ecosystems, we observed a promising upward trend in the percentage of women among code contributors over time, but also high variation in the percentage of women contributors across ecosystems. We also found that, in most ecosystems, women withdraw earlier from open-source participation than men. 
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  8. Talks at practitioner-focused open-source software conferences are a valuable source of information for software engineering researchers. They provide a pulse of the community and are valuable source material for grey literature analysis. We curated a dataset of 24,669 talks from 87 open-source conferences between 2010 and 2021. We stored all relevant metadata from these conferences and provide scripts to collect the transcripts. We believe this data is useful for answering many kinds of questions, such as: What are the important/highly discussed topics within practitioner communities? How do practitioners interact? And how do they present themselves to the public? We demonstrate the usefulness of this data by reporting our findings from two small studies: a topic model analysis providing an overview of open-source community dynamics since 2011 and a qualitative analysis of a smaller community-oriented sample within our dataset to gain a better understanding of why contributors leave open-source software. 
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  9. Twitter is widely used by software developers. But how effective are tweets at promoting open source projects? How could one use Twitter to increase a project’s popularity or attract new contributors? In this paper we report on a mixed-methods empirical study of 44,544 tweets containing links to 2,370 open-source GitHub repositories, looking for evidence of causal effects of these tweets on the projects attracting new GitHub stars and contributors, as well as characterizing the high-impact tweets, the people likely being attracted by them, and how they differ from contributors attracted otherwise. Among others, we find that tweets have a statistically significant and practically sizable effect on obtaining new stars and a small average effect on attracting new contributors. The popularity, content of the tweet, as well as the identity of tweet authors all affect the scale of the attraction effect. In addition, our qualitative analysis suggests that forming an active Twitter community for an open source project plays an important role in attracting new committers via tweets. We also report that developers who are new to GitHub or have a long history of Twitter usage but few tweets posted are most likely to be attracted as contributors to the repositories mentioned by tweets. Our work contributes to the literature on open source sustainability. 
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