This article proposes a novel integral geometric control attitude tracking scheme, utilizing a coordinate-free representation of attitude on the Lie group of rigid body rotations, SO(3). This scheme exhibits almost global asymptotic stability in tracking a reference attitude profile. The stability and robustness properties of this integral tracking control scheme are shown using Lyapunov stability analysis. A numerical simulation study, utilizing a Lie Group Variational Integrator (LGVI), verifies the stability of this tracking control scheme, as well as its robustness to a disturbance torque. In addition, a numerical comparison study shows the effectiveness of the proposed geometric integral term, when compared to other state-of-the-art attitude controllers. In addition, software-in-the-loop (SITL) simulations show the advantages of utilizing the proposed attitude controller in PX4 autopilot compared to using PX4’s original attitude controller.
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null (Ed.)Position tracking control in three spatial dimensions in the presence of unknown or uncertain dynamics, is applicable to unmanned aerial, ground, (under)water and space vehicles. This work gives a new approach to model-free position tracking control by designing an extended state observer to estimate the states and the uncertain dynamics, with guaranteed accuracy of estimates. The estimated states and uncertainties can be used in a control scheme in real-time for position tracking control. The uncertainty (disturbance input) estimate is provided by an extended state observer (ESO) that is finite-time stable (FTS), to provide accuracy and robustness. The ideas of homogeneous vector fields and real-valued functions are utilized for the ESO design and to prove FTS. The estimated disturbance is then utilized for compensation of this uncertainty in real-time, and to enhance the stability and robustness of the feedback tracking control scheme.more » « less
Weather, winds, thermals, and turbulence pose an ever-present challenge to small UAS. These challenges become magnified in rough terrain and especially within urban canyons. As the industry moves towards Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) and fully autonomous operations, resilience to weather perturbations will be key. As the human decision-maker is removed from the in-situ environment, producing control systems that are robust will be paramount to the preservation of any Airspace System. Safety requirements and regulations require quantifiable performance metrics to guarantee a safe aerial environment with ever- increasing traffic. In this regards, the effect of wind and weather disturbances on a UAS and its ability to reject these disturbances present some unique concerns. Currently, drone manufacturers and operators rely on outdoor testing during windy days (or in windy locations) and onboard logging to evaluate and improve the flight worthiness, reliability and perturbation rejection capability of their vehicles. Waiting for the desired weather or travelling to a windier location is cost- and time-inefficient. Moreover, the conditions found on outdoor test sites are difficult to quantify and repeatability is non-existent. To address this situation, a novel testing methodology is proposed, combining artificial wind generation thanks to a multi-fan array wind generator (windshaper), coherent GNSS signal generation and accurate tracking of the test subject thanks to motion capture cameras. In this environment, the drone being tested can fly freely, follow missions and experience wind perturbations whilst staying in a modest indoor volume. By coordinating the windshaper, the motion tracking feedback and the position emulated by the GNSS signal generator with the drone’s mission profile, it was demonstrated that outdoor flight conditions can be reliably recreated in a controlled and repeatable environment. Specifically, thanks to real-time update of the position simulated by the GNSS signal generator, it was possible to demonstrate that the drone’s perception of the situation is similar to a corresponding mission being executed outdoor. In this work, the drone was subjected to three distinct flight cases: (1) hover in 2 m s−1 wind, (2) forward flight at 2 m s−1 without wind and (3) forward flight at 2 m s−1 with 2 m s−1 headwind. In each case, it could be demonstrated that by using indoor GNSS signal simulation and wind generation, the drone displays the characteristics of a 20 m move forward, while actually staying stationary in the test volume, within ±1 m. Further development of this methodology opens the door for fully integrated hardware-in- the-loop simulation of drone flight operations.more » « less
Relative motion estimation of one rigid body with respect to another is a problem that has immediate applications to formations and maneuvers involving multiple unmanned vehicles or collision avoidance between vehicles. A finite-time stable observer for relative attitude estimation of a rigid object using onboard sensors on an unmanned vehicle, is developed and presented here. This observer assumes sensor inputs from onboard vision and inertial sensors, with the vision sensors measuring at least three points on the object whose relative locations with respect to a body-fixed frame on the object are also assumed to be known. In the absence of any measurement noise, the estimated relative attitude is shown to converge to the actual relative pose in a finite-time stable manner. Numerical simulations indicate that this relative attitude observer is robust to persistent measurement errors and converges to a bounded neighborhood of the true attitude.more » « less
A framework for autonomous waypoint planning, trajectory generation through waypoints, and trajectory tracking for multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is proposed in this work. Safe and effective operations of these UAVs is a problem that demands obstacle avoidance strategies and advanced trajectory planning and control schemes for stability and energy efficiency. To address this problem, a two-level optimization strategy is used for trajectory generation, then the trajectory is tracked in a stable manner. The framework given here consists of the following components: (a) a deep reinforcement learning (DRL)-based algorithm for optimal waypoint planning while minimizing control energy and avoiding obstacles in a given environment; (b) an optimal, smooth trajectory generation algorithm through waypoints, that minimizes a combinaton of velocity, acceleration, jerk and snap; and (c) a stable tracking control law that determines a control thrust force for an UAV to track the generated trajectory.more » « less