Charge, spin and Cooper-pair density waves have now been widely detected in exotic superconductors. Understanding how these density waves emerge — and become suppressed by external parameters — is a key research direction in condensed matter physics. Here we study the temperature and magnetic-field evolution of charge density waves in the rare spin-triplet superconductor candidate UTe2using scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy. We reveal that charge modulations composed of three different wave vectors gradually weaken in a spatially inhomogeneous manner, while persisting to surprisingly high temperatures of 10–12 K. We also reveal an unexpected decoupling of the three-component charge density wave state. Our observations match closely to the temperature scale potentially related to short-range magnetic correlations, providing a possible connection between density waves observed by surface probes and intrinsic bulk features. Importantly, charge density wave modulations become suppressed with magnetic field both below and above superconducting
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Abstract T cin a comparable manner. Our work points towards an intimate connection between hidden magnetic correlations and the origin of the unusual charge density waves in UTe2.Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 25, 2025 -
Free, publicly-accessible full text available March 20, 2025
Abstract In the recently discovered kagome metal CsV3Sb5, an intriguing proposal invoking a doped Chern insulator state suggests the presence of small Chern Fermi pockets hosting spontaneous orbital-currents and large orbital magnetic moments. While the net thermodynamic magnetization is nearly insensitive to these moments, due to their antiferromagnetic alignment, their presence can be revealed by the Zeeman effect, which shifts electron energies in magnetic fields with a proportionality given by the effective
g −factor. Here, we determine theg -factor using the spin-zero effect in magnetic quantum oscillations. A largeg -factor enhancement is visible only in magnetic breakdown orbits between conventional and concentrated Berry curvature Fermi pockets that host large orbital moments. Such Berry-curvature-generated large orbital moments are almost always concealed by other effects. In this system, however, magnetic breakdown orbits due to the proximity to a conventional Fermi-surface section allow them to be visibly manifested in magnetic quantum oscillations. Our results provide a remarkable example of the interplay between electronic correlations and more conventional electronic bands in quantum materials. -
Abstract The class of
A V3Sb5(A =K, Rb, Cs) kagome metals hosts unconventional charge density wave states seemingly intertwined with their low temperature superconducting phases. The nature of the coupling between these two states and the potential presence of nearby, competing charge instabilities however remain open questions. This phenomenology is strikingly highlighted by the formation of two ‘domes’ in the superconducting transition temperature upon hole-doping CsV3Sb5. Here we track the evolution of charge correlations upon the suppression of long-range charge density wave order in the first dome and into the second of the hole-doped kagome superconductor CsV3Sb5−x Snx . Initially, hole-doping drives interlayer charge correlations to become short-ranged with their periodicity diminished along the interlayer direction. Beyond the peak of the first superconducting dome, the parent charge density wave state vanishes and incommensurate, quasi-1D charge correlations are stabilized in its place. These competing, unidirectional charge correlations demonstrate an inherent electronic rotational symmetry breaking in CsV3Sb5, and reveal a complex landscape of charge correlations within its electronic phase diagram. Our data suggest an inherent 2k f charge instability and competing charge orders in theA V3Sb5class of kagome superconductors. -
Abstract Charge density waves (CDWs) in kagome metals have been tied to many exotic phenomena. Here, using spectroscopic-imaging scanning tunneling microscopy and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, we study the charge order in kagome metal ScV6Sn6. The similarity of electronic band structures of ScV6Sn6and TbV6Sn6(where charge ordering is absent) suggests that charge ordering in ScV6Sn6is unlikely to be primarily driven by Fermi surface nesting of the Van Hove singularities. In contrast to the CDW state of cousin kagome metals, we find no evidence supporting rotation symmetry breaking. Differential conductance d
I /dV spectra show a partial gapΔ 1CO ≈ 20 meV at the Fermi level. Interestingly, dI /dV maps reveal that charge modulations exhibit an abrupt phase shift as a function of energy at energy much higher thanΔ 1CO, which we attribute to another spectral gap. Our experiments reveal a distinctive nature of the charge order in ScV6Sn6with fundamental differences compared to other kagome metals. -
Abstract Interplay of magnetism and electronic band topology in unconventional magnets enables the creation and fine control of novel electronic phenomena. In this work, we use scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy to study thin films of a prototypical kagome magnet Fe3Sn2. Our experiments reveal an unusually large number of densely-spaced spectroscopic features straddling the Fermi level. These are consistent with signatures of low-energy Weyl fermions and associated topological Fermi arc surface states predicted by theory. By measuring their response as a function of magnetic field, we discover a pronounced evolution in energy tied to the magnetization direction. Electron scattering and interference imaging further demonstrates the tunable nature of a subset of related electronic states. Our experiments provide a direct visualization of how in-situ spin reorientation drives changes in the electronic density of states of the Weyl fermion band structure. Combined with previous reports of massive Dirac fermions, flat bands, and electronic nematicity, our work establishes Fe3Sn2as an interesting platform that harbors an extraordinarily wide array of topological and correlated electron phenomena.