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Free, publicly-accessible full text available October 24, 2025
Abstract Plant species vary in how they regulate moisture and this has implications for their flammability during wildfires. We explored how fuel moisture is shaped by variation within five hydraulic traits: saturated moisture content, cell wall rigidity, cell solute potential, symplastic water fraction and tissue capacitance.
Using pressure–volume curves, we measured these hydraulic traits in twigs and distal shoots (i.e. twigs + leaves) in 62 plant species across four wooded communities in south‐eastern Australia. Moisture content of fine fuels was then estimated for circumstances typical of fire weather. These projections were made assuming that under the hot, dry, windy conditions typical of large wildfires, leaves and fine twigs would function at internal water pressures close to wilting point (i.e. turgor loss point, TLP). The effect of different moisture contents at TLP on ignition time was then modelled using a fully mechanistic, finite element model of biomass ignition based on standard principles of physical chemistry.
We also measured predawn water potential, an indication of plant access to soil water that is influenced by root architecture. These data were used to model how root traits influence fuel moisture and ignition time.
Most variation among species in fuel moisture under fire weather conditions arose from differences in saturated moisture content (3.4‐ to 3.6‐fold variation). Twig capacitance was also an important driver of fuel moisture under these weather conditions (1.9‐ to 2.2‐fold variation in moisture content). A suite of other leaf and root traits influencing how much shoots dry out as they approach wilting point each contributed 1.0‐ to 1.6‐fold variation in projected fuel moisture during fire weather. Fuel moisture variation in turn drove variation in flammability by modifying predicted ignition time.
Two main life‐history types in fire‐prone habitats are obligate seeders and resprouters. There were no significant differences between these species groups in estimated fuel moisture during fire weather, nor in any measured hydraulic traits.
Live fuel moisture is an important determinant of wildfire activity. Our data show that variation in tissue saturated moisture content among co‐occurring species represents an important ecological store of variation in flammability in the study communities.
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Plain Language Summary can be found within the Supporting Information of this article. -
Abstract Here we provide the ‘Global Spectrum of Plant Form and Function Dataset’, containing species mean values for six vascular plant traits. Together, these traits –plant height, stem specific density, leaf area, leaf mass per area, leaf nitrogen content per dry mass, and diaspore (seed or spore) mass – define the primary axes of variation in plant form and function. The dataset is based on ca. 1 million trait records received via the TRY database (representing ca. 2,500 original publications) and additional unpublished data. It provides 92,159 species mean values for the six traits, covering 46,047 species. The data are complemented by higher-level taxonomic classification and six categorical traits (woodiness, growth form, succulence, adaptation to terrestrial or aquatic habitats, nutrition type and leaf type). Data quality management is based on a probabilistic approach combined with comprehensive validation against expert knowledge and external information. Intense data acquisition and thorough quality control produced the largest and, to our knowledge, most accurate compilation of empirically observed vascular plant species mean traits to date.more » « less