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Creators/Authors contains: "Wheeldon, Ian"

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  1. Free, publicly-accessible full text available September 1, 2025
  2. Free, publicly-accessible full text available November 1, 2025
  3. Precise control of gene expression is critical for optimizing cellular metabolism and improving the production of valuable biochemicals. However, hard-wired approaches to pathway engineering, such as optimizing promoters, can take time and effort. Moreover, limited tools exist for controlling gene regulation in non-conventional hosts. Here, we develop a two-channel chemically-regulated gene expression system for the multi-stress tolerant yeast Kluyveromyces marxianus and use it to tune ethyl acetate production, a native metabolite produced at high titers in this yeast. To achieve this, we repurposed the plant hormone sensing modules (PYR1ABA/HAB1 and PYR1*MANDI/HAB1*) for high dynamic-range gene activation and repression controlled by either abscisic acid (ABA) or mandipropamid (mandi). To redirect metabolic flux towards ethyl acetate biosynthesis, we simultaneously repress pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDA1) and activate pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC1) to enhance ethyl acetate titers. Thus, we have developed new tools for chemically tuning gene expression in K. marxianus and S. cerevisiae that should be deployable across many non-conventional eukaryotic hosts. 
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    Free, publicly-accessible full text available May 1, 2025
  4. Abstract  

    The multifaceted nature of CRISPR screens has propelled advancements in the field of functional genomics. Pooled CRISPR screens involve creating programmed genetic perturbations across multiple genomic sites in a pool of host cells subjected to a challenge, empowering researchers to identify genetic causes of desirable phenotypes. These genome-wide screens have been widely used in mammalian cells to discover biological mechanisms of diseases and drive the development of targeted drugs and therapeutics. Their use in non-model organisms, especially in microbes to improve bioprocessing-relevant phenotypes, has been limited. Further compounding this issue is the lack of bioinformatic algorithms for analyzing microbial screening data with high accuracy. Here, we describe the general approach and underlying principles for conducting pooled CRISPR knockout screens in non-conventional yeasts and performing downstream analysis of the screening data, while also reviewing state-of-the-art algorithms for identification of CRISPR screening outcomes. Application of pooled CRISPR screens to non-model yeasts holds considerable potential to uncover novel metabolic engineering targets and improve industrial bioproduction.

    One-Sentence Summary

    This mini-review describes experimental and computational approaches for functional genomic screening using CRISPR technologies in non-conventional microbes.

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  5. Abstract

    High throughput CRISPR screens are revolutionizing the way scientists unravel the genetic underpinnings of engineered and evolved phenotypes. One of the critical challenges in accurately assessing screening outcomes is accounting for the variability in sgRNA cutting efficiency. Poorly active guides targeting genes essential to screening conditions obscure the growth defects that are expected from disrupting them. Here, we develop acCRISPR, an end-to-end pipeline that identifies essential genes in pooled CRISPR screens using sgRNA read counts obtained from next-generation sequencing. acCRISPR uses experimentally determined cutting efficiencies for each guide in the library to provide an activity correction to the screening outcomes via calculation of an optimization metric, thus determining the fitness effect of disrupted genes. CRISPR-Cas9 and -Cas12a screens were carried out in the non-conventional oleaginous yeastYarrowia lipolyticaand acCRISPR was used to determine a high-confidence set of essential genes for growth under glucose, a common carbon source used for the industrial production of oleochemicals. acCRISPR was also used in screens quantifying relative cellular fitness under high salt conditions to identify genes that were related to salt tolerance. Collectively, this work presents an experimental-computational framework for CRISPR-based functional genomics studies that may be expanded to other non-conventional organisms of interest.

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  6. Abstract

    Plants sense abscisic acid (ABA) using chemical-induced dimerization (CID) modules, including the receptor PYR1 and HAB1, a phosphatase inhibited by ligand-activated PYR1. This system is unique because of the relative ease with which ligand recognition can be reprogrammed. To expand the PYR1 system, we designed an orthogonal ‘*’ module, which harbors a dimer interface salt bridge; X-ray crystallographic, biochemical and in vivo analyses confirm its orthogonality. We used this module to create PYR1*MANDI/HAB1* and PYR1*AZIN/HAB1*, which possess nanomolar sensitivities to their activating ligands mandipropamid and azinphos-ethyl. Experiments inArabidopsis thalianaandSaccharomyces cerevisiaedemonstrate the sensitive detection of banned organophosphate contaminants using living biosensors and the construction of multi-input/output genetic circuits. Our new modules enable ligand-programmable multi-channel CID systems for plant and eukaryotic synthetic biology that can empower new plant-based and microbe-based sensing modalities.

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