Electrocatalytically active titanium oxynitride (TiNO) thin films were fabricated on commercially available titanium metal plates using a pulsed laser deposition method for energy storage applications. The elemental composition and nature of bonding were analyzed using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to reveal the reacting species and active sites responsible for the enhanced electrochemical performance of the TiNO electrodes. Symmetric supercapacitor devices were fabricated using two TiNO working electrodes separated by an ion-transporting layer to analyze their real-time performance. The galvanostatic charge–discharge studies on the symmetric cell have indicated that TiNO films deposited on the polycrystalline titanium plates at lower temperatures are superior to TiNO films deposited at higher temperatures in terms of storage characteristics. For example, TiNO films deposited at 300 °C exhibited the highest specific capacity of 69 mF/cm2 at 0.125 mA/cm2 with an energy density of 7.5 Wh/cm2. The performance of this supercapacitor (300 °C TiNO) device is also found to be ∼22% better compared to that of a 500 °C TiNO supercapacitor with a capacitance retention ability of 90% after 1000 cycles. The difference in the electrochemical storage and capacitance properties is attributed to the reduced leaching away of oxygen from the TiNO films by the Ti plate at lower deposition temperatures, leading to higher oxygen content in the TiNO films and, consequently, a high redox activity at the electrode/electrolyte interface.
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Abstract Free, publicly-accessible full text available February 1, 2026 -
The peak power performance of ultrafast fiber lasers scales with fiber mode area, but large fibers host multiple modes that are difficult to control. We demonstrate a technique for single-mode operation of highly multimode fiber based on regenerative amplification. This results in a short-pulse fiber source with, to our knowledge, an unprecedented combination of features: high gain (>55dB) with negligible amplified spontaneous emission, high pulse energy (>50µJ), good beam quality (
M 2≤1.3), and transform-limited (300 fs) pulses from a single amplification stage. We discuss peak intensity scaling to much higher levels and other opportunities for short-pulse generation in regenerative fiber amplifiers. -
The nonlinear propagation of picosecond or femtosecond optical pulses in multimode fiber amplifiers underlies a variety of intriguing physical phenomena as well as the potential for scaling sources of ultrashort pulses to higher powers. However, existing theoretical models of ultrashort-pulse amplification do not include some critical processes, and, as a result, they fail to capture basic features of experiments. We introduce a numerical model that combines steady-state rate equations with the unidirectional pulse propagation equation, incorporating dispersion, Kerr and Raman nonlinearities, and gain/loss-spectral effects in a mode-resolved treatment that is computationally efficient. This model allows investigation of spatiotemporal processes that are strongly affected by gain dynamics. Its capabilities are illustrated through examinations of amplification in few-mode gain fiber, multimode nonlinear amplification, and beam cleaning in a multimode fiber amplifier.
The magnetocaloric effect (MCE) in iron (Fe) nanoparticles incorporated within a titanium nitride (TiN) thin-film matrix grown using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is investigated in this study. The study demonstrates the ability to control the entropy change across the magnetic phase transition by varying the size of the Fe nanoparticles. The structural characterization carried out using X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and scanning transmission electron (TEM) showed that TiN films are (111) textured, while the Fe-particles are mostly spherical in shapes, are single-crystalline, and have a coherent structure with the surrounding TiN thin-film matrix. The TiN thin-film matrix was chosen as a spacer layer since it is nonmagnetic, is highly corrosion-resistive, and can serve as an excellent conduit for extracting heat due to its high thermal conductivity (11 W/m K). The magnetic properties of Fe–TiN systems were investigated using a superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) magnetometer. In-plane magnetic fields were applied to record magnetization versus field (M–H) and magnetization versus temperature (M–T) curves. The results showed that the Fe–TiN heterostructure system exhibits a substantial isothermal entropy change (ΔS) over a wide temperature range, encompassing room temperature to the blocking temperature of the Fe nanoparticles. Using Maxwell’s relation and analyzing magnetization–temperature data under different magnetic fields, quantitative insights into the isothermal entropy change (ΔS) and magnetocaloric effect (MCE) were obtained for the Fe–TiN heterostructure system. The study points out a considerable negative change in ΔS that reaches up to 0.2 J/kg K at 0.2 T and 300 K for the samples with a nanoparticle size on the order of 7 nm. Comparative analysis revealed that Fe nanoparticle samples demonstrate higher refrigeration capacity (RC) in comparison to Fe thin-film multilayer samples, with the RC increasing as the Fe particle size decreases. These findings provide valuable insights into the potential application of Fe–TiN heterostructures in solid-state cooling technologies, highlighting their enhanced magnetocaloric properties.
Kerr beam cleaning is a nonlinear phenomenon in graded-index multimode fiber where power flows toward the fundamental mode, generating bell-shaped output beams. Here we study beam cleaning of femtosecond pulses accompanied by gain in a multimode fiber amplifier. Mode-resolved energy measurements and numerical simulations showed that the amplifier generates beams with high fundamental mode content (greater than 30% of the overall pulse energy) for a wide range of amplification levels. Control experiments using stretched pulses that evolve without strong Kerr nonlinear effects showed a degrading beam profile, in contrast to nonlinear beam cleaning. Temporal measurements showed that seed pulse parameters have a strong effect on the amplified pulse quality. These results may influence the design of future high-performance fiber lasers and amplifiers.
Mamyshev oscillators produce high-performance pulses, but technical and practical issues render them unsuitable for widespread use. Here we present a Mamyshev oscillator with several key design features that enable self-starting operation and unprecedented performance and simplicity from an all-fiber laser. The laser generates 110 nJ pulses that compress to 40 fs and 80 nJ with a grating pair. The pulse energy and duration are both the best achieved by a femtosecond all-fiber laser to date, to our knowledge, and the resulting peak power of 1.5 MW is 20 times higher than that of prior all-fiber, self-starting lasers. The simplicity of the design, ease of use, and pulse performance make this laser an attractive tool for practical applications.
We present a spatiotemporally mode-locked Mamyshev oscillator. A wide variety of multimode mode-locked states, with varying degrees of spatiotemporal coupling, are observed. We find that some control of the modal content of the output beam is possible through the cavity design. Comparison of simulations with experiments indicates that spatiotemporal mode locking (STML) is enabled by nonlinear intermodal interactions and spatial filtering, along with the Mamyshev mechanism. This work represents a first, to the best of our knowledge, exploration of STML in an oscillator with a Mamyshev saturable absorber.